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I love my mother an abnormal amount, even when she forces me to call distant relatives, dialing the phone and pressing it into my cheek while my eyes get hot and watery.

She pulls rank all the time and once judo-flipped me on my back in a grocery store to remind me where things stood. She is my favorite and it makes me crazy.

She’s really foreign. You’d think it would kill her to get store-bought snacks. She grew up in Korea where filled with Koreans. She married a Korean and then moved to Hong Kong in her mid-30. I was 11 months and my brother was two years. This was back when Hong Kong was a British colony, which meant we were living in Asia with heaps of Australians and bronzed Europeans.

In any case, I can speak four languages and am a ruthless assimilation ninja. My mother, on the other hand, speaks English poorly with a screwy, poncy Korean British accent, as if she learned it from watching a 1960s Merchant-Ivory movie.

She’s also ridiculously formal, deeply private and not a joiner. She transitions poorly. The move to Hong Kong with two little kids and an absentee partner was rough. My father had elected to set up a shipping company. He was out of the country for eight months of the year, and sometime around my tenth birthday I discovered that he spoke conversational Russian for reasons that remain murky.

School was awful. Lunch tasted bad. My mom would pack the dumbest garbage. She once smeared bits of raw garlic left over from making kimchi onto white sandwich bread, thinking that’s how the garlic bread advertised at Pizza Hut was born.

I waited until she got off work that night and yelled at her with rank breath. I’d eaten most of the seemingly innocent square, elated that a sandwich had turned up at all in a lunch box that usually contained punishment food that sometimes had eyes.

One lunch, I was dragging myself around the playground when I saw my mom standing by the fence, waving big and calling my name. I wanted so badly to ignore her. She was supposed to be at work, so I was suspicious.

I began to back away so she started shouting loud enough to be heard over the playground din. I shuffled towards her with every intention to roundhouse-bludgeon her with my plastered arm. She held out a paper box. It was a McDonald’s happy meal: a cheeseburger one, which was my favorite.

The offering was so out of character that I considered it a bribe. I asked her what was going on. She mentioned something about how she wanted me to have a lunch that I liked.

I then did what any normal kid would do and yelled about how embarrassing it was to have her at school with me during lunch of all times.

She presented me with a sack of cheeseburgers that I could give out to my friends. I refused the damp bag and screeched about how it was so cheap that she didn’t spring for bright red boxes with toys for them as well.

I made her take the burgers back with her. If I were an actress and had to think of something sad to make me cry in a scene, I would think about this moment.

I think about my mom all the time and can’t stand it. When she rings during a meal, I get indigestion if I don’t call her back immediately. I don’t go home for birthdays or holidays, and on the occasions I do visit.

I express my affection in strange ways. I wait for her to fall asleep, peer over her body and imagine what it’d be like if she died. I just stand there, hot silent tears coursing down my face.

We’re not a demonstrative family, but I love my mom and it’s a secret. I love her so much it kills me, and I’d sooner die than tell her. To some extent, I want her to know though. Maybe someone could tell her for me, someone who isn’t my dad, because that would be weird.















