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I’m lonely in LA

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罗伯特・帕丁森是2008年底最炙手可热的明星。《哈利・波特》中的全能神童塞德里克・迪戈里 (Cedric Diggory) 让Robert成为一颗英伦新星,而在新魔幻大片《暮色》(Twilight) 中,他又变成俊美与危险兼备的吸血鬼!一个人既可以是《哈利・波特》中的优等生Cedric Diggory,又是《暮色》三部曲的吸血鬼男孩爱德华・库伦吗?这是令两本书的很多粉丝感到难以置信的事实,同时也是被称为“下一个裘德・洛”的Robert想要竭力证明的东西。

The first time we speak to 22-year-old Robert Pattinson, it’s very late at night. Fitting, as he’s best known for playing Twilight vampire Edward Cullen.

The down side to Twilight is that you’re never in the UK. Who do you miss most? 拍摄《暮色》离开英国的那段时间,你最想念谁?

Honestly? I really miss my dog. She’s a West Highland White. I love her. She’s old and I’m terrified every time I see her it could be the last. I’m gonna give her some sort of super-hormone treatment so she lives forever. I’ll get her a bionic skeleton. She’ll be Superdog.

And apart from missing the dog, how does LA life suit you? 除了想念你的狗狗,你适应洛杉矶的生活吗?

It can be quite lonely at times because I still don’t have friends here. Actually, I tend to spend a lot of time alone. The rest of the time I’m not filming, I’m just sat by the phone waiting for interviews. I really should get myself sorted.

Was there a moment when you realized you were famous? 你是在某一瞬间意识到自己成名了吗?

My brain still hasn’t registered this is happening. My sister notices it more than me. She flew out to la, turned to me and said, “You’re living in Hollywood as an actor. What is going on?” it’s nuts.

And when did you realize you were the hottest man alive? Or have you always known? 你什么时间意识到自己成了最热门的明星?还是你一直都知道?

I don’t see myself as good-looking. I was cool between the ages of 14 and 15. I found my cool over the summer. I was the man. Then I came back to school and I’d lost it. I don’t know what happened.

Come on. You were cast as Edward―The most beautiful man that ever lived. 喔,你扮演的爱德华可是至今为止最帅的男人。

I know! I still don’t understand that. At the audition I just put all that stuff out of my head and tried to play a tortured soul. I must have done something right.

Every girl we know loves you. Did you get attention when you were in happy? 到处都是喜欢你的女生。你是不是连和朋友玩时也会被关注?

No way. I only had one frenzied fan experience with Harry Potter and that was when we were shooting in Oxford. There was a bus of French schoolgirls and they went completely crazy when they saw us. But that seems to be the case everywhere I go now.

What’s the weirdest thing a fan has done for you? 影迷对你做过最不可思议的事是什么?

When Twilight came out in the US I had girls leaving notes on my car every day. They’re start off by saying, “I’m not weird or anything but just call me.” Then the next day there’d be one going, “Please don’t ignore me, I’m not weird.” Followed by one saying something like, “I’m really going to freak out if you don’t call!” And they say they’re not weird.

So has all this fame and adoration changed you? Honestly? 坦诚地说,成为明星改变了你吗?

Not at all. Although I do speak with an American accent when I’m in the States, otherwise people don’t understand me. I have to be like, “ Hi I’m Rab!” If I say Rob they’re like, “who?” I picked up the accent pretty easily for the film. I think the girls like my English accent more.

Finally, tell us a secret? Preferably your darkest one. 能告诉我们你的一个秘密吗?最隐私的一个哦!

My secrets are secrets for a reason! I wear the same clothes nearly every single day. Without washing them. Well, I wash them when the smell becomes unbearable. I can’t even stand my own personal hygiene. I’m not lazy to wash.