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【中图分类号】G633.4 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2015)30-0056-02




执教内容为译林版《牛津高中英语》模块四第一单元 Reading板块的语篇“Advertisements”。本单元以“广告”为话题,旨在让学生了解广告的定义、种类、做广告的方式及与广告宣传活动相关的知识。Reading部分是一篇说明文,结构非常清晰,由什么是广告、哪里可以见到广告入手,说到广告的两大主要类型,举例说明两类广告在目的和手段两方面的区别,最后提醒读者用恰当的态度对待广告。




本节课教学设计的总体流程为:感知(what we see)―― 感悟(what we learn)―― 创造(what we can do)――再思考(express what we feel)



基于英语学科的课程理念,此课时的核心思想是:(1)学生:发展自主学习能力、思维能力和表达能力,学而明,学而悟,学而用。(2)教师:回归chalk & talk,发挥语言魅力,发掘自身潜力,帮助学生解决学习过程中出现的困难。(3)师生:思维碰撞,平等对话,共同成长。


Step 1.感知(what we see)


T:Let’s enjoy a video clip together.While watching,please try to remember as much information as you can.(利用多媒体播放一则广告串烧)

T:What did you see just now?


T:How many ads did you see just now?

S:Many, many.(学生笑)

T:Could you tell me some based on your memory?

S1:Duang (shampoo)...



T:It seems that you are so familiar with these ads. Why are you so familiar with them?

S:Because we often see them on TV.

T:Where else can we often see or read ads?

S:In the street, on the newspapers, on the Internet...

T:Since you are so familiar with ads, could you tell me what an ad is according to your understanding?

S:Ads use words and pictures to sell us some products.

T:Pay attention to the ads on the left(PPT左栏). What do these ads have in common?

S:They want to sell us some products.

T:Yes. And what about this website―Ganji?What does it want to sell us?

S:A service.

T:So,boys and girls. These ads that want to sell us a product or a service are called “Commercial ads”, so they must be paid by someone. (板书CAs-paid)Pay attention to the ads on the right(PPT右栏). What do these ads have in common?(学生回答不出)

T:look at the ad for milk bottles. In fact this ad aims to persuade us to believe in the idea that recycling is important and necessary. So besides commercial ads, there’re another kind of ads called “Public service ads”. They are often run for free. A typical example is “China Dream”.(板书PSAs-free)

T(小结):Ads are everywhere nowadays. Ads use words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or a service, or believe in an idea. There’re two main types of ads: CAs and PSAs.


Step 2. 感悟(what we learn)


T:Do you think ads tell us the complete truth?(板书always the truth?)

S:No. (板书加上Not)

T:Here is an example. Have you ever heard of this piece of news?(显示佳洁士被罚款 )Do you know how they trick us?(学生摇头)

T:Well, we can refer to our textbook for help. Read Para.3 and answer:1.What are the two examples of CAs given by the writer in this paragraph?2. How do CAs trick us according to these examples?


T(小结):They play on words, that is, use clever language to trick people into buying their products. Have you ever been tricked by any commercial ads? Share your story with each other.


T:So,we can see sometimes“slogans”play an important role. Let’s look at some typical ones.

《模块四读本》18 Advertising slogans:Match the advertising slogans with the companies.(略)

T:Not all ads trick us, though. We’ve got another kind of ads――PSAs. Read Para.4 in your textbook and answer: 1. What do PSAs aim to do? 2. What are the examples of PSAs given by the writer in this paragraph?


T:Since China began a nationwide public service advertising campaign in 1996, various types of good and instructive PSAs have appeared. Here is one that impresses me most. Let’s enjoy it together and tell me what message the PSA wants to convey to us?

S:It’s about warm love in a family.

T:What is the PSA that impresses you most?Share it with us.



Step 3. 创造(what we can do)

选择贴近师生的素材,让学生自主选择:Choice 1:用教师的DIY技能和作品,创设情景让学生帮助设计一个“Jessy’s DIY Club”的广告方案。Choice 2:请学生为自己的母校百年校庆设计宣传广告,以扩大影响力和吸引更多生源。同时用教材配套读本L18+22的两篇文本,给学生以启发。寓教于乐,让学生亲自体验设计广告的乐趣。

T:Up to now,we’ve learned much about ads. We know that...(根据板书小结)Therefore,when it comes to ads,be smart and don’t be slaves to them!

T:Well,have you ever thought of designing an ad by yourself?(学生摇头)Now,you’ve got a chance. Work in groups of four. Choice 1:Design an ad for my club――Jessy’s DIY club in order to attract more students to join my club. Choice 2:Design an ad for your school(Nanjing Zhonghua High School)in order to make it better-known by the public and attract more students to study here.(PPT展示两种选择的相关图片和信息)As to how to design a good ad, you can turn to Page 17 for reference.(学生表现出色)


Step 4. 再思考(express what we feel)

课后作业:推荐学生观看国外公益广告视频“Look Up”,并用书面形式写下感想。

