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Module 10Units 3―4 单元练习潘井正Unit 3

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cure... of; on the contrary; bid for; have access to; for the first time; get addicted to; be referred to as; range from... to; in that; pass... on to

1. It is reported that 80% of patients can the disease.

2. The show had a massive audience, children grandparents.

3. It is surprising that 50 million Americans are thought nicotine.

4. When Tom came here , I knew what he wanted.

5. The abbreviations of Aids and HIV are different Aids is pronounced as one word: /eidz/, while HIV is pronounced letter by letter /eit aivi/.

6. Any increase in our costs will have to the consumers.

7. It doesnt seem ugly to me; , I think its rather beautiful.

8. Today, more and more people the Internet through which they look for the information they need.

9. Sometimes, culture our mental programming, our “software of the mind”.

10. So far, several firms the contract to build the new concert hall.


1. The new house is similar they both have a large garden with many kinds of flowers.

A. to whatB. in which

C. in thatD. to which

2. Our teachers always tell us to believe in we do and who we are if we want to succeed.

A. whyB. how

C. whatD. Which

3. Since you have a job, yourself to it and finally youll succeed.

A. do devoteB. dont devote

C. devotingD. not devoting

4. It was the exam results were known a lot of time on computer games.

A. not until; did the boy begin to regret having wasted

B. until; that the boy began to regret to have wasted

C. not until; that the boy began to regret wasting

D. until; did the boy begin to regret to waste

5. We saw the man lying on the ground, .

A. unconsciousB. unaware

C. unconfirmedD. unconcerned

6. After all things had been discussed, the meeting was with the applause.

A. completedB. composed

C. constructedD. concluded

7. Believe it or not, Levys sister suddenly tears when we were eating.

A. burst outB. burst into

C. broke intoD. brought out

8. is known to us all that the old worker, for life was hard in the past, still works hard in his seventies.

A. As; whomB. What; whose

C. It; whoseD. It; whom

9. I tried all I could do the topic at the meeting, but failed.

A. avoid mentioningB. to avoid mentioning

C. avoiding to mentionD. avoiding mentioning

10. More highways have been built in China, it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.

A. makingB. made

C. to makeD. having made

11. My former English teacher, who in our school for over 20 years, now lives in his hometown in Yangzhou.

A. has workedB. worked

C. had workedD. works

12. ―Since theres nothing better to do, we as well go straight home.

―OK, though I hate to do so.

A. mayB. can

C. shouldD. must

13. Entering the house we found him lying on the bed with his mouth and eyes .

A. open; closeB. opened; closed

C. opened; closeD. open; closed

14. We were two hours late that day, which was due to the .

A. crowded trafficB. crowded traffics

C. busy trafficD. busy traffics

15. She looks very but I cant remember her name.

A. similarB. familiar

C. friendlyD. strange


1. 与许多人所想象的不同,艾滋病不会通过蚊子叮咬而传播。

many people think, HIV cannot through mosquitoes, ...

2. 全球有超过三千万人携带艾滋病病毒。

There are 30 million people with HIV worldwide.

3. 艾滋病病毒在全球传播速度非常快,每天大约有7000人受到感染。

HIV is spreading across the world , with about 7,000 people the virus daily.

4. 这个组织也教导年轻人如何预防艾滋病,并建立治疗中心,让携带艾滋病病毒的母亲们得到药物,有助于防止她们把病毒传给孩子。

It also teaches young people how to Aids, and treatment centers mothers with HIV can receive medicine to help them HIV their children.

5. 酒精也被归类到镇定剂,尽管它是合法的,但它会损害肝脏,如果大量饮用会产生巨大伤害。

Alcohol also a downer, and although it is legal, it can damage the liver and do great harm if in large quantities.

unit 4


be charged with; run out of; put into effect; join forces; smooth; be faced with; cheat... of; compensate for; involve; consider

1. Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which spending quite a lot of time with students.

2. There is no easy matter, but the policy is set and must .

3. It is of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.

4. Everything seemed to be going for the first two days after I moved to New York.

5. The buyer strongly demanded that the seller the damage.

6. What astonished us is that Tom who was thought to be clear his rightful inheritance.

7. murder, the man was sentenced to death at last.

8. What troubled me was that I the awful job of breaking the bad news to the girls family.

9. Money and they had to abandon the project.

10. At last, the two companies and won a major contract.


1. When he woke up, he found his watch gone. It seemed that he suspected me it.

A. to stealB. steal

C. of stealingD. stealing

2. with the present global difficult economic situation, many people dont dare to invest money in stock market any more.

A. To faceB. Having faced

C. FacedD. Facing

3. is no doubt the Earth moves around the Sun.

A. There; thatB. It; that

C. There; whetherD. It; whether

4. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% sold abroad.

A. of whichB. of whose

C. of themD. of that

5. Under regulations, airline employees must all baggage that passengers carry onto the plane.

A. inspectB. expect

C. suspectD. involve

6. I still remember my happy childhood when my mother take me to Disneyland at weekends.

A. mightB. must

C. wouldD. should

7. The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

A. broke downB. broke out

C. broke upD. broke in

8. After he retired from office, Rogers painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

A. took upB. saved up

C. kept upD. drew up

9. A society was set up to the endangered animal and plant life from dying out in this area.

A. reserveB. preserve

C. observeD. deserve

10. Companies must consider how they data so that their employees can find it fast.

A. classifyB. recognize

C. storeD. accumulate

11. The copying of music under copyright without permission is stealing from the musicians, who to be paid for their hard work.

A. as if; preserveB. just as; preserve

C. just like; deserveD. almost; deserve

12. A modern city has been set up in was a wasteland ten years ago.

A. whatB. which

C. thatD. where

13. My English teacher is really very kind. Ill never forget the he has done me.

A. favorB. deed

C. helpD. value

14. If we go on using energy so wastefully, are that our oil wells will be dried up before new energy sources can be found to replace oil.

A. chancesB. difficulties

C. questionsD. problems

15. I strongly suggest that information in my report to Brown without delay.

A. to be referred to; to be emailed

B. referred to; be emailed