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I treasure the sunrise, especially from my back window. Our house and garden 2)overlook the Indian Ocean, and it never ceases to amaze me how 3)exquisite this time of the day really is―the very first glow in the sky, almost a grey to pink 4)mother-of-pearl shade. The air is 5)crisp and almost chilly, strange for this part of Africa. Then, there is the odd bird song (although it is said African birds don’t sing, they make a wonderful dawn chorus), and gradually the sky is 6)touched with more and more pink, finally turning to gold.

I live in a town called Amanzimtoti, which is a 7)Zulu word meaning “sweet waters.” The town is about a 15-minute drive from Durban, which is on the east coast of South Africa in a province called KwaZulu-Natal. My husband and I are originally from the UK, and our families and friends are spread throughout the world. I have lived in South Africa since I was eight years old; my husband came here when he was 27.

This continent is a place of great 8)upheaval. AIDS is a major threat to the future, and 9)starvation is very much in existence. There is a great deal of violence amongst the different 10)sects, tribes, and races, and like the Middle East, problems seem to be based on religion and politics. And yet in the midst of all this exists another side of South Africa: its natural 11)splendor. I never cease to marvel at it through my window.

At the moment, it is the beginning of spring here, and the days are absolutely beautiful. The sea is a never-ending source of delight―so 12)moody, sometimes as calm as a lake, sometimes terrifyingly powerful―and the color is never the same. It can change by the hour from almost 13)navy blue to a 14)grim grey.

Looking at the sea always reminds me of our winter. The yearly migration of all the sea birds and sea creatures heading north away from the Antarctic is quite a 15)site to see. The “16)Sardine Run,” as it is locally known, is the time when literally millions of sardines (they are actually larger than an average 17)pilchard) head towards the shores of southeastern Africa. Of course, all the 18)game fish―sharks, 19)blue marlin, and the like―20)follow suit.

The “non-fish”―the dolphins (in 21)schools of hundreds) and the whales―are loveliest of all. The dolphins seem like such fun creatures; they literally jump for joy. And the whales are simply awe-inspiring. From our house, you glance out to sea and suddenly spot this 22)spurt of water, and the next minute another, and then the whales surface and 23)splash their tails. The incredible size of these creatures is absolutely 24)breathtaking, no matter how many times I see them. In the middle of all this, the 25)gannets(26)gull-like birds) dive into the sea to catch the sardines and get so full that they end up resting in groups of thousands, just floating together. They look like huge white islands, and as the sun sets, it seems to pick out these white masses of birds on the sea.

All the birds I see―the yellow 27)weavers, African 28)robins, tiny glossy-colored 29)manikins and, in summer, European swallows―are amazing. But other than the 30)Malachite kingfishers, which love to 31)swoop through the yard, most impressive are the 32)ibises (their heads appear in the Egyptian tombs as the heads of some of the 33)Pharaohs). The ibis is a very large bird with a very long, 34)pointed beak. We have a family of four who wander around the shallow pool of water in the yard. The fascinating thing is that this one ibis leaps in and swims right across it. But, not being“waterproof” like ducks and other water birds, it suddenly realizes it is sinking and, with great flaps of wings, lifts itself out, only to shake itself again and get back in for another swim!

The view out my back window reminds me not only of this country’s diversity and richness, but also of the glimmers of hope I witness here. In the midst of the suffering, I’ve been inspired by very 35)impoverished families who have 36)battled and succeeded in finally seeing their sons or daughters graduate from university with degrees in medicine and education. I am amazed when these sons and daughters then go on bringing enthusiasm to those children in this country who have only ever imagined a 37)bleak future. When I reflect on their accomplishments and how they will work to make life more hopeful and beautiful for the generations that follow them, I gain a whole new perspective on the view from my house, the birds beyond my window, and my own place in this complicated world.





望着大海总能让我想起我们的冬天。每年,所有的海鸟和海洋生物从南极北迁而至,确实是个相当值得一看的场面。 当地所说的“沙丁鱼赛跑”,指的是数百万沙丁鱼(它们实际上比一般的沙丁鱼大)朝着非洲东南部海岸前行。当然,所有的猎用鱼类,如鲨鱼、蓝枪鱼等,也会紧随其后。



