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The note I picked up from my mailboxat school read, "Call Margaret at 555-6167."Both the name and number were unfamiliarto me, but as a high-school automotiveinstructor, I got calls all the time frompeople who were looking for someone to fixtheir cars. During my lunchtime at schoolthat day, I dialed the number.

"I'm calling for a Margaret," Isaid. "Yes, this is Margaret," a voiceanswered."This is Ron Wenn. I have amessage here that says to call you," Icontinued, all the while wondering whatkind of car trouble this woman had."Oh, I'mglad you called. If you'll just give me a few


“我找玛格丽特。”.我说。“是的,我是玛格丽特。”一个声音回答道。“我是罗恩・文。有人留言让我给您打电话。”我继续说,心里则一直在想这位女士的汽车遇到了什么麻烦。“哦,我很高兴您能打电话。如果您给我几分钟,我minutes of your time, I have something totell you that I think you'll be interested inhearing.""All right," I answered looking atthe clock. I only had a few minutes before Ineeded to be back in class.

"I'm a nurse at St. Luke's PresbyterianHospital, and yesterday on my way homefrom work I was driving down 290 whenmy car started acting up." "Uh huh," I saidlooking at the clock again. "It was late atnight, and I was alone. I was so afraid topull over, but finally my car just quit, so Icoasted to the shoulder. I sat there for a fewminutes wondering what to do." I didn'twant to sound impatient, but I really neededto get back to class. "Would you like me totake a look at your car, ma'am?" I asked."Just let me finish," the woman answered.

I tapped my pencil on the stack ofpapers in front of me as Margaret continuedher story. "Suddenly, two young guys, abouttwenty years old, pulled up behind me andgot out. I didn't know what these guys weregoing to do. I was so scared."

"They asked me what happened, andthey said that from the sound of things thatthey might be able to get the car runningagain, so I popped the hood. " I sat in thecar praying that these guys weren't up to nogood. A few minutes later, they yelled atme to try to start the car. I couldn't believeit! It started right up! The guys slammed thehood and told me the car would be fine but会告诉您一些我认为您会感兴趣的事。”“好吧!”我一边回答一边看了看时钟,还有几分钟我就得回班里授课了。



“他们询问了我情况,并说从汽车的声音来判断,他们也许能重新启动汽车,于是我掀开了引擎盖。我坐在车里祈祷这两个小伙子别不怀好意。几分钟后,他们招呼我试着发动汽车。我真不敢相信!汽车立即就启动了!小伙子们关上引擎盖,告诉我汽车没事,但应该尽快找地方做一次that I should take it somewhere soon andget it checked out."

"And you'd like me to take a lookat it and make sure everything's okay,right?" I asked. "No, not at all, just listen," the woman went on. "I was so grateful. Ithanked them over and over and offeredthem money, but they wouldn't take it.That's when they told me they were formerstudents of yours." "What?" I asked insurprise. "Students of mine? Who werethey? They wouldn't tell me. They justgave me your name and the school's numberand made me promise to call to thank you."

I couldn't believe it. I didn't knowwhat to say. Besides teaching my studentsabout fixing cars, I always tried to teachthem things about life-about going theextra mile, being honest and using what youknow to help other people. The thing is Inever really knew if the students learnedany of this.

"Mr. Wenn, are you still there?"Margaret asked. "I'm still here," I answered."Well, I hope you know how grateful Iam," Margaret said. "I hope you know howgrateful I am to you, Margaret. Thanks forcalling," I said and hung up the phone.

I walked back to class feeling inspiredwith the knowledge that my students hadhelped someone because of what I taughtthem in my classroom. I had just gotten thegreatest reward a teacher could ever get.检修。”




