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The Risk Evaluation of Enterprise Technological Innovation Network Based on Exte

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Abstract. Growing competition has prompted enterprises to choose construct Technological Innovation Network to promote innovation, however the innovation network is a risky innovation system, how to carry out a comprehensive risk assessment of the innovation network is particularly important. This paper focused on the technological innovation network risk analysis, used extenics to define which risk levels should these various risk factors in technological innovation network belongs to. And used Shanghai Caohejing hi tech park to do the empirical research, comfirmed risk factors which have the larger influence on technological innovation network.Enterprises can face them as the main objects of enterprise risk management, in order to improve the success rate of the innovation of the enterprise technological innovation network.

Keywords:Technological Innovation Network; risk management; extenics

1. Introduction

The enormous pressure of survival and competition makes enterprises must rely oncontinuous innovation to achieve sustainable development.The technological innovation network is a model of enterprise technology innovation, brings benefits but also high risks.

How to avoid or reduce these risks,the first stepis to identify risk factors existin the innovation network.Some scholars researched on the risk factorsin the government-university- industrycooperation innovation, some scholars researched on the risk factors of cooperation innovation between enterprises. Butthe research perspective mostly based on the risks caused by mutual cooperation between enterprises.The study of risk factors of technological innovation network in this paper, from the perspective of global innovation networks, consideringall behavior in the network may impact on theinnovation enterprise, pointed out the presence of risk factors, and usesd extension to evaluate these risk factors, has the certain guide function to the enterprise risk management of innovation network.

2. Content of Enterprise Technological Innovation Network

Enterprise technological innovation network refers to:In order to get information, resources, technologies from external continuously, enterprises use contracts, social relations or information networks to cooperation withenterprises,university,govern-ment, research institutions, as well as the intermediary organizations, put the internal and external innovation resources together. That is a certain region of the enterprises and various actors (universities, scientific research institutes, local government,inter-mediary organizations, financial institutions and so on) established relatively stable, can stimulate or promote innovation, has local embeddedness, the sum of formal or informal relations.

3. Analysis of risk factors of enterprise

technology innovation network

The technological innovation network is a form of innovation that enterprise technology innovation developed to a certain stage.Technological innovation network is not only contain seeking innovative enterprises, also includes the behavior subjects of many other industries, which greatly increases the risk.In order to analyze the risk of technological innovation network, we shouldconsider the all subjects in technology innovation networks. In this paper, through consulted massive literature and comparated research, proposed the following risk factors on enterprise technology innovation network.

4. Construct Extension Risk evaluation Model ofTechnical Innovation Network

4.1 The basic extension theory of matter element

The correlation function of matter element R0.

4.2 To Establish The Model of Extension Risk Assessment

1. The level of risk of the classic domain Qi and domain Qu

2.Determine the to be evaluated risk

Risk factors results use below matter element matrix to show.

3. Determine the correlation degree of risk assessment level

(1) "Proximity"Theory

(2) Correlation Function and Correlation Degree

Correlation function is defined as follows


Correlation Degree for Risk Rjp on the level j

ak as the weight coefficient to judge factor,

Weights for first level of index Ci:ak=ri/,also can determine the weights of second level of index Cik。

4. Evalution the level of risk

Evaluating risk Rip belongs to the class j0.

5. Empirical Study

Shanghai Caohejing New Technology Development Zones approved by the State Council in 1988 as a national economic and Technological Development Zone. Has been formated four major industries of microelectronics, optoelectronics, computer software and newmaterials, builted research and development, network operation, financial data, technological innovation four centers, is building a "Double good Park”, ”Digital Campus", "International Garden" three parks.

According to the characteristics of the risk factors of enterprise technology innov- ation network in Caohejing New Technology Development Zone, risks can be divided into so small, small, general, big and so big 5 levels, namely U={U1,U2,U3,U4,U5},and provides the level of scoring standards are ,,,,.According to the risk assessment standards, risk categories’ classical domain and joint domain can be achieved,and using expert scoring method to assess the score of each risk factor,all joint domain is .

Matter element model for evaluating risk factors as shown in the following table.

According to equation (5) (6) can calculate the correlation function of the sencond level of indexes, the results in table 3.

According to equation (8) can be calculated by the weight of the sencond level of indexes, the results in table 4.

According to equation (7) can be calculated relational degree of each first level indicators on the evaluation level, results in table 5.

Finally, according to equation (9) can achieve the risk level of the first level indicators, calculated from the table, the results can be seen, the political risk and market risk belongs to a small degree of risk, financial risk belongs to the generallevel of risk, technology risk and cooperation risk belongs to the high level of risk, moral risk, relationship risk and organization risk belongs to a very high level of risk.

6 Summary

In the enterprise technological innovation network of the risk management process, risk factors identification, risk level assessment are the first and important steps in risk management, can make the partners in the technological innovation network accurate understanding of the sources of risks in innovation network, risk status and risk level. Through extension risk assessment empirical research on Shanghai Caohejing Deve- lopment Zone, we can see,the technical risk, cooperation risk,moral risk, relationship risk and organization risk are the key risk factors of technological innovation network. Enterprises in technological innovation network want to management risk reasonably, must focus on management of these key risk factors, in order to ensure the smooth progress of technological innovation.


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