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………… 以介词构成固定搭配,短语形式简而优 …………

英语中,介词是重要的“功能词”,是遣词造句的纽带。据统计,英语中有286个介词,但我们最常用的是at, for, from, in, of, on, to, with, by等。

能否用好介词是一个人英语能力强弱的重要标志之一。比如“他英语学得好”可以说He knows English very well,但如果用以下几个句子表达,显然看起来更“高大上”:

He is good/expert at English.

He does well in English.

He has a good knowledge/command of English.


比如要表达“前门大街长800余米,有600多年历史,街上有300余家商铺”,同学们一般会写成:Qianmen Street is more than 800 metres long. It has a history of more than 600 years. There are about 300 shops along it.


Qianmen Street is an 800-metre-long ancient street with a history of 600 years, along which there are more than 300 shops.

或者:Qianmen Street is a long street with a length of 800 metres and a history of 600 years,along which there are more than 300 shops.

或者:Qianmen Street,which is 800 metres in length,has a history of 600 years. With more than 300 shops the street is among the symbols of Beijing.

………… 以分词精练句子,突出重点添文采 …………


When he learned my trouble, my uncle advised me to talk frankly with my parents and present my real thoughts to them.

把这个长句中由when引导的从句和and present my real thoughts to them这一分句改为现在分词形式,不仅句子精简了,内容也有了主次之分,my uncle advised me to talk frankly with my parents作为重点被突出了:

Having learned my trouble, my uncle advised me to talk frankly with my parents, presenting my real thoughts.

………… 以连词承接过渡,句意连贯显层次 …………


并列连词用来连接平行的词、短语或分句,主要有and, but, or, so, yet, however, nevertheless, as well as, both... and, not only... but also, either... or, neither... nor 等;

从属连词用来引导从句,主要有after, when, before, as, while, since, until, although, if, unless, because, as if, now that, so/such... that, as long as等;

关系代词和关系副词的作用类似连词,主要有anyhow, therefore, besides, moreover, also, too, still, then, thus, consequently等。


①Tom saw a bird. The bird was wounded. He took the bird to the zoo. The workers in the zoo praised him. He arrived home late. He was happy.

②Tom saw a wounded bird, so he took the bird to the zoo. The workers in the zoo praised him. Though he arrived home late, he was happy.


再来看一例,题目要求“根据‘Film or book, which do you prefer?’这个话题,发表自己的看法”,你的选择是看电影,因为看电影省时间,且电影比书本更有趣易懂,你会怎么写?

参考答案:Seeing a film not only saves time but also gives us information as well as a sense of enjoyment. Besides, the film can deliver the message clearly so that the ideas are easily understood.