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摘 要: 本文通过对《墨子・尚贤中》部分内容的两个英译版本进行比较研究,探讨了不同的译本所遵循的翻译原则和所运用的翻译技巧。

关键词: 《墨子・尚贤中》 英译 对比




版本1:in caring for the people,ruling the state,and governing the country

版本2:in caring for the people,presiding over the altars of the soil and grain,and ordering the state

“社稷”指“国家”,版本1采用意译的方法译成“ruling the state”,而版本2直接按照字面意思,采用直译的方法译成“presiding over the altars of the soil and grain”。版本1用简洁的词语清楚地表达了其含义,能够让外国读者清楚地了解其含义;版本2采用了直译的方法,比较全面,体现了原文中的文化,但对中国文化不是很熟悉的外国读者而言有一定的难度,不利于对文章的理解,如果能加以注释,则能让外国读者理解。


版本1:the rulers desire permanency and stability

版本2:the ruler and high officials these days strive for stability and seek to avoid any error

“王公大人”版本1译成“the rulers”,该译文采用了省略的翻译方法,未将“大人”译出;而版本2译成“the ruler and high officials”,更为全面地译出了句子的主语所包含的对象包括“大人”。

“欲修保而勿失”中“勿失”解释为“没有错失”。版本1根据上下文的意思直接与“修保”合二为一译成“permanency and stability”,亦采用了省略的方法,此译文简洁明了、清晰,虽省略了对“勿失”的翻译,但表达到位不影响对整句话的理解,该译法是在对上下文通读的基础上采取的,译法较为灵活。


版本1:Why do they not learn that exaltation of the virtuous is the foundation of government?

版本2:Why do they fail to perceive that honoring the worthy is the foundation of government?

就“不察”的翻译,版本2选用“fail to perceive”,版本1选用“not learn”,笔者认为版本2的“fail to”更为贴切地译出了作者对“尚贤”的迫切要求,对不能看到“尚贤为政之本也”表示失望,从语言层面上说该译法更符合作者的急切心情。

尚贤:崇尚贤能之才之意。版本1中“尚贤”译为“exaltation of the virtuous”,版本2译为“honoring the worthy”,exaltation有“提拔”之意,honor为“尊敬”之意,两个词在侧重点上有所不同,就从词义而言,也许honor更为贴切,但从通篇来看,exaltation是基于对文章意思的深刻理解基础上,强调要“提拔”贤能之士,要重用他们,应该说“exaltation of the virtuous”更符合作者所谓的“尚贤”。


版本1:The ancient sage-kings greatly emphasized the exaltation of the virtuous and the employment of the capable.Without special consideration for relatives,for the rich and honoured,or for the good-looking,they exalted and promoted the virtuous,enriched and honoured them.

版本2:The sage kings of ancient times took great pains to honor the worthy and employ the capable,showing no special consideration for their own kin,no partiality for the eminent and rich,no favoritism for the good-looking and attractive.They promoted the worthy to high places,enriched and honored them.

“甚尊尚贤”版本1译成“greatly emphasized the exaltation of the virtuous”,版本2译成“took great pains to honor the worthy”,版本1重点在于口头强调“尚贤”,而版本2侧重于“采取行动,花费大量精力来尚贤”,两者的侧重点有所不同。版本2能更好地与“任使能”相衔接,体现了行动上的一个递进关系。

就“不党父兄,不偏贵富,不嬖颜色,贤者举而上之,富而贵之”,版本1用without的介词结构来表示,与“贤者举而上之”构成一句话;版本2采用“showing...”的表达方式作伴随状语,补充说明前面的“employ the capable”,从语言层面上看,版本2更为贴切原文的断句,而版本1采用了意译的方式。当然版本1用“special consideration”一词概况了“党”、“偏”、“嬖”等词的含义,应该讲这是翻译中泛化处理的一种表达方式,这种方式使译文更为简洁,当然在采用泛化翻译技巧时,我们要确保不影响对文章意思的理解。


版本1:watched their words and observed their conduct,found out their capabilities and carefully assigned them their offices

版本2:listened to the words of the worthy,watched their actions,observed their abilities,and on this basis carefully assigned them to office

版本1用“watch”表示听,用“found out”表示“察”,是对词的深层次理解,尤其是“found out”的翻译显得非常恰当,与后面的assign衔接尤为紧密,这几个动词之间的递进关系表示得更为清晰、自然。


版本1:When the virtuous rules the country,he starts the day early and retires late,hearing lawsuits and attending to the government

版本2:When a worthy man is given the task of ordering the state,he appears at court early and retires late,listens to lawsuits,and attends to the affairs of government

“蚤朝晏退”意思为“早上朝,晚退朝”。墨子,名翟,鲁国人,春秋战国时期著名的思想家、政治家、教育家。在那个年代有皇帝上朝的惯例,版本2的“appears at court early”传递了古代中国文化,体现了“上朝”的含义,让外国读者对古代中国文化有一定的了解。同4一样,版本1采用伴随状语表示贤者一天所做的一些工作。当然,就“听狱治政”,版本2采用了添加词语的翻译技巧,比版本1多用了affairs一词,这样使译文更为清楚流畅。


版本1:collecting taxes from passes,markets,and on products from mountains,woods,waters,and land to fill the court

版本2:collecting taxes on the barriers and markets and on the resources of the hills,forests,lakes and fish weirs,so that the treasury will be full




①本文所讨论的两个英文译本.版本1的来源为:chinese.省略/text.pl?node=1067&if=gb&remap=gb&en=on;版本2的来源为:(CHINESE TRADITION IN CONTEMPORARY WORLD)Liu Haipin,Zhang Chong& Zhu Gang,P26-27.section 9.



