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【摘要】 目的:针对医护人员这一特殊群体进行了中医体质亚健康状态的问卷调查,并结合中医“治未病”思想,对处于亚健康状态的人员实施亚健康状态三级干预方案,开展了随机对照的临床研究。方法:采用现场调查的方法,使用亚健康自评量表、中医体质量表对赣南医学院第一附属医院、寻乌县中医院进行体检的医护人员进行调查研究。从进行调查的医护人员中随机选取判断为亚健康状态的100例并且剔除不合格的病例后为观察组,对其进行三级干预;同时随机选取判断为亚健康状态的100例剔除不合格病例为对照组,对其进行亚健康状态的一、二级干预。结果:判定为偏颇体质的亚健康状态的医护人员出现的频数从高到低的顺序排序为:气虚质>阳虚质>痰湿质>湿热质>气郁质>阴虚质>血瘀质>特禀质>平和质。亚健康状态观察组实施三级干预方案后总有效率为94.79%,对照组给予二级干预方案后的总有效率为53.61%,两组比较差异有统计学意义( 字2=42.6323,P

【关键词】 中医体质; 亚健康状态; 三级干预方案

【Abstract】 Objective:To conduct a survey of TCM constitution and sub-health state for the special group of medical staff,and combined with TCM “preventive treatment of disease”,to carry out the three staged protocol for sub-health intervention and a randomized controlled clinical study.Method:The medical staff of the First Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical University and TCM Hospital of Xunwu County were surveyed by sub-health self-rating scale and the constitution in Chinese medicine questionnaire when receiving the physical examination by field investigation.From the survey of medical staffs randomly selected to judge for the sub health state of 100 cases and excluding unqualified cases for the observation group,the three staged of intervention.At the same time, 100 cases were randomly selected as sub-healthy state,they were excluded as the control group,received primary and secondary intervention.Result:The emerged frequency of biased constitution in the medical staff of sub-health status were showed as follows(from high to low order):Qi deficiency constitution>Yang deficiency constitution>Phlegm dampness constitution>Dampness heat constitution>Qi stagnation constitution>Yin deficiency constitution>Blood stasis constitution>Intrinsic quality constitution>Yin and Yang balanced constitution.The total efficiency was 94.79% in the observation group and 53.61% in the control group,there was significant difference between two groups( 字2=42.6323,P