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>> “后4%”时代用好管好教育经费 教育部关于开展“教育经费管理年”活动 进一步用好管好教育经费的通知 教育部部长:要筹好用好管好教育经费 管好用好教育经费 推动教育财会建设 科学用好4%的教育经费 提高教育经费利用效率的路径 高考改革今年搭框架用好管好经费成重点 高校教育经费支出的绩效审计探讨 从4%的教育经费投入看高校经费监管问题 浅析民初的教育经费来源 关于教育经费统计的思考 从4%的教育经费看我国高校的负债办学机制 基于绩效导向的高校教育经费投入的探讨 我国高校教育经费的现状及其对策研究 民办高校教育经费管理中存在的问题及对策 教育经费短缺对地方高校学风建设的制约及对策 浅议高校教育经费内部控制及管理 地方高校教育经费筹措研究与分析 高校教育经费预算实施保障策略研究 地方高校教育经费筹措研究综述 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.







On the Path Selection of Higher Education Funds Management

ZHU Shi-ming, ZHAO Ming-mei

(School of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin300072, China)

Abstract:In recent years, with a substantial increase in funds for higher education, the task improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the college education funds is getting more and more urgent. This paper focuses on the problems in the use and management of college education funds, such as the indicators of allocation of funds and autonomy of the national campus university funds , the lack of post-benefit analysis, feedback and corresponding regulatory agencies of college education funds, the lack of flexibility and rigor in allocation, budget management and use of research funds. Then it proposes that the state adopt a competitive funding approach, colleges need to enhance the autonomy of the allocation of funds in secondary school, establish the funds management committee and the independent third-party monitor and evaluation mechanism on the effectiveness of the use of funds in NPV, and improve the management of research funds policy and system.

Key words:funds for higher education; effectiveness and efficiency; path selection