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The Effects of Outdoor Sports Curriculum on “Life education, Life education and

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Abstract. With the development in carrying out outdoor sports in our country and institutions offered outdoor sports courses that have trained a large number of professionals for the development of outdoor sports. Outdoor sports courses, as a new curriculum in the process of construction and development, there are still many problems need to be addressed. The theory and practice of the course construction, a series of studies to reveal the role and significance of sports colleges outdoor sports courses for students’ life education and survival education, which provide the basis for the construction and development of outdoor sports courses, and put forward prospects for outdoor sports courses.

Key words: outdoor sports; life; life; survival; education


Colleges and universities should develop natural resources and achieve objectives of ordinary PE curriculum outdoor sports. Colleges outdoor sports teaching is carried out under the guidance of the educational philosophy of "people-oriented, health", is to fully respect the wishes of the students, to carry out on the basis of mining students' interest in learning, so students’ active, positive rather than passive participation can achieve field goals of sports participation in college sports curriculum standards

1.Current situation of outdoor campaign

Domestic outdoor sports programs carried out in the best school of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). Due to professional needs, the school is very early to carry out mountaineering skills training as the main outdoor sports education, training a large number of top talents for China's mountaineering career. In 2007, the school established China's first outdoor sports-oriented undergraduate majors. The course content includes: social sports introduction, introduction to outdoor sports, sports anatomy, exercise physiology, social sports management, outdoor sports psychology, sports, fitness principles and methods, outdoor sports marketing, outdoor sports competition organization and management, outdoor sports medicine foundation, outdoor survival experience, mountaineering, rock climbing, orienteering, water sports, outreach campaigns.

2.The concept of outdoor sports

Outdoor sports are divided into outdoor sports broad sense and narrow sense of outdoor sports. Generalized outdoor sports is all different from the indoor to outdoor sports, it almost covers all sports, including the outdoor variety of sports categories and in which a variety of small items. Narrowly definition of outdoor sports standards: the definition of the national mountaineering management center for outdoor sports: outdoor sports a venue (non-dedicated venue) refers in a natural environment with adventure nature or experience adventure sports group. Narrowly outdoor sports mainly include three categories of land, water, air, and our country to carry out more extensive terrestrial outdoor sports, the terrestrial outdoor sports outdoor sports for the land areas (mainland and islands) on the ground, including mountains, islands, desert, and plateau.

3.Significance to carry out outdoor sports courses

3.1 The role of outdoor sports programs on life education

3.1.1 Life Education

The whole process of human life is made up of life activities. The quality of life activities determine the quality of human life of the whole process; pay attention to every time is the emphasis on the quality of the whole process of the life quality of life activities. Education is care for students’ life activities, learning process is a process of enjoyment of life, such care is the unity of students’ in social values, personal values and education development values, in the practice of "life activities" teachers’ value to be realized, the quality of life can be improved.

3.1.2 Life education is carried out is the basic requirements to enhance the overall quality of the citizens

The young students are the future builders and successors of the socialist causes with the quality of the lives of young students that determine the future and destiny of the country and the nation. Vigorously life education in primary and secondary schools, and help to improve the survival skills and the quality of life of the majority young students, and inspire them to establish our motherland to study hard, energetic talent ambitions; which is conducive to casting the indomitable will of the Chinese nation in the spirit of the young students, training them courage, self-confidence, strong character; help to improve the awareness of the international competition for the majority of young students, to enhance their ability to cope in the environment of international openness.

3.1.3University sport courses should be integrated into the life education concept

Young people are the future of the country, colleges and universities play an important position to promote the concept of sustainable development, to enhance the environmental awareness of the whole society, to develop the expertise of resource utilization and environmental protection to promote science and technology innovation base. Which is the main power for the national environmental protection and economic development decision-making and technical support forces? Thus, the creation of a "green university" is historical mission given by the era to the University, is the concept of sustainable development and environmental protection, and ideological penetration to the work of the university, and make it a comprehensive development of modern higher education, is the important part of the construction of ecological civilization, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development and commitment to deal with global climate change of the national responsibilities and international obligations, has a very important practical significance and long-term strategic significance.

3.1.4University sport courses "life education" design ideas and features

College design concept of "life education" of outdoor sports curriculum must follow the course structure characteristics to expand, namely the original outdoor sports curriculum structure theory lessons, curricular practice, the main line of extracurricular practice, combined with the lessons inside and outside the organization in the form of a variety , "life education" into one, and according to the specific performance of the behavior of college students inside and outside the classroom environment, the establishment of the evaluation system, integrated into the conventional sports learning management and assessment. Specifically, theory lessons must play the theme of outdoor sports to protect the environment, to expand environmental protection basics; to make full use of the natural environment in curricular practice.

3.1.5The education ecological theory and life education

The ecological environment of education is education centered, is the multi-environment system for generation of education, the existence and development from the constraints and regulation. People and the environment is an interdependence relationship, mutual restraint through the surrounding environment of the play, the transformation of the initiative in order to adapt to the conflict between the people and the environment, and enhance their own viability. Outdoor sports classroom environment is an ecosystem, the relationship between man and nature, teachers and students, students and students constitute a complex relationship between the populations, and full exchange of information and energy. More important, however, is that the classroom ecosystem to achieve a balanced development, building a harmonious outdoor classroom ecology, must give full play to the spirit of the students body, to allow students to actively explore and lively developed, and to carry out a variety of dialogue and exchanges to provide students with the opportunity to fully demonstrate their talents to gain a true sense of equality classroom.

3.2 The role of outdoor sports courses to life education

3.2.1 Life Education

According to life education theory, life is education, the content of education, his life education content is extremely broad, is dynamic, and changes due to changes in life, therefore, comprehensive education to carry out this favor by lifelong educators. Tao xingzhi 'educational theory in life is to find education, and education for life, "the idea is quite clear," social school "doctrine, tell us education materials, education, education tools, education, the environment, can be greatly increased. "And solve the obsolescence of the current education educational content, which does not meet the reality of student life, does not meet the students' thinking and understanding the phenomenon can not be good for the future life of the student services is very enlightening. Achieve content of Tao Xingzhi life education and must inject fresh blood, fresh connotation of life as much as possible.

3.2.2Outdoor sports are dangerous and irritating

Outdoor sports in the mountains, the wild, or waters, desert, Gobi zone, more natural venue for the background, due to the nature and ever-changing, infinite mysteries, of which there are many uncontrollable factors such as sudden natural disaster, the intrusion of the beast, different reactions in the human body in a variety of different environments, these are prior to the event can not accurately predicted, and thus the outdoor sports relative movement risk for track movement is large, the higher risk and, therefore, having large irritant.

3.2.3 The role of outdoor sports on promoting mental health

College students’ participation in outdoor sports, can understand the different meaning of happiness, cherish life and become more outdoor survival, rock climbing, expand training to hone students perseverance, enhance difficulties courage and confidence college students facing, dare to challenge themselves, beyond the self, after testing outdoor sports, the students will keep a good attitude and show a whole new way to meet life's challenges.

3.2.4 Outdoor sports improve the physical fitness of college students

Orienteering outdoor sports, camping, mountain biking, etc. require exercisers better physical, and the physical strength mainly depends on the adaptability of the highest function of the heart and the heart of the high-intensity exercise. Long distance sports require a lot of energy in the long term, cardiac to adapt to this, high strength for energy needs, strengthen myocardial metabolism, systolic blood pressure, oxygen consumption increased, thereby stimulating myocardial blood flow, myocardial tension enhancement shrink strong. Directional movement Qiangdian punch equivalent to the varied pace, participants often feel suffocated phenomenon, suffocation reflection to increase the force of contraction of the muscle, is conducive to the participants in the shortest possible time to increase the speed to the fastest, so the heart load increases myocardial contractility way to maintain a high level of blood per second output. If college students often participate in such outdoor activities, the heart often bear the load stimulus that will lead to appear the myocardial fiber thickening adaptive change wall thickening, the heart gradually hypertrophy, beating strong.

3.3The role of outdoor sports courses on survival education

3.3.1 Survival education

Survival education refers to carrying out a series of educational activities and social practice activities and teaching the protection of life and social survival knowledge and experience with purpose, plan and develop the students' awareness of survival, viability and survival attitude, establishing a scientific survival values to promote the full and healthy development of individual freedom and achieve the harmony and unity of man and nature.

3.3.2Outdoor courses improve students' survival

The Sichuan Wenchuan 5.12 earthquake has brought us great sorrow, but also left us with a lot to think about. We live on a planet that will have a variety of disaster. Human beings are extremely small before nature, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, floods are ever-present. Learning courses through the outdoor sports, to master outdoor survival skills, will greatly enhance the viability of each of us to disaster temporary. Learning knowledge through first aid at the same time can also provide more effective way to help people around.

3.3.3Improve students' outdoor survival

During teaching process of outdoor sports, in addition to a few kind of essential tools to students, the others need to be solved by students themselves, day-to-day teaching and training, to inspire students to develop and take advantage of nature's environmental conditions, to ensure that in the field as much as possible of a comfortable life, these educational tools and methods are difficult to achieve in school sports, student learning through outdoor sports courses, not only mastered the essential knowledge of survival ability, but also improved the ability that they take advantage of the characteristics of the natural conditions to improve the fields’ survival.

3.3.4Improve the students’ ability to respond to emergencies

Facing sudden emergencies situations, serious incident, the general reaction from students is overwhelmed. The outdoor base practice emergencies often require students to take emergency measures to counter it, and as soon as possible to restore calm, maintain your sanity, and thus correct judgment, decisive decision-making. Through opening students’ outdoor sports curriculum, not only strengthen the sense of crisis of students outdoors, but also grant students’ skills to handle emergencies, training their emergency response capabilities for emergencies.

3.3.5Security issues of contents of outdoor sport courses in universities

To carry out the work of school sports, some new situations often encountered some new problems. The expansion of the college physical education curriculum, course contents, especially outdoors courses into the College, which provides a new proposition for the education and teaching safe working. Finally we emphasize that security is the protection of all teaching activities to be carried out smoothly, the lifeline of the course of sustainable development, especially for emerging college outdoor sports course contents, must attach great importance to the security issues in the sports activities, build university sport course content security system, the times and under the leadership of the administrative department of education, strengthen the guidance of the security system, inspection, management and supervision, to ensure the continued healthy development of university sport course contents.


A new generation of colorful, fashion outdoor sports, conform to the college students of sports values, also in line with the needs of the physical and mental development of the students of in new century, it reflects the popularity of college students’ healthy, active and progressive life yearning and pursuit quality education of college students, fully consistent with the characteristics of modern physical education, is the inevitable trend of development of university sports curriculum reform. It gives more students the opportunity to experience outdoor sports, better promote their understanding of life, life, survival, and embody the unique values of exercise outdoor sports to college students.


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