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Yan Zi Persuades Qi Jinggong Wisely晏子巧劝齐景公

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1. In the Warring States Period, qi jinggong is the king of Qi. His favorite horse died. He is so angry that he decides to punish2 the groom3. Qi Jinggong says, “Come here, take the groom out and dismember4 him!” 春秋战国时,齐国国君齐景公最心爱的马突然得病死了。齐景公暴跳如雷,命令严惩马夫。齐景公说:“来人,将马夫拖出去肢解!”

2. At this time, the Prime Minister yan zi goes to the court to discuss official business. He hears that Qi Jinggong wants to kill the innocent groom and decides to persuade him. Yan Zi thinks, “If I persuaded him directly, the king would lose face. What should I do?” 正在这时,宰相晏子上朝议事。他听说齐景公想杀了无辜的马夫,决定前去劝谏。晏子心想:“如果直言劝说,陛下会觉得丢面子……怎么办呢?”

3. Yan Zi has an idea and goes to visit Qi Jinggong. Qi Jinggong knows that Yan Zi wants to persuade him. So he is unhappy. Yan Zi says, “May I ask your Majesty? Who is the first man Yao and Shun dismembered?” Qi Jinggong says, “Yao and shun are wise kings. They never dismembered anyone. OK. Don’t dismember him.” 晏子心生一计,前去拜见齐景公。齐景公知道晏子想劝谏自己,很不高兴。晏子说:“请教陛下,不知尧、舜肢解人时,是从谁身上开始的?”齐景公说:“尧、舜是贤明君主,从没肢解过人。好吧,不要肢解他了。”

4. Yan Zi knows that Qi Jinggong has not vented5 his anger and the groom would die sooner or later. Then he has another idea. Yan Zi says, “We take it for granted6 that the groom should be sentenced to death. Let’s list his crimes7 and make him die clearly.” Qi Jinggong says, “That’s right. It should be that.” 晏子知道齐景公还没出气,马夫早晚难逃一死。他又想到一个办法。晏子说:“我们都认为马夫被判死罪是理所应当的。把他的罪状列出来,让他也死得明白。”齐景公说:“没错,应该这样!”

5. Yan Zi begins to count the groom’s crimes calmly. Yan Zi says, “First, he makes the horse dead. Second, the horse is the king’s favorite one. Third, he makes the king kill somebody because of a horse, and the people would think the king is cruel.” 晏子不慌不忙,开始罗列马夫的罪状。晏子说:“首先,他把陛下的马养死了;其

6. It is not counting the groom’s crimes but persuading the king to correct his mistake. After hearing it, Qi Jinggong orders to set the groom free at once and never persists8 in the matter. 这哪里是在列举马夫的罪状,分明是在劝谏国君改正他的过错。齐景公听完,连忙下令放了马夫,不再追究。