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摘 要 中职教师的专业发展有其阶段性,在各阶段的发展中又有不同的侧重点和相应的要求,呈现出以时段发展为纵柱,以内容和水

>> 中职数学教学评价的三阶段 浅谈教师成长的“三阶段”“二突破” 刍议“三阶段、三维度”实训基地的建设 美、澳、德高职教育特点及启示 “台湾意识”发展的“三阶段” 中国家居服发展三阶段 危机传播三阶段 主动洗手三阶段 儿童性探索三阶段 看明星婚后三阶段 班级建设三阶段 人生防癌三阶段 “三阶段”教学模式初探 “三阶段”教学法 准妈妈补钙三阶段 仙学修炼三阶段 三阶段实现安全管理 女性理财三阶段 基于教师成长三阶段的三大师训工程的实践 新德美澳等典型国家高职教师培养培训的启示 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.[22]高松.德职业教育师资培养中专业及课程设置研究[J].外国教育研究,2016(2):27-34.


Three-stage Development Dimension of Secondary Vocational School Teachers in Germany, Australia and the UK and Their Enlightenments

Xie Guixin, Zeng Benyou

Abstract The professional development of secondary vocational school teachers shows three stages with different emphasis and the corresponding level requirements, which shows unity in the longitudinal column on the time and the content and level of column. The development of secondary vocational school teachers in Germany, Australia and the UK indicated that it is divided into pre, entry and post stages from the vertical development; and from lateral view, it mainly includes upgrading of professional skills, teaching skills and teaching level. The common trends and good experience of teaching staff development in Germany, Australia and the UK can provide new inspirations for Chinese vocational teacher development.

Key words secondary vocational school teachers; pre-service development; induction training; in-service development; Germany; Australia; UK

Author Xie Guixin, associate professor of Huizhou College of Guangdong(Huizhou 516007); Zeng Benyou, professor of Lingnan Teachers’ College