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摘 要 翻转课堂正在变革传统的教学模式,而经验学习圈理论尊重学生差异,为个性化学习带来了新视点。在职业院校的实训课上,

>> 职业院校翻转课堂教学模式探索 翻转课堂在职业院校数控加工工艺与编程课程教学中的应用 翻转课堂教学在职业院校英语教学中的应用初探 职业院校翻转课堂优化课堂教学探新 职业院校电子专业“翻转课堂+微博平台”教学现状调查研究 泛在学习视角下的职业院校移动教学资源库构建研究 技术知识建构视阈下职业院校学生学习范式的转向 论词汇学习策略在职业院校英语课堂中的应用 翻转课堂在职业院校计算机专业教学改革工作进行的过程中得到的应用 职业院校学生对物理的学习兴趣 如何培养职业院校学生的英语学习兴趣 论职业院校学生学习能力的构建 职业院校学生的学习特点与对策研究 如何激发职业院校学生学习数学的兴趣 职业院校学生学习能力的构建 职业院校学生英语自主学习能力的研究 职业院校学生英语学习兴趣的培养 激发职业院校学生学习动机的途径 职业院校学生学习音乐的意义 德国职业教育经验对职业院校教学改革的启示 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

On Flipped Classroom in Vocational Colleges Based on Experiential Learning Circle Theory

Ma Haijiao, Liu Guangran, Wang Caixia, Yang Haili

Abstract Flipped classroom is changing the traditional teaching model. The Experiential Learning Circle Theory emphasizes on respecting the differences among students and brings a new viewpoint for personalized learning. During the practice class of vocational colleges, to carry out flipped classroom according to the development stage of experiential learning that is to internalize and absorb the experience before the class, internalize and assimilate in class and innovate practice experience after the class, is good at consolidating studnets’ manipulative skills, so as to improve teaching quality of practical training course.

Key words experiential learning circle; flipped classroom; vocational education; practical training course

Author Ma Haijiao, postgraduate of Tianjin University of Technology and Education(Tianjin 300222); Liu Guangran, professor of Tianjin University of Technology and Education; Wang Caixia, Tianjin University of Technology and Education; Yang Haili, Tianjin University of Technology and Education