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摘 要:中国梦的基本内涵是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福,其核心思想是实现中华民族伟大复兴,其本质是人民之梦。中国梦体现

>> 实现“中国梦”的奋斗目标与总体任务 法治政府的伦理价值目标及其实现途径 内部审计的增值目标及其实现途径 要有清晰的奋斗目标 2013年我的奋斗目标 中国梦确立了鼓舞人心的奋斗目标(笔谈) 认真贯彻党的十精神坚持实现“融入哈尔滨 建设大双城”奋斗目标 你的幸福是我的奋斗目标 “特级教教师不是我人生的奋斗目标” 全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标 奔着新的奋斗目标大步前进 米哈伊尔的奋斗目标 浅析服务型政府的目标内涵及其实现途径 高中历史教学目标分析及其实现途径的探索研究 中国梦的基本内涵及其实现路径研究述评 实现中国梦的基本要素 试论中国梦的基本内涵和实现途径 实现奋斗目标关键在党 我国银行间黄金市场创设的目标模式及其实现途径 浅议建设工程中的监理目标及其实现 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

The Basic Meaning, Goal and Realization Way of Chinese Dream

Wei Guangzhi

(Party School of Central Committee of C.P.C., Beijing, 100091)

Abstract: The basic connotation of Chinese dream is national prosperity, national rejuvenation, and happiness of the people, but its core idea is to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the essence of the Chinese dream is a dream of people. Chinese dream reflects the integration of the modern dream and the contemporary dream, the integration of the country dream, the nation dream and people’s dream and the integration of Chinese people’s dream and the world’s dream. The essence of Chinese dream, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is realizing the common ideal of Chinese people in the primary stage of socialism, the goal of Chinese dream is the basic realization of the socialist modernization in the middle of the 21st century. In order to realize the dream of China, we have to adhere to the road of China, carry forward the spirit of China and coagulate strength of china.

Keywords: Chinese dream, basic meaning, the goal, realization way