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[摘要] 目的 全酸蚀与自酸蚀粘接系统处理下脱敏剂对牙本质小管封闭效果的研究。 方法 搜集新鲜拔除的无龋坏牙齿制作成牙本质模型,共分四组:A组:氢氧化钙Lonosit Baseline组;B组:Gluma脱敏剂组;C组:奥威尔脱敏剂组; D组:空白对照组。先按分组不同,使用相应的脱敏剂处理牙本质模型表面,每M再分别用Single Bond 2和SE Bond处理牙本质表面。扫描电镜下观察全酸蚀与自酸蚀粘接系统处理下脱敏剂对牙本质小管的封闭效果。结果 扫描电镜下见,使用自酸蚀粘接剂或全酸蚀粘接剂处理下,同种脱敏剂对牙本质小管的封闭效果基本相同。氢氧化钙组样本的牙本质表面粗糙,仅部分小管内有沉积物封闭,管口大部分外露。Gluma 组样本牙本质表面平坦,少数牙本质小管管口外露,沉积物几乎全部堵塞牙本质小管,结合较紧密。奥威尔组―牙本质小管大部分都有沉积物,其小管管径明显缩小。对照组样本牙本质表面可见牙本质小管开口完全敞开,管口无阻塞或覆盖物。纵截面小管内无沉积物,可见网状交织的管间牙本质胶原纤维清晰,小管管径增大明显。 结论 使用自酸蚀粘接剂或全酸蚀粘接剂处理下,同种脱敏剂对牙本质小管的封闭效果基本相同,都能较好地封闭牙本质小管。其中,奥威尔脱敏剂对牙本质小管的封闭效果最好。

[关键词] 深龋;牙本质过敏症;脱敏剂;酸蚀粘接系统;牙本质小管通透性

[中图分类号] R781.2 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)15-0066-04

[Abstract] Objective To study the effect of desensitizer on dentinal tubule closure under total etching and self-etching bonding system. Methods Freshly removed teeth without caries were collected to make dentin model and divided into four groups including group A(Calcium hydroxide Lonosit Baseline group), group B(Gluma desensitization group), group C(Oravive desensitization group) and group D(control group). The surface of dentin model was treated with the corresponding desensitizer according to the different grouping. And the dentin surface was treated with Single Bond 2 and SE Bond, respectively. The effect of desensitizer on dentinal tubules under total etching and self-etching bonding system was observed under scanning electron microscopy(TEM). Results Under the scanning electron microscope, the effect of the same desensitizer on the dentinal tubules was similar under total etching and self-etching bonding system. The dentin surface of samples in Calcium hydroxide group was rough, with sediment in only part of the tubules and exposure of most of the mouth. The dentin surface in Gluma group was flat, with a small number of dentin tubules mouth exposed and almost all of dentin tubules blocked with the deposits, and the bonding was close. Most of the dentinal tubules in Oravive group had sediment,and the small tube diameter significantly reduced. In the control group, the dentin tubules were open and the mouth was free of obstruction or covering on the surface. There was no sediment in the longitudinal section of the tube, and the interstitial collagen fibers were clear and the diameter of the tubules increased obviously. Conclusion The effect of the same desensitizer on the dentin tubules is similar under total etching and self-etching bonding system, and the dentinal tubules can be well sealed. Among them, the effect of Oravive desensitizer on dentinal tubules is the best.

[Key words] Deep caries; Dentin hypersensitivity; Desensitizer; Etching bonding system; Dentin tubule permeability


1 材料与方法

1.1 离体牙的收集

在实验前1个月,2016年8~9月收集完整无龋坏、仅因正畸需要拔除的年轻上颌前磨牙128颗。彻底清洁后,在1%麝香草酚溶液中浸泡保存24 h[2]。取出干燥后流水下低速磨除其颌面釉质,完全暴露牙本质。耐水砂纸在流水下打磨牙本质表面1 min后超声清洗10 min,备用。

1.2 实验方法

将上述处理的样本随机分为4组,每组32颗。A组:Lonosit Baseline(氢氧化钙)脱敏剂组;B组:Gluma脱敏剂组;C组:Oravive脱敏剂组;D组:φ兆椤0捶肿槭褂孟嘤Φ耐衙艏链理牙本质样本表面,再每组分别用Single Bond 2和SE Bond处理牙本质表面,扫描电镜下观察全酸蚀与自酸蚀粘接系统处理下脱敏剂对牙本质小管的封闭效果。

1.3 离体牙牙本质表面处理过程


1.4 实验主要仪器和材料

低速切割机(SYJ150, MTI KJ Group,China),扫描电镜(S-4800,Hitachi,Japan),全酸蚀粘接剂Single Bond 2(3M,USA),自酸蚀粘接剂SE Bond(CLEARFIL,Japan),奥威尔牙齿脱敏剂(Sun Medical Co.Ltd.,Japan),Gluma(Heraues Kulzer,Germany),氢氧化钙Lonosit-Baseliner(DMG,Germany)

2 结果

2.1 使用全酸蚀粘接剂Single Bond 2电镜观察

酸蚀15 s后,氢氧化钙处理组可观察到牙本质小管被部分封闭,但表面仍不平坦,管口外露较多(封三图5A)。Gluma组可观察到牙本质表面较平坦,沉积物几乎堵塞牙本质小管,小管口有少部分外露(封三图5B)。奥威尔脱敏剂处理组可观察到牙本质小管基本全部被封闭,小管管径缩小(封三图5C)。对照组可观察到牙本质小管开口完全敞开,其内空洞无物,小管管径明显增大(封三图5D)。纵面见小管内无沉淀物,小管管径增大(封三图5D)。

2.2 使用自酸蚀粘接剂后的电镜观察



深龋常规充填治疗后很容易出现牙本质敏感症[3](dentin hypersensitiveness,DH),即牙体在受到外界理化刺激下所引起的一种酸痛症状,锐利且持时短暂[4]。为减少这一并发症,采用树脂修复前预先脱敏治疗,以封闭牙本质小管,降低或避免激惹牙髓神经[5,6],临床上取得满意的效果。本实验所用敏感牙本质模型采用标准制作方法[7,8]。利用扫描电镜观察全酸蚀与自酸蚀粘接系统处理下脱敏剂对牙本质小管的封闭效果,为深龋窝洞预备后预先应用脱敏剂预防术后发生牙本质过敏症提供理论依据。







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