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>> 云计算背景下国家信息网络安全法律保障机制研究 网上银行业务安全法律保障机制分析 完善我国食品安全法律保障机制的建议 业务支撑系统数据安全保障机制研究 大数据时代企业竞争情报运行保障机制建设研究 探险旅游安全保障机制研究 公益信托法律保障机制研究 构建“低碳经济”法律保障机制研究 食品安全法律监管机制研究 工科院校实验室安全保障机制研究 地铁运营的安全保障机制研究 中职学生实习安全保障机制建设研究 农村食品安全监管"二元制"法律保障机制探析 河北省产品质量安全法律保障问题研究 “城中村”失地农民法律保障机制研究 四川省发展循环经济法律保障机制研究 我国公立医院公益性法律保障机制研究 我国核安全法律保障之完善 食品安全法律制度保障的思考 饮用水安全法律保障刍议 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.



Legal Safeguard Mechanism of Big Data Security

QI Aimin, PAN Jia

(Law School, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China)

Abstract:Big data is hot in recent years, which becomes the focus of attention. It has tremendous value and great potential for exploitation. The improper management of big data not only can lead to the issue of personal information safety, but also even affect social development and national security. At present, there is still a lack of the policies and regulations of big data security in our country. In order to meet the opportunities and challenges of big data era, our country should build the legal safeguard mechanism of big data security, which is composed of five parts, such as general rules, the private law mechanism, the administrative law mechanism, the criminal law mechanism and the international law mechanism. The legal safeguard mechanism of big data security follows the principle of data sovereignty, data protection, freedom of data, data security and so on.

Key words:

big data; security; legal safeguard mechanism