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>> 个人信息网络侵权责任形式的分类与构成要件 论个信息网络侵权的民法规制 论侵权责任的归责原则 《侵权责任法》之医疗损害归责原则 论产品侵权责任的归责原则 论环境污染侵权责任的归责原则及举证责任 论销售者承担食品侵权责任的归责原则 服务行业侵权责任归责原则浅析 试论侵权责任法归责原则体系 侵权责任归责原则的类型化研究 开放平台用户个人信息使用者侵权责任探究 非交互式信息网络传播权归责之惑 论网络社区信息传播的侵权责任 网络个人信息侵权问题探析 论信息网络传播权的侵权行为界定与适用性 论我国《侵权责任法》中的医疗损害责任归责原则 试析信息网络传播权侵权行为 浅谈信息网络传播的侵权问题 论信息网络传播权 侵权责任法归责原则体系有关问题研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.










Establishment Basis of Multiple Imputation Principles on Liabilities

for Personal Information Network Infringement

DIAO Shengxian1,2

(1. College of law, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China;

2. Schoolof Civil and CommercialLaw, Southwest University of Political Scienceand Law, Chongqing 401120, China)


According to the imputation principles, phylogeny of liabilities for infringement, social economy form, philosophic theory, and the concept of justice formed their establishment basis. In the cyber society, as many kinds of technological society form should be developed at the same time, what’s more, the relation diversification of behavioral agent and obligee, the diversification of the consequences after being infringed and imputation reasons, and the diversification of value demand and liability form should be developed in the same way. If we want to balance the personal information rights and the freedom of action, the multiple imputation principles on the liabilities for personal information network infringement should be established just as follows: doctrine of liability for fault, doctrine of presumption, doctrine of liability without fault.

Key words:

personal information; liabilities for information network infringement; imputation principles; basis of theory