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1. China Dream 中国梦

Xinhua lists Xi Jinping's signature phrase as the most popular word of 2013. The description names the "great rejuvenation1) of the Chinese people" as a key component of the China Dream.


2. Empty plate 光盘

A play on words2), this catch phrase3) uses the same characters as used for optical disk (e.g. CD or DVD) but in 2013 it was a central feature of Xi's austerity4) and anti-corruption campaign. "Empty plate" is a call to the people, especially government officials, to finish all the food on their plates and not waste food, as is common at formal banquets.


3. Uncouth5) nouveau riche6) 土豪

Originally meaning "local strongman", this word became an Internet meme7) and quickly made it into the mainstream media and daily conversation in China in 2013. It refers to uncouth, ostentatious8), and aggressive nouveau riche and bling bling9) that is to their taste.


4. He-girl 女汉子

China Radio International's list translates this as "female man" and gives the following definition: the term refers to a boyish girl or a woman with masculine characteristics. In August 2013, photos of a Russian model went viral10). The woman had a very pretty face and an extremely muscular physique. Since then, the term has been used broadly in China to describe women with masculine features. Some feminist groups have argued that this phrase discriminates against women, since it is basically saying that good characteristics such as independence, strength, and aggressiveness are masculine, and that women with these characteristics are not "feminine".

中国国际广播电台网的榜单将“女汉子”翻译为“female man”,并给出如下解释:该词指“假小子”或“纯爷们姑娘”。2013年8月,一位俄罗斯模特的照片在网上蹿红。这位美女脸蛋非常漂亮,肌肉异常发达。此后,“女汉子”一词在中国就被广泛用来形容男性化的女性。一些女权主义团体认为,该词是对女性的歧视,因为这基本等于是在宣称,诸如独立、坚强和进取这类优秀品质只属于男性,而拥有这些品质的女性就没有“女人味”。

5. Big V 大V

The Xinhua article defines Big Vs as people who are very active on Weibo and have millions of fans, and then goes on to talk about the rumors that such people have circulated, and the arrest of Xue Manzi and his televised confessions and apologies for his irresponsible behavior on Weibo, and other elements of the crackdown11) on Big Vs of 2013.