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摘要: 各种动物都有自己的生活习性和特征,这些生活习性和特征如果用语言来表述,就有了其特定的文化内涵。不同的社会环境里,人们对这些内涵的认识和理解是不尽相同的。本文着重就狼、熊等动物在英语语言文化中的寓意进行分析和探讨。

Abstract: Every animal has its own temperament and features, which may have special meanings when used in language. Different language has different implications of such words.This paper presents a discussion on the implications of some common animals in English culture.

关键词: 文化;蕴意;动物

Key words: culture; implication; animal



语言是一种社会现象,是文化的载体。不同的民族有不同的文化背景。文化的含义十分广泛,人们对文化的定义也五花八门。众所周知,习语(idiom)也是一种社会文化现象。就广义而言,习语包括成语、俗语、谚语和歇后语等。 习语和一个民族的历史条件、政治制度、经济生活、地理环境、风俗习惯、价值观念、心理状态等密切相联,并渗透到社会生活的各个方面。因此在英语中,有关动物的习语也就有着自己特殊的蕴意。下面就一些常见动物的文化蕴意分别加以说明。


1.1 狼(wolf):其特点是凶残(cruel)、狡猾(sly)、机敏(clever),它在英汉两种语言中都含有贬义,于是狼在英语中就有了“evil、dangerous、independent”等意义,有关狼的习语主要有:

a lone wolf 独居单干的人,不喜欢与人来往的人

a wolf in sheep's clothing披着羊皮的狼

cry wolf发假警报的人(狼来了)

dark as a wolf's mouth漆黑一团

He pats his heed in the wolf's mouth. 冒不必要的危险。

hold /have a wolf by the ears骑虎难下,进退两难

keep the wolf from the door免于饥饿的,勉强度日的

see a wolf 张口结舌,说不出话来

set the wolf to keep the sheep引狼入室


A wolf remains a wolf even though it is in sheep's clothing. 狼披羊皮还是狼

One must howl with the wolves.跟狼在一起就得学狼叫;入乡随俗。

The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep.狼死群羊安。

The wolf may lose his teeth ,but never his nature.狼的牙齿会掉,本性却改不了。

Who keeps company with the wolf ,will learn to howl.跟狼在一起就会学狼叫;近墨者黑。

1.2 熊(bear):熊在英语中具有笨拙(stupid)、 友好(kind )、有力(strong)等意义,并体现在下列习语中:

a bear sucking his paws勤劳的或无所事事

Are you there with your bears?你又在搞什么?

as cross as a bear脾气极坏

be a bear for punishment顽强的

give sb. a bear hug紧紧地拥抱某人

Had it been a bear,it would have bitten you.到远处去找近在眼前的东西。

Have a bear by the tail. 遇到难以应付(或控制)的事。

like a bear with a sore head情绪恶劣,动不动发火

sell the bear's skin before one has caught the bear(谚)熊未到手先卖皮;过早乐观

take a bear by the tooth 做不必要的冒险

the northern bear (Russia)前苏联

1.3 狮子(lion):狮子一般有勇敢(brave)、凶猛的(fierce)意思。如:

(as) bold (或brave) as a lion勇猛如狮

a lion in the way困难与障碍(拦路虎)

beard the lion in his den在狮穴捋狮须,太岁头上动土

lion hearted 勇士般的

lion hunter巴结社会名流的人

lion's share最大或最好的(份额)

the British lion(英国的别称)不列颠之狮

the lion is known by his claws 狮以其爪而闻名

the lion is not so fierce as he is painted狮子没有画的那么凶猛

to place oneself in the Lion's mouth冒不必要的风险

twist the lion’s tail冒犯当局

狮子还是一种危险的动物,于是便有了:throw sb. to the lions使某人处于危险之中

1.4 蛇(snake):蛇给人的印象是狡猾(sly)、危险(dangerous)并含有过失、犯罪(sin)等意思。

A snake can peel,but it never changes its nature.蛇会脱壳,但决不会改变它的本性。

a snake in sb's bosom.对某人恩将仇报。

a snakes in the grass 潜伏的危险,潜伏的敌人

cherish a snake in one's bosom .在胸口养了一条毒蛇。

have snakes in one's boots.喝醉酒的人。

raise/wake snakes.1.扰人;闹事;2.打起精神。

scotch the snake,not kill it.刺伤了蛇身,却没有把它杀死;斩草未除根。

see snakes.发酒疯。

snake dance. 蛇舞;蜿蜒前进的队伍。

1.5 狐狸(fox ):狐狸在人们的印象中并不好,它是狡猾(cunning)、机敏(clever)。下面是关于fox的一些习语。

A fox cannot hide its tail.狐狸尾巴藏不住。

as sly as a fox.狐狸般的狡猾。

crazy like (或as) a fox.非常狡猾;十分精明。

fox sleep.假睡,假装漠不关心的

old fox老狐狸精,老奸巨滑

play the fox耍滑头

set a fox to keep one;s geese.叫狐看鹅;引狼入室。

The tail does often catch the fox.狐狸被抓,常因尾巴。

The wolf and fox are both privateers.狐狸和狼――抢劫大王。

When the fox preaches,take care of your geese.狐狸说教,当心鹅被盗。

1.6 老虎(tiger):这是一个典型的凶猛(fierce)力气很大(strong)的动物。常见的形容其特性的习语,如:

a paper tiger虚实力的(纸老虎)

as fierce as tiger极凶猛(像老虎一样)

Hares may pull dead tiger by the beard.虎落平阳被犬欺。

Have a tiger by the tail遇到劲敌

How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's hair?不入虎穴,焉得虎子

pull a tooth from the tiger's mouth 虎口拔牙

put a tiger in sb's tank使某人劲道十足

ride a tiger骑虎难下

work like a tiger.干活极卖力(生龙活虎地干活)

1.7 猫(cat): 猫有敏感的爪子,行动敏捷,善跳跃,生性好奇而且容易自我满足,于是便有了:

A cat has nice lives.猫有九命。

A cat may look at a king 猫也有权看国王

bell the cat为别人冒险

cat and dog life争吵不休的生活;夫妻不和睦

Cats hide their paws。猫儿不露爪。

like a cat on a hot brick. 像热砖上的猫,急促不安,如坐针毡

look like the cat that ate the canary 洋洋自得,自我陶醉

When the cat is away,the mice will play.猫儿不在,老鼠玩的自在。

猫也易于被人利用,于是便有了: cat's paw. 被人利用的人 (猫的爪子)

人们通常把猫装在口袋中买卖,由此引出:Let the cat out of the bag.泄露秘密,露马脚

1.8 乌鸦(crow):一般都是黑颜色的,飞行时成一线,跟乌鸦有关的习语有:

eat crow.被迫承认错误,被迫收回自己所说的话

A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.乌鸦不管怎样洗澡,也不会变白。

as the crow flies.成直线的,取捷径的

Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them.乌鸦吃死羊,先要哭一场。

Crows do not pick crow’s eyes.同类不相残

Have a crow to pick(或pluck,pull)with sb.有事要和某人理论;对某人不满

stone the crows.用作感叹语,表示惊叹,震惊

The crow thinks his own bird fairest.乌鸦总以为自己的雏鸟在美。

white crow.珍奇之物。

1.9 狗(dog):一种温顺的动物,由于其自身的情况,狗是没有地位的象征,也是非人待遇的体现,所以 出头的机会很少。我们可以从以下习语来理解狗的习性:

(as) sick as a dog病得很厉害

a dog's chance 极其微小的机会

Barking dogs seldom bite吠犬不咬人

die dog for somebody尽犬马之劳

dog tired 困乏至极

Dogs that put up many hares kill none.多谋寡成。

Every dog has its day. 人人都有出头之日.

sth. has gone to the dogs. 每况愈下

work like a dog. 像狗那样劳作,艰苦的工作

1.10 鱼是水中动物,离不开水,捕捞后处理不及时,就会变嗅。

cry stinking a fish. 暴露自己的缺点,拆自己的台

drink like a fish 牛饮,大喝

Fish begins to stink at the head.鱼要腐烂头先臭(意即上梁不正下梁歪。)

fishy business 肮脏的交易

Like a fish out of water. 如离水之鱼

like a stranded fish put back into water如鱼得水

Never offer to teach fish to swim.切勿教鱼游泳(意指不要班门弄斧。)

The best fish smell when they are three days old.再好的鱼三天也要变臭;久住招人嫌。

The best fish swim near the bottom.好鱼居水底;有价值的东西不易轻易得到。

The great fish eat up the small.大鱼吃小鱼;弱肉强食

There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.只要有水,何患无鱼(意指机会多得很。)

1.11 鹅(goose):走起路来遥来遥去,也不是特别聪明,于是便有了:

(as) silly (或stupid)as a goose傻极了,愚蠢之至

All his geese are swans.他的鹅都是天鹅。(意指总是言过其实)

cook sb's goose破坏某人的计划

get the goose.被人喝倒彩(得到一只鹅)。

The goose hangs(或honks)high。前景美好。

Give sb.the goose使某人加快速度;向某人喝倒彩

kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.杀鸡取蛋。

1.12 母鸡(hen):会下蛋,爱大惊小怪,于是就有了:

(as)mad as a wet hen 非常生气

A black hen lays a white egg.黑鸡生白蛋;丑妇生俊儿。

a wet hen.讨厌的人,泼妇

Fat hens lay few eggs.肥鸡不下蛋

hen -pecked.惧内,怕老婆(让母鸡啄的)。

like a hen on a hot girdle.极不安静,极不舒服。

like a hen with one chicken.大惊小怪的。

sell one's hens on a rainy day.不会做生意,亏本出售

1.13 马(horse): 一种善于奔跑的动物。常见的有关马的习语有:

a dark horse.深藏不露的人(黑马)

A horse may stumble on four feet.马有失蹄,人有失手

All lay loads on a willing horse.马善有人骑,人善有人欺.

as strong as a horse 非常强壮

back the wrong horse(赛马中)下错赌注,支持失败的一方

be on the high horse 自高自大,目空一切

horse play喧闹的娱乐

horsing around 哄骗,捣蛋

spur a willing horse 快马毋须再加鞭

take horse 吹牛

work like ahorse 辛辛苦苦的干活

You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink 牵马到河边易,逼马饮水难

1.14 猪(pig):生性贪吃,不讲卫生,因其习性而产生的习语不少,诸如:

bring one's pigs to the wrong market.卖东西卖吃亏

buy apig in a poke(未见实物而) 乱买东西

cold pig 向睡着的人泼冷水

drive one's pigs to market 打鼾

Live like pigs in clove 生活优裕,养尊处优

make a pig of oneself 狼吞虎咽

make a pig's ear out of something.把事情弄糟

teach apig to play ona flute 教猪吹笛;做荒唐的事

We don't kill a pig every day。我们不是天天过节






[2]THE ADVANCED LEARNER’S DICTIONARY OF CURRENT ENGLISH with Chinese Translation.Oxford university Press.


