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一、 陈述句


1. 时态的变化。 间接引语的时态和前面的引述动词的时态关系密切。如果引述动词为现在时,间接引语的动词保持原来的时态;如果引述动词为过去时,间接引语的动词时态要做如下变化:

如:Hang Kai said, “I am watching TV in the bedroom.” =Hang Kai said that he was watching TV in the bedroom. 杭凯说他正在卧室看电视。

His elder sister says, “I like skating very much.” =His elder sister says that she likes skating very much.


2. 人称的变化。 直接引语变间接引语时,人称代词要根据转述人的角度做相应的变化。直接引语中的第一人称变为引述部分主语相一致的人称;直接引语中的第二人称变为与引述部分的宾语相一致的人称;如果是第三人称则不变化。如:

She said to me, “I want to borrow your car.” =She told me that she wanted to borrow my car. 她告诉我说她要借我的小汽车。

The old man said, “I like the TV play very much.”=The old man said he liked the TV play very much. 老人说他非常喜欢那部电视剧。

3. 状语的变化。直接引语变间接引语时,如果转述的时间或时态有变化,则时间状语也做相应的变化。

另外,指示代词this要改为that, 地点状语here要改为there, 动词come要改为go 。 如:

Han Meimei said, “I’ll go to Guangzhou tomorrow.” =Han Meimei said that she would go to Guangzhou the next/following day. 韩梅梅说她第二天要去广州。

The boy said, “My brother was here one month ago.” =The boy said that his brother had been there one month before. 那男孩说他哥哥一个月前在那儿的。


(1) 直接引语如果是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如:

The physics teacher said, “Light travels faster than sound.”=The physics teacher said that light travels faster than sound. 物理老师说光传播的速度比声音要快。

(2) 如果在当地转述,地点here不要改为there; 动词come不要改为go。 如果在当天转述,yesterday, tomorrow 等时间状语也不变化。


二、 疑问句

1. 直接引语是一般疑问句时,变成间接引语时,用连词whether或if引导引语部分做宾语从句。主句谓语动词用ask;若是转述对问题的回答,主句谓语用tell, say, explain等。如:

The teacher asked me, “Are you the monitor?”

The teacher asked me if/whether I was the monitor. 老师问我是否是班长。

2. 直接引语是选择疑问句时,变成间接引语时只能用whether引导。如:

Li Ming asked Tom, “Are you going to buy the dictionary or the magazine?”

Li Ming asked Tom whether he was going to buy the dictionary or the magazine.


3. 直接引语是反意疑问句时,变成间接引语时可以用if或whether引导。如果主句中的谓语动词是said,要改为asked,没有间接宾语的可以加一个间接宾语me, him或us等。如:

“The Red Star over China is a popular book, isn’t it?” she said.

She asked ( me) if/whether The Red Star over China was a popular book.


4. 直接引语是特殊疑问句时,变成间接引语就是要变成一个特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,不能用。除非特殊疑问词做主语,否则都要将疑问语序改为陈述语序。如:

“Where did you go last Friday?” she asked me.

She asked me where I had gone the Friday before. 她问我上星期五去哪儿了。



Xiao Ming asked the teacher, “Does the earth go round the sun?”

Xiao Ming asked the teacher whether/if the earth goes round the sun. 小明问老师是不是地球绕着太阳转。

(2) 如果直接引语中有情态动词must,则无论“表示引语的动词为何种时态,must 都不变。

“Must I really go away now?” she asked me.

She asked me whether/if she really must go away then. 她问我是否她真的要走开。


1. The biology teacher asked “Do the leaves come out in spring or in summer?”

The biology teacher asked whether the leaves ____in spring or in summer

e out

B.came out

C.should come out

D.would come out

2. Wang Ping asked his physics teacher, “Does light travel faster than sound?”

Wang Ping asked his physics teacher whether/if light________faster than sound.


B.will travel


D.should travel

3. The man asked, “Is there anything else I can do?”

A.The man asked was there anything else he can do?

B.The man asked there was anything else he could do.

C.The man asked if there was anything else I could do.

D.The man asked whether there was anything else he could do.

Where there is no hope, there can be no endeavor.(Sanuel Johnson)

4. Mary asked, “Shall I do that?” This sentence means____ .

A.Mary asked that she would do that.

B.Mary asked that she should do that.

C.Mary asked whether she should do that.

D. Mary hoped that she would do that.

5. The teacher asked, “Where are you going, John?”

A.The teacher asked where was John going.

B. The teacher asked him where John was going.

C.The teacher asked John where was he going.

D.The teacher asked John where he was going.

6. “The meeting is very important,” the headmaster said.

The sentence means____ .

A.The headmaster said the meeting is very important.

B.The headmaster told us that the meeting is very important.

C.The headmaster told us that the meeting was very important.

D.We told the headmaster the meeting was very important.

7. He asked, “How long is the way to the village?” The sentence means____ .

A.He asked me how long the way is to the village.

B.He asked me how long the way was to the village.

C.He asked me how long was the way to the village.

D.He asked me how long is the way to the village.

8. Mr. Brown said “I was born in 1945.”

Mr. Brown told me that he________in 1945.

A.was born

B.had been born

C.were born

D.had born

9. He asked, “Don’t you want to be here?” He asked me____ .

A.whether I want to be there or not.

B. if you want to be there or not.

C.whether you want to be there or not.

D. if I want to be there or not.

10. “I had learnt French before the year 1987,” the professor said.

The professor said to his students that he ____ French before the year 1987.


B.had learnt

C.would learn

D.were to learn


1-5 ACDCD 6-10 CAAAB
