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摘 要:利用全基因组关联分析、候选基因等方法重点对我国部分地方牛羊品种开展了生长发育、产肉性状和肉品质性状、细毛羊毛品质性状等重要经济性状相关分子标记的筛选,发现了一批与产肉性状、生长性状、细羊毛品质性状相关的SNP、微卫星、CNVs和RFLP标记;建立了全基因组SNP关联分析、全基因组CNVs检测分析技术平台,绵羊micorRNA鉴定、CRISPR/Cas9绵羊基因组编辑技术平台;建立了我国主要牛羊品种的高密度SNP图谱和CNV分型遗传图谱;利用基因标记辅助选择育种,通过分子设计定向导入及现代胚胎工程技术对优良个体进行快繁扩群,初步建立了具有突出的高产肉力性状、高繁殖力性状和明确基因选择标记的肉牛、肉羊育种资源群或育种核心群,同时充分利用现代生物技术和基因组学技术,对牛羊重要经济性状相关功能基因进行了发掘,为建立我国牛羊特色基因资源挖掘利用和高效育种技术平台,为我国牛羊育种技术由常规技术向常规育种与分子和细胞工程育种技术相结合的转变奠定基础。

关键词:草食家畜 分子标记 全基因组SNP关联分析技术 优势性状新品系培育

The Research in Frontier Technology of Molecular Cell Engineering and Breeding of New Strain with Dominant Traits in Herbivorous Livestock

Liu Mingjun1 Zhang Ning1 He Sangang1 Zhang Li2 Liu Xiaolin3

(1.Xinjiang Academy of Animal Sciences; 2.Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 3.Northwest A&F University)

Abstract: This topic was used the methods of genome-wide association analysis, the candidate genes key parts of cattle and sheep breeds in China carried out the growth and development, production traits and meat quality traits, fuzz wool quality traits, and other important economic characters related to screening of molecular markers, found a group of with meat traits, growth traits, fine wool quality traits related SNP, microsatellite, CNVs and RFLP markers; Established a genome-wide SNP correlation analysis, Sheep micorRNA identification, CRISPR/Cas9 sheep genome editing technology platform;analysis of genome-wide CNVs detection analysis technology platform, established in our country mainly cattle and sheep breeds of high-density SNP map and CNV parting genetic map; Using genetic marker assisted selection breeding by molecular design orientation import and modern embryo engineering technology to rapid expansion group of excellent individuals, primarily established with outstanding high meat, high fecundity traits and clear genetic selection markers of beef, mutton sheep breeding resources or the nucleus breeding group, at the same time make full use of modern biotechnology and genomics technology, important economic characters of cattle and sheep related functional genes were discovered, in order to establish our country's cattle and sheep characteristics using genetic resources mining and efficient breeding technology platform, for cattle and sheep breeding in China by the conventional technology to conventional breeding and molecular and cell engineering breeding technology with the combination of lay the foundation.

Key Words: Herbivorous livestock; Molecular Marker; Genome-wide SNP correlation analysis technology; The advantages of new strains breeding traits
