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Revolution Review and Development of Teaching Physical Education

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Abstract. School sports is the key point of the national fitness, in our country , it is the basic content of all levels of education, which fully reflects the status of school sports in school education as well as its special role in the process of human growth and development. The receivers of the school sports are students, due to the country's education system and the existence of objective reality of the entrance exams, so the school sports in a very awkward position. Sports still in a secondary position compared with other main subjects. Although the experts and the scholars’ analysis that sport have important educational value to people from the theoretical, especially the better promotion to the overall development, but the practice of physical education in this area did not show superiority.

Key words: revolution; Physical Education; teaching; Modernization of teaching techniques

1 Teaching model of physical education

1.1 Open teaching

The essential components of the open physical education can bring the leading of teachers and the subjectivity of students into full play, which make it possible to the interaction between the teacher and student. The traditional mode of teaching is carried out under the guidance of the teachers, teaching what and learning what are all around teachers teaching objectives, which will inevitably cause the case of “no enough to eat” and “cannot eat”. In advocating health, lifelong physical target, which certainly can not meet the requirements of the students in order to keep healthy and to participate in various sports. The basic part of a pattern of open physical education is the fundamental part of the physical education students free to choose the project, to answer the question of freedom of grouping, independent study and exercise, teachers are not satisfactory enough students in the practice of the process can not solve or resolve problems. In the process of teaching, teachers, students selected the project as well as their level of cognitive and athletic ability to develop teaching objectives of each lesson.

1.2 Club-teaching

Club mode: the establishment of a number of sports activities club, the students enrolled in the club, and become the club members and take regular activities, furthermore club activities organized by teachers and guidance. The club can organize the students to watch the high-level competitions, to learn systematic sports theoretical knowledge, to practice sports skills and tactics, to organize sports competitions etc. The student is the main body of the club, while the teachers are organizing and guiding role. There are not many differences in the form of organization between PE elective and a required course in school, despite breaking the boundaries of class, but no change in the organization of the class teaching system. Club mode itself is not based on form class, the students in the club has a great deal of autonomous space when in activities, teachers play an important role in the coordination of counseling of teachers can be open to all members, and can also to individual . When counseling teachers, students have a very strong desire to learn, the learning effect is significantly improved.

1.3 Student-centered teaching modes

Adhere to the student, reform of college physical education goals, and effectively promote the university students' overall development, teaching goal is the starting point of the whole college sports teaching, which determines the fundamental direction of physical education in the university. As the traditional college physical education goals seriously neglected the differences in students' individual development, which can easily lead to different levels of students receiving the same level of fixed physical education, which led to teaching objectives loses its guidance and motivation role. In the concept of humanistic education, college physical education goals must take full account of and respect for the individual differences of students, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, so as to effectively stimulate the potential of university students, and every college students can pursue and realize the goals that is suited to them.

2 New challenges physical education faces with the modernization of teaching techniques

Modernization of education and teaching, that is, to apply modern media such as projection, video, computer-aided teaching software, multimedia technology to classroom teaching, which is not only conducive to expand the amount of information of classroom teaching and arouse the enthusiasm of the students, but also conducive better and more economical way to promote student mastery of knowledge and skills, develop students' ability to observe, thinking ability, imagination and creative skills, and form the best teaching effect. Most of our college physical education teaching means are antiquated and less advanced, modern science and technology is poorly represented in teaching methods, such as the teaching methods of the discipline, which are still lecturing mainly, as to summarize, analyze, and penetration comprehensive inadequate attention, "heuristic", "discussion" are less applied, and few emphasis are put on practical hands-on ability.

3 Physical Education Ideology transition

Physical Education Ideology in Physical Education occupies an important position. Modern sports teaching should be based on the quality of education and life-long sports as a guide, to take overall development of students as the center. The quality of education is proposed for the examination-oriented education, its essence is just to get rid of the traditional mode of teaching to impart knowledge, to establish a model that culture and motivate students awareness of innovation, innovation capability, innovative spirit, so that it has sufficient ideas and patterns of imagination, creativity and high quality of thinking ability education. Students have ten years of physical education from primary to university, but after leaving school, fewer can form lifelong physical exercise habits and master the scientific and reasonable methods of physical exercise. Sports teaching reform should take the quality of education and life-long sports as a guide, and focusing on creating ability, comprehensive education, training of students on physical and mental and develop the awareness and habits of lifelong physical exercise.

4. Establish and improve the extracurricular sports life counseling system of the college

4.1 strengthen the reform of college school sports organizations and deepen the support of the form of policy and organizational.

College sports cultural life should be course of conduct to enrich the students whole learning life, the effective realization and organizational forms should be all-round and multi-level, and the content should be rich and diverse, and should not be confined to the reform of the physical education teaching and excavations, after-school sports life should be pay full attention used as the main form of student sports cultural life. Therefore, deepen the reform of school sports organizations in the form, expanding the organizational form of after-school sports, establishing and improving after-school sports life counseling system should be mentioned at the important agenda. And take full advantage of the organizational form of health education, strengthening education and publicity guide, and make full use of the easy organized character of campus cultural life, play the organization and management functions of sports organization, sports associations and sports clubs and organize a large number and variety of sports and cultural activities, organizations can promote the development of sports cultural life of the campus. The development and management of campus civilization should be to support various activities of sports cultural life in policy and make effort to create a favorable external environment for college students to develop a sports cultural life style.

4.2 To build a harmonious relationship between teachers and students

Create a classroom environment of emotional blend, build harmonious relationship between teachers and students in the sports teaching process of college, and the creation of a loose and free teaching atmosphere are important guarantees for the implementation of effective physical education teaching. Class teaching of PE should be a process of teachers and students emotional mutual integration and communication. In from a certain perspective, teacher-student relationship status in the classroom and the classroom environment of entire sports learning process are key factors in determining the success of the implementation of College Physical Education. Specifically, in college PE classroom teaching, physical education teachers must respect students, open and exchange mind with each other in psychological teaching.

4.3 Improve the curriculum resources awareness and resource development skills of physical education teachers

It has diverse resources for physical education teaching activities to develop and take advantage of, such as the expansion of the sport project, to broaden the teaching environment, and strengthen the extra-curricular activities, expand exchanges and expand information channels. It is provide a broad space for physical education teachers according to local conditions to develop and take advantage of the physical education curriculum resources, not only has a different purpose and value of the same resources for different courses, and the implementation of the same course can also select a variety of curriculum resources, and include the local outstanding part of the sports to the school physical education activities, so that the sports teaching closer to the actual life of the students, and improve their interests of sport; on the other hand also allows school sports to contribute to inherit and carry forward the culture of the local sports. Therefore, the physical education teachers have to change their awareness of curriculum resource and deepen understanding of curriculum resources, in particular should recognize that the teachers' own knowledge, attitudes and values is also an important resource that can take full advantage. PE teachers should be able to good at identify, develop and utilize sports curriculum resource, continuously improving the curriculum resource development skills in practice according the actual school conditions and student characteristics,

5. Physical Educational Teaching Reform and Trends of Development

Strengthening physical educational personnel continue training and developing and strengthen the counseling team building of after-school sports cultural life and implementation of the rejuvenation of the backbone of the teachers, college physical education are the process of teachers and students bilateral activities. Student is the teaching body, teachers in the teaching dominant position on the process. This is a basic principle of education and teaching, so the ability and the role of teachers must be strengthened according to the level of development of the education. The teachers’ taught including the imparting of knowledge content, teaching methods, and the use of teaching materials and methods, as well as on the organization and management of the education and teaching activities. Therefore, the teachers' quality and ability is very important, Strengthening physical educational professionals continue training and sustainable development is to adapt to the basic requirement of social development and school physical education reform ideas.

5.1 Physical education combined with extra-curricular sports activities

Take the form of a combination of physical education and extra-curricular sports activities. Physical education is the discipline class system of students to master based sports basics, techniques, skills and tactics (techniques); extracurricular sports activities is the activity class system for students to use sports knowledge into practice. Both interrelated and penetration, mutual supplement and development in content, to enable students to learn the system sports knowledge, technology, develop the sports skills, but also make the students to use sports knowledge, technology initiative, and creativity, improve athletic abilities, and develop exercise habits.

5.2 Construction of PE classroom teaching quality evaluation system

Construction of PE classroom teaching quality evaluation system should take physical education and health curriculum standards as the theoretical basis, to take evaluating the principle as the means of operation, to take the development trend of Physical Education Teaching as guidance, to take the mission and purpose of physical education and health curriculum as goal, to look at the whole process of sports classroom teaching by standing at an altitude of the course. Current Sports classroom teaching, teachers are no longer the negative teaching staff, but the designers of the course. Since Physical Education Teaching are teachers selected according to the teaching goals textbook teaching methods and means necessary to reach the students to acquire knowledge and enhance the physical, mental and physical conditioning, so as to achieve teaching objectives.

5.2 people-oriented reforms and a single instruction in the form of multi-style teaching

The reformation of School physical education teaching must be compatible with the current trend of educational development, so as to promote human subjectivity reasonable liberation and development. School physical education curriculum is based on the students’ sports knowledge and skills improve health, making life-long benefit for the target set. School sports on the educational should be people-oriented, should give full play in the process of deepening the reform of the school sports the lucrative sports humanistic ideas to improve and rich sports content and methods of education.

5.3 Conversion channels of institutional barriers

Natural scientific results usually are generally through publicity, test, promote, and even registered the patent, public auction, and technology shares, such as the way to realize the value and benefits. While social science research has no such intermediate links and channels, it is often a lack of communication, lack of communication between the R & D and application of general social scientific achievements, resulting in the supply and application of the results of R & D needs of non-convergence, no correspondence. Currently, this is the one with the universality of social problem. Therefore, in the field of physical education teaching, the conversion of the theoretical results of poor access and lack of intermediate links is not surprising. However, sports educators can not ignore the institutional barriers of the blocked channel of transformation, since physical education teaching is an open, fully embodies the teaching process involved in the subjective initiative, and therefore from the bad conversion channel barriers is predictable and can be solved.

5.4 Improve the physical fitness of students comprehensively

The students are in the most productive period of physical development. To emphasis on the development of the comprehensive physical fitness of the students in our sports, has a special significance for improving their human activity and exercise technical level. The current National Standards for Physical Exercise with principle of comprehensive exercise and is based the physiological characteristics of the young. Therefore, the training content of the newly enrolled students are required by "standard", all-round development of students 'physical quality, only the students' physical fitness development more fully, their body would show greater activity, and develop their motor skills better in sports activities.

5.5 Lifelong sports conducive to physical and mental health

When college students deal with all kinds of relationships in life, there will be many contradictions caused by some psychological imbalance, resulting discontent. Need some place and timing to vent these grievances, if the school can not provide such a place and opportunity to the students, it is apt to cause a variety of problems. Sports mood shifted and spirit into a medium for undergraduate students in the field of sports communication and mutual understanding, so as to promote the mutual connection of groups and individuals, such a situation will be merged into a huge spirit of the times and the undercurrent, adding vitality to the stability, progress and development of the school. Therefore, in the reform of higher education, sports in its unique features for the school progress fueled. College students have physical and mental pleasure, and feelings to vent, the sport has become a necessary of modern society.

5.6 To develop the sports ability of students

To develop the students physical exercise ability is the foundation of lifelong physical habits. School physical education reform should to strengthen the all-round development of the body as the core, to master the scientific knowledge and skills of sports as a means and to focus on innovation capability, focus on cultivating students' comprehension, imagination, creativity and aesthetics, so that students on the foundation of develop a good the psychological quality and strong will to enhance self-training, self-evaluation, self-monitoring ability.


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