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1. 意义与适用范围


例1 ―_______ the news that our headmaster has returned from abroad be true?

―No,it _______.

A. Can;cannot B. Can;mustn’t

C. May;cannot D. Must;mustn’t


例2 Since you have so much work to do,you _______ be very busy.

A. can B. may C. must D. need

解析:选C。since you have so much work to do暗示该空表示“一定”,因此应填must。

2. 反意疑问句的构成

may,might,must,can等推测性情态动词所在句构成反意疑问句时,谓语动词不能再用情态动词,而应与其后的实义动词保持一致。其时态的使用遵循下列原则:“may / must / cannot +动词原形”,表示对现在情况的推测,反意疑问句应用一般现在时;“may / must / cannot + have done sth.+过去时间状语”,表示对过去情况的推测,反意疑问句用一般过去时;“may / must / cannot +have done sth.”的反意疑问句用现在完成时。

例3 Now,your daughter must be at home doing her homework,_______ she?

A. mustn’t

B. needn’t

C. isn’t

D. cannot


例4 Your youngest brother may have gone to see a film last night,_______ he?

A. hasn’t B. didn’t

C. mayn’t D. doesn’t

解析:选B。题干中的may表示推测,且其后接“have done+过去时间状语”,因此反意疑问句用一般过去时。

二、 may,must,can的非推测性用法



例5 Peter,don’t you know that even gentle girls _______ be very naughty?

A. must B. may C. can D. shall


例6 Mary,it’s already midnight. _______ you play the violin at such a late time?

A. Can B. Must C. May D. Need




例7 ―Could I put you to the trouble of answering me a question?

―Yes,you _______ .

A. could B. might C. can D. must


例8 ―Might I have a few minutes of rest now?I’m so tired.

―Yes,you _______ .

A. might B. may C. could D. need



1. shall可表示“需要”,用来征求对方意见,用于第一、三人称;shall还可以表示“命令,警告,威胁,强制,允诺”,用于第二、三人称。

例9 Mary has got home. _______ she come here to see you immediately?

A. Will B. Shall C. May D. Can



例10 _______ a fire break out,you must sound the fire alarm in the shortest time.

A. Would B. Could C. Might D. Should


四、“情态动词+have done sth.”的用法

1. may/might have done sth.,意为相对于现在/过去某一时刻可能已做某事;must have done sth.,意为相对于现在/过去某一时刻肯定已做某事;cannot have done sth.,意为相对于现在不可能已经做了某事。

例11 ―I have looked for him everywhere but I cannot find him.

―He _______ home.

A. can have gone B. must go

C. may go D. must have gone

解析:选D。由“I have looked for him everywhere but I cannot find him”可以推出,该空表示“一定已经回家了”,因此应填must have gone。

例12 The door in her office is still open,so she _______ very far.

A. cannot go

B. cannot have gone

C. shouldn’t have gone

D. oughtn’t to have gone

解析:选B。the door in her office is still open暗示该空表示“不可能已经走了”,因此应填cannot have gone。

2. should/ought to have done sth.,意为本来应做某事但实际未做;shouldn’t / oughtn’t to have done sth.,意为本来不应该做某事但实际已做。

例13 You are still doing your homework. You _______ it an hour and a half ago.

A. should finish B. ought to finish

C. must have finished D. should have finished

解析:选D。are still doing与an hour and a half ago暗示该空表示“本来应该完成但实际没有”,因此应填should have finished。

例14 Your father looks so sad. You _______ with him.

A. shouldn’t quarrel

B. oughtn’t to quarrel

C. shouldn’t have quarreled

D. cannot have quarreled

解析:选C。由your father looks so sad可以推出该空表示“本来不应该争吵”,因此应填shouldn’t have quarreled。

3. needn’t have done sth.,意为本来不必做某事但实际已做。

例15 The final exam turned out to be so easy,so you _______ about it.

A. cannot have worried

B. shouldn’t have worried

C. oughtn’t to have worried

D. needn’t have worried

解析:选D。 turned out to be so easy暗示该空表示“本来没有必要担心”,因此应填needn’t have worried。