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"Black flying" refers to illegal flights that are not permitted by civil aviation authorities. Chinese fliers are often found making black flights, but few know about their frustrations. At the invitation of U-Jet, Mr. Li shares his story.

















到了村子里,李恒把直升机停在了家门前的空地上。为了目睹一下传说中李恒买的飞机,闻询赶来的父老乡亲围了好几层。“我到了父母家,但没有待太长的时间就离开了。因为父母认为我驾驶着直升机回老家太出风头了,影响不好,让我赶紧飞回去。” 而李恒自己也不敢待太久,毕竟是“黑飞”,如果回家后发现又有十几辆警察正等着自己,那才叫“人赃俱获”。



Unexpected Police Raid

Mr. Li stops the engine of his car and walkes to the hangar. A thick layer of dust on his S-300C reminds him that it has been a long time since his last flight.

Li used to take a ride on a Ferrai or Hummer, but since he bought a helicopter, cars could no longer give him the thrill. Even though he could not fly often on helicopters, he keeps only one Audi to drive.

“Should I conduct a rule-breaking flying again?” Li is hesitant. He still recalls how months ago his house was surrounded by a dozen of police cars just as in a classic scene of a Hollywood movie. His first impression was he was involved in an issue affecting national security.

But soon he realized it was about his black flights. “I am a business man, and I break no laws. There is no other reason but that my black flight was tipped off.”

Because Li lives in the suburbs where regulation is not so restricted, he often makes flights without reporting to the regulator. He dared not fly far, because once caught, he would be hugely fined or worse, have the copter confiscated.

With experiences shared by flier friends, he behaved innocent and cooperative, he even brought the police to his hangar and offered a ride, of course, with approval from related regulators.

He never knew who tipped him off, but according to him, it must not be other fliers, probably business competitors.

Black Fliers’ Frustrations

Li was actually relieved to see the police. As his helicopter is not registered at CAAC, it would be worse if they were civil aviation officials. “As civil helicopters are not widely used in China, the police only manages it from a social security or anti-terrorism perspective, they don’t care about registration, and black owners like us don’t need hide and run.”

Li does not want to be a black owner either. But according to regulations, private helicopters have to be registered, managed by professional operators, and parked at airports for maintenance and repair. It is not the cost that scares him off, but because the nearest airport is too far away, which means he will have to drive 5 to 6 hours to the nearest airport and fly only when he gets an approval from civil aviation regulator. “What difference does it make between owning a helicopter and hiring one?”

Because of this, owners like Li would rather stay “black” than sending their helicopter to an operator, although they would have trouble getting maintenance and repair services. Li keeps thinking of selling his helicopter after a last flight, and enjoying the fun of flying by buying one in a foreign country.

Risk and Temptation

To fly or not to fly, it is a question battled most in his mind. It has been months since the last raid, and he decides to make the move. After all, it is better than grounded.

He decided to fly to his home 50 km away by a helicopter. “It has been a while since my last visit to my parents. Friends and relatives in my village know of my helicopter but never get to see it. So I decided to fly it home to visit my parents and to show it to my homies.”

The 1 and a half ground journey takes him only 20 minutes by helicopter. “I kept it low and slow, less than 50km/h below 500 meters. It is all visual, the only navigation I have is an app on my Ipad.” He enjoyed the view on his flight home, and he could see people stop to look at him from on the ground.

He landed it in front of his house. Soon it attracted a large crowd. “I did not stay long, because my parents thought it is not good to show off, and asked me to fly back.” He left soon afterwards, after all, he did not want to be caught red-handed on his black flight.

Black or White

Having obtained license for 2 years, “there is no difference between a ‘‘black flight’ and a ‘white flight’ in terms of flying.” The only difference is whether or not you have regulator approval. Fliers often liken it to walking on the street with or without clothes. The difference lies not in which one is safer, but that the former is legal and the latter is obscene and against law. It is usually difficult to get approval for non-scheduled flights. If you just want to enjoy the fun of flying, you might think better of it?

Li believes that most Chinese helicopter owns fly more or less without approval. Once caught the penalty ranges from a fine between 20,000 and 100,000RMB, to the confiscation of the aircraft. But for fliers who just want to feel the thrill of flying around home, black flights are less risky and more exciting.

Of the many fliers he knows, many have experiences like him. Some make black flights from Beijing to Fujian, others even organized a gathering. To many fliers, black flying is just an inconvenient truth.

















到了村子里,李恒把直升机停在了家门前的空地上。为了目睹一下传说中李恒买的飞机,闻询赶来的父老乡亲围了好几层。“我到了父母家,但没有待太长的时间就离开了。因为父母认为我驾驶着直升机回老家太出风头了,影响不好,让我赶紧飞回去。” 而李恒自己也不敢待太久,毕竟是“黑飞”,如果回家后发现又有十几辆警察正等着自己,那才叫“人赃俱获”。

Unexpected Police Raid

Mr. Li stops the engine of his car and walkes to the hangar. A thick layer of dust on his S-300C reminds him that it has been a long time since his last flight.

Li used to take a ride on a Ferrai or Hummer, but since he bought a helicopter, cars could no longer give him the thrill. Even though he could not fly often on helicopters, he keeps only one Audi to drive.

“Should I conduct a rule-breaking flying again?” Li is hesitant. He still recalls how months ago his house was surrounded by a dozen of police cars just as in a classic scene of a Hollywood movie. His first impression was he was involved in an issue affecting national security.

But soon he realized it was about his black flights. “I am a business man, and I break no laws. There is no other reason but that my black flight was tipped off.”

Because Li lives in the suburbs where regulation is not so restricted, he often makes flights without reporting to the regulator. He dared not fly far, because once caught, he would be hugely fined or worse, have the copter confiscated.

With experiences shared by flier friends, he behaved innocent and cooperative, he even brought the police to his hangar and offered a ride, of course, with approval from related regulators.

He never knew who tipped him off, but according to him, it must not be other fliers, probably business competitors.

Black Fliers’ Frustrations

Li was actually relieved to see the police. As his helicopter is not registered at CAAC, it would be worse if they were civil aviation officials. “As civil helicopters are not widely used in China, the police only manages it from a social security or anti-terrorism perspective, they don’t care about registration, and black owners like us don’t need hide and run.”

Li does not want to be a black owner either. But according to regulations, private helicopters have to be registered, managed by professional operators, and parked at airports for maintenance and repair. It is not the cost that scares him off, but because the nearest airport is too far away, which means he will have to drive 5 to 6 hours to the nearest airport and fly only when he gets an approval from civil aviation regulator. “What difference does it make between owning a helicopter and hiring one?”

Because of this, owners like Li would rather stay “black” than sending their helicopter to an operator, although they would have trouble getting maintenance and repair services. Li keeps thinking of selling his helicopter after a last flight, and enjoying the fun of flying by buying one in a foreign country.

Risk and Temptation

To fly or not to fly, it is a question battled most in his mind. It has been months since the last raid, and he decides to make the move. After all, it is better than grounded.

He decided to fly to his home 50 km away by a helicopter. “It has been a while since my last visit to my parents. Friends and relatives in my village know of my helicopter but never get to see it. So I decided to fly it home to visit my parents and to show it to my homies.”

The 1 and a half ground journey takes him only 20 minutes by helicopter. “I kept it low and slow, less than 50km/h below 500 meters. It is all visual, the only navigation I have is an app on my Ipad.” He enjoyed the view on his flight home, and he could see people stop to look at him from on the ground.

He landed it in front of his house. Soon it attracted a large crowd. “I did not stay long, because my parents thought it is not good to show off, and asked me to fly back.” He left soon afterwards, after all, he did not want to be caught red-handed on his black flight.

Black or White

Having obtained license for 2 years, “there is no difference between a ‘‘black flight’ and a ‘white flight’ in terms of flying.” The only difference is whether or not you have regulator approval. Fliers often liken it to walking on the street with or without clothes. The difference lies not in which one is safer, but that the former is legal and the latter is obscene and against law. It is usually difficult to get approval for non-scheduled flights. If you just want to enjoy the fun of flying, you might think better of it?

Li believes that most Chinese helicopter owns fly more or less without approval. Once caught the penalty ranges from a fine between 20,000 and 100,000RMB, to the confiscation of the aircraft. But for fliers who just want to feel the thrill of flying around home, black flights are less risky and more exciting.

Of the many fliers he knows, many have experiences like him. Some make black flights from Beijing to Fujian, others even organized a gathering. To many fliers, black flying is just an inconvenient truth.






Fliers often liken it to walking on the street with or without clothes. The difference lies not in which one is safer, but that the former is legal and the latter is obscene and against law.