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摘要 食品加工是高职高专食品营养与检测专业的专业必修核心课程,也是食品类专业的一门实践性极强、与食品加工生产实际联系紧密的重要课程。该课程的传统实验教学基本上采取封闭式的教学方式,这种“按方取药”的教学方式极大地限制了学生学习的积极性、主动性,不利于学生自主创新能力的培养。本文根据食品加工的学科特点,采取开放式研究式的实验教学法开展教学,定题、查阅资料、加工方法的设计、实验过程的实施、实验结果的分析等均以学生为主、教师为辅,充分发挥学生的积极性、主动性,为学生提供能够充分发挥自主创造力的学习环境,培养学生的创新能力。通过实践表明,该课程改革可取得较好的教学效果。

关键词 高职院校;食品加工课程;开放式;研究式;实验教学法

中图分类号 G712 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2017)06-0281-02

Application of Open and Research Style Experiment Teaching Method in Food Processing Course in

Higher Vocational Education

ZHOU Yan-hua 1 LI Tao 2 *

(1 Changsha Environmental Protection Vocational College,Changsha Hunan 410004; 2 Hunan Provincial Food Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute)

Abstract Food processing is the core course of the specialty of food nutrition and detection in higher vocational colleges.It is also an important course of practicality and closely related to food processing and production.The traditional experimental teaching of the course adopts the closed teaching mode.This "taking medicine according to the prescription" teaching method greatly limits the students′ enthusiasm and initiative,which is not conducive to the cultivation of students′ independent innovation ability.In this paper,according to the characteristics of food processing disciplines,taking open and research style experiment teaching method to carry out teaching,the determination of topic,accessing information,design of processing methods,implementation of experimental process,analysis of experimental results are student-oriented,teacher is complementary,giving full play to the enthusiasm and initiative of students,to provide learning environment that can full play to the creativity for students,cultivate students′ innovative ability.The practice showed that the curriculum reform can achieve better teaching effect.

Key words higher vocational school;food processing course;open style;research style;experiment teaching method



1 教学模式的设计
