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摘 要 以界定“质量目标”内涵和梳理“制定质量目标基本思路”为基础,结合ISO9000(9001)质量管理体系相关理论

>> 浅谈高职院校教育质量的提升 新形势下提升高职院校教育质量管理体系效能的策略研究 促进督导专业化建设,提升高职院校教育质量 关于高职院校教育质量检验标准的探索 关于提高高职院校教育质量的思考 提高高职院校教育质量的几点思考 浅析高职院校教育质量成本的控制途径 高职院校教育质量标准设计与开发 大数据背景下应用型本科院校教育质量研究 浅议本科院校教育质量的优化 ISO9000质量管理八项原则在高职院校教育质量管理的应用 高职院校教育科学研究实施目标管理的实践探析 构建高职院校教育教学质量监控体系的研究 高职院校教育教学质量监控管理的研究 对高职院校教育教学质量监控指标体系的构建研究 关于实施因材施教提高新建本科院校教育质量的思考 职业院校教育质量保障体系的构建 浅析现代职业院校教育质量评价的四大导向 军队院校教育质量内部保障体系建设理念的思考 高职院校教育研究的定位及方略 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.






Research on the Education Quality Objective and Its Design of Higher Vocational Colleges

Li Hongchang, Zhang Cheng

Abstract On the basis of defining the contents of“quality objective” and combining the “basic ideas of designing quality objective”, incorporating related theories of ISO9000(9001) quality management system and following the basic ideas of “establishing objectives based on policy and plan, quality objective design must be based on firm ground and customer identification and reflecting customer requirements, precisely grasping the character of quality objective and grasping the principles and requirements of objective design”, the article systematically establishes basic strategies of designing the quality objective of higher vocational colleges from four aspects, which include“scientifically defining the basic contents of quality objective of higher vocational college, strictly following the rules of designing the quality objective of higher vocational college, sticking to the basic requirements of the quality objective of higher vocational college and flexibly using the major approaches of the quality objective of higher vocational college”.

Key words higher vocational colleges; education quality objectives; design; quality management system; design

Author Li Hongchang, associated professor and director of Research Center for Higher Vocational Education of Guizhou Light Industry Technical College, Deputy Director of Quality Research Center of Guizhou Vocational Education(Guiyang 550025); Zhang Cheng, associate professor of Economic Management Institute of Shunde Vocational College