摘 要:概念是人类意识、思维、语言、智慧等其他高级认知过程的基础,是认知系统的核心成分。我们旨在基于多年对语言概念的研究经验,结合概念认知研究的前沿理念和现代脑网络特性的最新分析方法,系统建构人类概念认知的脑网络系统,拟解决以下3个关键问题:(1)正常人类概念加工的脑网络机制;(2)概念脑网络的习得机制;(3)概念脑网络的损伤机制。针对以上关键科学问题,结合心理学、计算神经科学、神经疾病学等角度,采用认知行为测查、脑影像技术、脑损伤病灶解剖学定位等实验技术,系统检验健康成人正常概念加工和概念学习、先天经验缺失(盲人与聋人)群体、概念障碍病人的脑网络数据与多个成分和类别概念加工认知能力对应关系。通过3个人群的相互验证和提示,最终揭示人类概念认知脑网络基础的多方面动态特点。目前,已经完成概念认知能力评估方案和脑影像数据采集参数的确定;完成90例健康被试、15例先天视觉经验剥夺群体及其对照组、112例脑损伤患者的概念认知数据和脑影像数据;初步获得健康人功能脑影像数据中与概念加工能力密切相关的相关网络指标,并对概念的运动知识、颜色知识等的神经机制加以了探讨;研究了视觉经验对不同范畴和不同成分概念表征的神经机制的影响;基于脑损伤病人数据,构建了概念障碍对应的主要白质连接,初步研究了概念的脑白质结构网络。
关键词:概念 概念认知 脑网络 感知觉经验
Abstract:Concepts are the basic elements of human thought, subserving a wide range of cognitive functions, such as language, object recognition and use, and is at the heart of cognitive neuroscience research. On the basis of past experience with language, concepts, and brain network analyses, we aimed at constructing the brain network basis of human conceptual system, specifically targetting three issues: (1)the brain networks of conceptual processing in healthy individuals; (2)the acquisition mechanisms of concepts; (3)the breakdowns of conceptual system due to brain damage. We teamed up cognitive, computational neuroscience, and clinical neurology experts, combining neuropsychological, neuroimaging, and lesion techniques, systematically studied these three issues with healthy individuals, populations with sensory deprivations (congentically blind and deaf) and patients with brain damage. The behavioral profiles on various modalities and categories of conceptual knowledge and the various modals of corresponding brain network patterns (structural, diffusion, and functional imaging) will be mapped. Currently we have completed the behaivoral and imaging data collection on 90 healthy individuals, 15 congenitally blind individuals and corresponding controls, 112 patients with brain damage. On the basis of these data, we have obtained priliminary results about the intrinsic functional neuroimaging networks that closely related with healthy conceptual processing, specifically examined the brain regions associated with shape, motion and color knowledge of cocnepts, and discovered the major white matter tracts crucial for conceptual processing.
Key Words:Concepts; Conceptual processing; Brain networks; Sensory experience