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摘 要 我国部分地方普通高校和高职院校转型、合并升级应用技术大学,势必涉及师资引进政策调整。转型升级是否成功,在很大

>> 应用技术大学师资队伍建设探索 中德应用技术大学师资队伍建设比较研究 校企合作背景下应用技术大学师资队伍建设 创建应用技术型大学背景下师资队伍建设探究 我国应用技术大学战略改革与人才培养要素转型 应用技术型大学构建“特色”三要素与转型发展 上海应用技术大学 欧洲应用技术大学国别研究分析及借鉴 地方高校向应用技术型大学转型中师资队伍建设研究 探究如何建设应用技术大学 应用技术大学课程模式研究 应用技术大学转型初探 应用技术大学的学科定位 应用技术大学专业设置初探 应用技术大学通过“形势与政策”课教育培养人才的思考 应用技术大学办学现实性与特色分析 应用技术型大学英语学习倦怠成因分析与对策 南宁学院关于应用技术大学学生资助问卷调查分析 应用技术型大学金融学人才需求调研及职业面向分析 应用技术大学教学模式现状分析与创新思考 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

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Abstract It is certainly to mention policy adjustment in introduction of teachers, due to some of local universities and higher vocational colleges will transform and become the university of Applied Science. The new factors design of prospective, creative, targeted and open in teacher introduction is the key factor to successful transformation. Especially establishing the cooperation between university and enterprise, also creative system of directed education and bi-directional research, is a very important factor to teacher cultivation for the universities of applied science. Meanwhile, it is also important to establish a series of security mechanism in organization and system, in order to achieve the factors about teachers introduction policy one by one.

Key words universities of applied sciences; transformation and upgrading; teachers introduction; factors of policy

Author Yang Xu,research assistant of TianJin Sino-German Vocational and Technical College(Tianjin 300350); Zhang Jinguo, researcher of Tianjin Sino-German Vocational and Technical College