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While 用法面面观

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇While 用法面面观范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!

【摘要】 下面笔者结合历届高考题将while一词的种种用法归纳总结如下,希望对同学们的学习有所帮助。

【关键词】 while的用法归纳 高考真题 反馈练习

【中图分类号】 G633.41 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1992-7711(2014)02-041-02

英语当中有很多单词都是一词多意,一词多性或者是一词多用,真正熟练掌握该词的所有意思、词性及其常见用法相对来说就比较困难, 加上又是高考命题的热点词之一,因此掌握该词的用法很重要。



意为“当……的时候; 和……同时”, 此时从句中的谓语通常是延续性动词或表示状态的词。(既可放在句首,也可放在句中)

如: While Li Ming was watching TV,he fell asleep.


Mary listened to the radio while she ate her supper.


While we were arguing, our head teacher came in.


另外 while 引导的状语从句还可以表示“某个动作正在进行的同时,另一个动作也在进行之中”。

例如:While the teacher was speaking, the students were listening.


While he was writing, I was reading. (他写字时,我在看书。)

例1 ―Are you ready for Spain?

―Yes, I want the girls to experience that ______ they are young.(2008上海)

A. while B. until C. if D. before

解析【A】。B选项until 意为“直到……”,引导时间状语从句;C选项if 引导条件状语从句或宾语从句;D选项before引导时间状语从句。这些选项均不符合题意。

例2. ――I am going to the office.

――_____you're there, can you get me some stamps (NMET'99)

A. As B. While C. Because D. If

解析【B】 主句中“get me some stamps”的动作发生在时间状语从句“you’re there”的过程之中,因此While除可表示同时性外,还含有一个动作在另一个动作正在进行或持续过程中的某一时刻发生;A选项As一般强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词动作的同时性;C选项 Because引导原因状语从句;D选项If引导条件状语从句,按题干提供的情景均不可取,因此B选项是最佳选项。


意为“虽然…但是….”、“尽管…但是…” (多放于句首)

例如: While I understand your opinion,I don’t agree with you.


While he loves his students, he is very strict with them.


例3 ________the Internet is of great help, I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it. (2008湖南)

A. If B. While C. Because D. As

解析【B】 while意为“虽然;尽管”表示让步;A选项if只能引导条件状语从句及宾语从句;C选项because引导原因状语从句,且也不能置于句首;D选项as引导原因或时间状语从句,在该题中均不合题意。

例4 ________I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive.(07山东卷)

A. As B. Since C. If D.While



意思是“然而,但是” 用来连接两个并列句子,表示前后对比或相反的情况。 (通常放在主句之后)

You like Maths, while I prefer English.


I like singing while my sister likes dancing.


例5 In some places women are expected to earn money _______men stay at home and raise their children.(2008 四川)

A. but B. while C. because D. though

解析【B】A选项but也有“而, 然而”之意,但but 强调前后的转折关系,如:We love peace but we have to fight for it, not beg for it. (我们热爱和平,但我们不应乞求和平,而是应当争取它); C选项because 引导原因状语从句;D选项though 引导让步状语从句,均不合题意。

例6 We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall,_______, in fact, there were 40.(2006全国Ⅲ)

A. while B. whether C. what D. which

解析【A】该题中while用于前后两个数字的对比。 由于该句中间有一个插入语 in fact,在while的前后均有逗号将其隔开,增加了该题的难度。D选项的which要引导一个非限制性定语从句;而该句并非是一个非限制性定语从句。 其他选项都不合题意。

例7 The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, _______the quality of life is probably one of the highest.(2006天津)

A. since B. when C. as D. while

解析【A】 该题中的while 用于前后情况的对比。A选项的since 只能引导原因或时间状语从句;B选项的when 只能引导时间状语从句;C选项的as 只能引导时间或原因状语从句,显然都不合题意。


意为 “只要” 相当于as long as . (可位于句首,也可位于句中)

例如:While there is a will, there is a way. (有志者事竟成。)

We can surely overcome these difficulties while we are closely united.


There will be life while there is water and air.


例8 “________ my feet remain standing above the water level, there is hope...” said the captain.

A. Where B. Even if C. While D. Although

解析【C】因为while有“只要”之意,与as long as相当。又如:While there is life, there is hope. 只要有生命,就会有希望。B和D选项引导让步状语从句,放在这里均不符合题意。


当while从句中的主语与主句的主语一致, 或者从句的主语为it时,且含有be的某种形式时, 则从句中的主语连同be可同时省略。while后可直接跟现在分词、名词、形容词或介词短语。

六、while可用作名词, 意为“一会儿,一段时间。”

作名词用时,主要用于短语中: after a while “过了一会儿”; all the while “一直,始终”;a short / little while ago “刚才” ; once in a while “偶尔,间或”; wait / rest(for) a while “休息一会儿”。

I haven't seen her for a long while.我好久没有看见她了。

Where have you been all this while? 这一阵子你到哪去了?

He usually goes to work by bike, but once in a while he goes by bus.
