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摘 要: 课堂上开展有效的师生互动,有助于教师与学生之间形成和谐的师生关系。作者以Book 1 Module 4“ A Lively City”的教学案例为例阐述如何在英语课堂上开展有效的师生互动。

关键词: 英语课堂 指导 对话 师生互动

课堂上开展有效的师生互动,有助于教师与学生之间形成和谐的师生关系,通过课堂上师生间、生生间的合作与交流,使学生作为主体积极参与到一种竞争与合作的学习环境中。在教学中通过“层层铺垫,环环紧扣,创设情境”,进一步激发学生的认知兴趣和求知欲望;在教学中指导学生学会阅读、学会思维、学会用英语交流合作;在整个课堂教学过程中,教师扮演主持人的角色,指导学生运用归纳总结、问答法、小组讨论等方式,锻炼学生的思维能力,培养学生交流的习惯。本文以Book 1 Module 4 “A Lively City”的教学案例为例,阐述如何在英语课堂上开展有效的师生互动



本节课教学外研版新标准英语(NSE)高中必修1 Module 4 “A Social Survey”―“My Neighbourhood”的阅读课“A Lively City”。模块从Introduction 到Function 部分,通过学习建筑、居住地等有关的词汇入题,介绍交际功能中运用介词指示方向和地点的语句。以介绍学生自己的居住地或熟悉的城市开篇,自然引入阅读部分。通过学生对话的形式,介绍厦门市的地理位置、气候、城市概况,如旅游景点、建筑、住宅、商业区,等等,使学生了解厦门市的概况并掌握介绍某个城市的方法。







Translate the following sentences into English.

1.大庆市位于黑龙江省的西南部。(The city of Daqing is/lies in the southwest of Heilongjiang province.)

2.大庆铁人中学位于让胡路区南部,占地117000平方米。(Daqing Tieren Senior High School is located in the south of Ranghulu District,covering an area of 117000 square metres.)

3.福建省位于浙江省的南部。(Fujian province is/lies on the south of Zhejiang province.)

4.台湾位于福建省的东南部。(Taiwan is/lies to the southeast ofFujian province.)


In the last module,with Alice,we traveled to the central part of Australia on the famous Ghan train and enjoyed the scenery along the way.Well,today,we will continue traveling and take a trip to a seaside city in China.






Read “A Lively City”,choose the correct answers.

1.John Martin is visiting ?摇 ?摇.

(a) Xiao Li’s hometown

(b) a town near where Xiao Li lives

(c) a shopping mall

2.Xiao Li lives ?摇 ?摇.

(a) on the island of Gulangyu

(b)in Xiamen

(c) in a town to the northwest of Xiamen

3.John and Xiao Li ?摇 ?摇.

(a) at Xiao Li’s home

(b) driving around the city in the car

(c) on a train




Read the dialogue again and answer the following questions.

1.How long haven’t they seen each other?

2.Is this John’s first time to visit Xiao Li’s hometown?

3.What’s the climate like in Xiamen?

4.Do the tourists bother Xiao Li?

5.Is the business district modern? Why?

6.Where is the most interesting part in Xiamen? (the harbour)

7.From the dialogue,can you tell anything about the Gulangyu Island?

8.Where do they plan to have lunch?


It’s easy to see that in the form of a dialogue,the text introduces XiaoLi’s hometown――Xiamen and its climate,the tourists,the business district,the harbour and Gulangyu Island.(加粗的红色字为本课文线索。)

【学生活动 复述课文】

Now let’s retell the text according to the six aspects without changing the tense.



Let’s continue our trip to another important city of China.The pictures are from the same city.Try to guess.



大屏幕继续展示图片:大庆火车站(Daqing Railway Station)、采油机(The machines for extracting oil)、大庆电视塔 (Daqing TV Tower)、新马特商场(DaqingNew-Market Shopping Mall)、龙凤湿地(Wetland Natural Reserve in Longfeng District)、铁人纪念馆(Tieren Museum)、铁人广场(Tieren Square)和铁人中学,与此同时,教师给出这些地方的英文名称。


It’s your turn to introduce your hometown――Daqing to your friends.

Welcome to my hometown――Daqing

Your friend comes to Daqing to visit you and you will show her or him around the city.You would rather go to some of the places.Introduce the places to him or her and at the same time you can introduce something else about Daqing,such as the people,the food,the weather,and so on.




Travelling,we can broaden our horizons to learn about other people and other places.Meanwhile,let’s work together to make our hometown――Daqing and our country more beautiful.


Finish the reading comprehension in workbook.

