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>> 台湾休闲农业旅游发展对海南的启示 海南热带生态农业旅游探析 国际旅游岛背景下的海南热带农业旅游产业集群构建 海南热带观光农业的发展模式探讨 海南热带农业低碳化发展的优势及对策 国外丰富多彩的旅游农业 国外农业旅游的典型模式 婺源乡村游经验及其对江宁区旅游农业发展的启示 澳大利亚农业生态旅游发展及对我国的启示 谈利用网络平台发展海南休闲农业旅游 产业融合背景下海南休闲农业旅游发展对策 国外旅游环境保护的经验及对海南建设国际旅游岛的启示 海南热带农业投资研究 国外农业集约经营对中国农业可持续发展的启示 国外农业集中发展模式对我国农业集中模式选择的启示 浅谈海南生态农业旅游的开发对策 浅析生态意识对农业旅游发展的影响 海南热带观光农业发展现状与建议 立足南繁科技应用与创新 成就海南热带设施农业的发展 国外农业旅游的模式比较与经验借鉴 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

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Study on International Experiences of Agricultural Tourism and Its Inspirationfor Hainan Tropical Agricultural Tourism

Jia Shuangfeng,Wang Xueping,Liu Zhiwei,Xiao Zhi,Jin Lianping,Bi Hua

(School of Geography and Tourism,Hainan Normal University,Haikou571158,China)

Abstract:Foreign Agricultural Tourism research has accumulated a lot of results,which research mainly focus on the concept of agricultural tourism,development model,the relationship of agricultural tourism and agricultural sustainable development,and the strategies and management of agricultural tourism sustainable development.On the basis of analyzing successful experiences of foreign agricultural tourism,this paper summarizes some inspiration for the development of Hainan tropical agricultural tourism:the participation of Local residents;the leading role of government;takiing an ecological path of development with own features;giving full play to the “tropical” resources,and forming the irreplaceable characteristics of the resources;improving agricultural tourism management and increasing the quality of reception staff.

Key words:agricultural tourism;Review;Hainan Island;Inspiration