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[摘 要]观察欧盟统合,欧盟2004年东扩是一项重要事件,因为透过东扩,欧盟将原属于苏联的中东欧国家纳入欧盟会员国,并

>> 不断充实发展的中国睦邻政策 浅析罗斯福“睦邻政策”的历史文化根源 地缘政治分析与中国地缘战略选择 欧盟区域政策工具分析 石油价格波动的地缘政治分析 欧盟的贸易政策和政治合法性 乳香、石油、地缘政治 乌克兰地缘政治浅析 俄罗斯的地缘政治理念与对外政策阐释 由美以关系看地缘政治下的战略平衡 欧盟职业培训政策的分析 欧盟家庭友好政策的性别视角分析 欧盟量化宽松政策对中欧贸易影响因素分析 欧盟调整对非政策的中国因素分析 欧盟共同外交与安全政策的政策工具及政策产出分析 北极地缘政治研究北极地缘政治研究 基于地缘经济视角下的经济政策分析 浅析欧盟中亚政策 欧盟人才引进政策 气候谈判也是地缘政治 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:, 26 September 2007.

〔3〕Paving the Way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument, COM ( 2003 ), 1 July 2003.

〔4〕European Neighborhood Policy Strategy Paper, COM (2004), 12 May 2004.

〔5〕Razumkov Centre, “Political Corruption in Ukraine: Actors, Manifestations, Problems of Countering,” Special issue, National Security and Defense, No. 7 ( 2009 ) , pp. 9―10.

〔6〕Alberto Chilosi, “The European Union and Its

Neighbours: Everything but Institutions?” European Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 4, Issue 1 ( Spring 2007) ,pp.25―38.

〔7〕Roland Dannreuther, “Developing the Alternative to Enlargement: the European Neighbourhood Policy,”European Foreign Afairs Review, No. 11 ( 2006 ), pp.183―201.

〔8〕“Does Ukraine need to join the European Union? 2002-2012,” Razumkov Center, http://www.razumkov. org.ua/eng/poll.php?poll_id=387;“Public Opinion Survey Residents of Ukraine,” The Gallup Organization and International Republican Institute Baltic Surveys Ltd., August 27-September 9, 2013, http:///sites/default/files/IRI_Ukraine_August-September_2013_Edited%20Poll.pdf,

〔9〕“Russia to cut Ukraine, EU gas in ‘next few days,’ expert predicts,” 29 January 2013, http:///foreign/118874, 12 March 2014.