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摘 要 就中国的品牌而言,移动互联网时代是一个机遇和挑战并存的时代。在这个变革的时代下,中国品牌将面对传播成本变得更

>> “互联网+”时代的教育:机遇挑战对策 移动互联网时代传统企业转型电子商务面临的机遇、挑战与对策 移动互联网时代广播媒体面临的机遇与挑战 移动互联网时代高校营销专业教学面临的机遇与挑战 中国移动互联网创业企业的机遇与挑战 机遇与挑战:互联网时代的政府管理 互联网时代教育面临的机遇与挑战 “互联网+”时代大学生创业的机遇、挑战与对策 “互联网+”时代中国发展的机遇与挑战 地方文化特色企业在互联网时代冲击下的机遇与挑战 地方企业在“互联网+”时代下的机遇与挑战 互联网时代下会计行业面临的挑战与机遇 互联网+工业,中国的机遇与挑战 移动互联网时代内容营销的挑战及机遇 论“移动互联网发展机遇与挑战” “互联网+”时代中国远程教育的机遇和挑战 “互联网+”时代中国远程教育的机遇和挑战分析 “互联网+”时代坚持中国特色社会主义文化自信的机遇与挑战 移动互联网时代思想政治教育工作的挑战与对策 互联网时代“民族理论与民族政策”课程面临的机遇与挑战 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[4] 方兴东,刘伟.阿里巴巴正传:我们与马云的“一步之遥”[M].南京:江苏凤凰文艺出版社,2015:143,144.

[5] 温韬.情调营销:实体店的生存之道[J].江苏商论,2012(4):79-81.

Abstract: The mobile Internet era means both opportunity and challenge to Chinese brands. In this transforming era, Chinese brands will face five opportunities: cheaper communication costs, more accurate customer service, more rapid word-of-mouth, more vital creative activities and more close online and offline. Chinese brands will also face five challenges: more difficult disruptive innovation of big brands, brands collapse due to negative fingerprint information, weakened brand influence due to media customization, unignorable customers' opinion due to the increasing power of social communities and tougher survival condition for pure physical stores. On the basis of the above analysis, Chinese brands should take four brand marketing strategies: using the correct values to guide all acts of the brands, improving the service process of physical stores through mobile Internet thinking, achieving brand reputation by creative activities, integrating online and offline channels through collaborative view.

Key words: mobile internet era;Chinese brand;brand fingerprint;word-of-mouth communication;customization;O2O