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1. 考查名词单复数的变化规则

例1 ―Would you like some ______for dinner?


A. tomatos B. tomato

C. tomatoes D. tomato’s

【解析】 由于空格前有 some 修饰,所以所填的 tomato 要用复数,而 tomato 的复数是 tomatoes,故选 C。

例2 Here are some ________. Do you like ________?

A. oranges; them B. orange; it

C. oranges; they D. oranges; their

【解析】 根据空格前的 some 以及句子谓语动词 are 可知,第一空应填复数形式的 oranges,故可排除选项B;至于第二空,它是用于代替复数形式 oranges 的,所以要用复数形式,且它在此用作动词 like 的宾语,所以要用宾格,即填 them。故本题答案为 A。

2. 考查名词在复合词中的单复数用法

例1 Last year, three hundred English teachers took part in the ________ English Training.

A. two-month B. two-months

C. two months D. two month

【解析】 根据英语语法,当名词与其他词用连字符连接构成复合词时,其中的名词通常应用单数形式。故本题答案选A。two-month English Training意思是“为期两个月的英语培训”。

例2 No way! I don’t think ________ should be allowed to drive. I am worried about your safety.

A. fifteen years old

B. fifteen-year-olds

C. fifteen-year-old

D. fifteen-years-olds

【解析】 类似five-year-old, ten-year-old, fifteen-year-old这类表达,其中的名词 year 总是用单数,不用复数。这类复合词既可用作形容词(置于名词前作定语),表示“……岁的……”,如 a five-year-old boy(一个5岁的男孩);也可以直接用作名词,表示“……岁的人”,如a five-year-old(一个5岁的孩子),此时它可以用于复数形式,但应在整个词的后面加-s,如five-year-olds,而不能在year后加-s,即不能是five-years-old,故本题答案是B。

3. 考查根据句子语境选用适当的名词

例1 She says her favorite ________ is English.

A. color B. sport

C. subject D. work

【解析】 如果仅从语法上看,四个选项都可以选。但根据句意,显然只有 subject 最合适,因为 English 是一门“学科”(subject),而不是 colour, sport, work 等。

例2 Dave really likes driving. I think being a ________ is just right for him.

A. doctor B. teacher

C. farmer D. driver

【解析】 如果我们不看前面一句,四个选项放入空格处都正确。解答此题的关键是前句中的动名词driving,因为喜欢开车,所以最适合当司机,故最佳答案选D。

4. 考查根据文化背景选用适当的名词

例1 The New York Times is a popular daily ________.

A. dictionary B. magazine

C. newspaper D. guidebook

【解析】 句中的The New York Times意思是《纽约时报》,它是一份很受欢迎的报纸,所以选 newspaper。其余三项与《纽约时报》不相干。故答案应选C。

例2 The Chinese saying “A tree can’t make a forest” tells us that ________ is very important in a football match.

A. ability B. decision

C. teamwork D. experience

【解析】 句中的 A tree can’t make a forest 意思是“独木不成林”,这是一句谚语,类似的表达还有“单音不成曲”“一花不成春”等,均强调“集体力量的重要性”,也就是合作的重要性,选项中teamwork(合作)符合句意,故选C。

5. 考查名词所有格的表达方式

例1 ―Is the schoolbag under the desk yours?

―No, it’s my ________. He left it there just now.

A. brother B. brother’s

C. brothers’ D. brother’es

【解析】 根据问句内容可知,这是在询问课桌下的书包是不是对方的,故答句应该用所有格,同时根据空格后的 he 可知,这里的 brother 应用单数形式,即填 brother’s,故选B。

例2 The online shop sells _____clothing at a very good price.

A. child and man’s

B. children and men’s

C. children’s and men

D. children’s and men’s

【解析】 本题涉及A and B’s 与 A’s and B’s 这两种所有格的区别。A and B’s 表示A和B共用的东西,A’s and B’s 表示A和B分别使用的东西。根据本句语境,孩子和大人不可能共穿同样的衣服,所以应该分别用所有格,即选D。

6. 考查不可数名词的数量表达方式

例1 Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef, vegetables and ________.

A. some rice B. a few rice

C. a little rices D. a rice

【解析】 由于 rice 是不可数名词,所以不能用复数形式,故可排除C;也不能连用不定冠词,故可排除D;同时也不能用 a few 修饰,故可排除B,即答案为A。

例2 There are ________ on the table. Would you like to drink some?

A. two milk

B. two bottles of milk

C. two bottle of milk

D. two bottles of milks

【解析】 milk意为“牛奶”,是物质名词,不可数,所以其后不能加词尾-s。要表示它的数量,我们可用单位词bottle来表示,并根据句意来确定单位词是否用复数形式。故本题答案为B。



1. We have searched the ________ for one hour for the information about Ma Yun.

A. TV B. radio

C. Internet D. computer

2. There are few ________ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some tomatoes, carrots and cabbages.

A. fruit B. meat

C. vegetables D. eggs

3. Granny is badly ill. We have to take her to the ________.

A. farm B. post office

C. shop D. hospital

4. ―Why are you walking to school?

―Because my ________ is broken.

A. bike B. watch

C. radio D. bag

5.They have much colored ________. Let’s go and ask for some.

A. rulers B. paper

C. erasers D. sharpeners

6. ―Could you read the English _____ on the medicine bottle for me?

―With pleasure.

A. instructions B. meanings

C. pictures D. documents

7. ―Sorry, Jane. I took your schoolbag by ________.

― It doesn’t matter.

A. hand B. mistake

C. bike D. heart

8. If you want to sell your old house, why not put an ________ in the newspaper?

A. e-mail B. advice

C. article D. advertisement

答案:1―5 CCDAB 6―8 ABD