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摘 要: 英国著名童话作家肯尼斯・格雷厄姆的经典之作《柳林风声》以跌宕起伏的故事情节及优美生动的语言文字让一代又一代的读者爱不释手,被称为散文体童话的范本。《柳林风声》中诗情画意般的景物描写令人着迷,作品娴熟运用拟人展现大自然的造化,尤其大段描写时比喻和拟人的叠用更使大自然的美扑面而来、跃然纸上。

关键词: 《柳林风声》 拟人 比喻 自然美


《柳林风声》是英国著名童话作家肯尼斯・格雷厄姆的扛鼎之作,成书于1908年,又被译为《柳树风声》、《杨柳风》、《风语河岸柳》等。这部童书跟当时已经在英国非常受欢迎的儿童文学作品不同,如金斯利的童话代表作,写成于1863年的《水孩子》、卡罗尔1865年的《爱丽丝漫游奇境》、王尔德1888的《快乐王子》、巴里1904的《彼得・潘》等,故事主人公从扫烟囱的男孩汤姆、掉进兔子洞开始奇妙旅行的小女孩爱丽丝、已成为雕像的快乐王子到小飞侠彼得・潘。而《柳林风声》的主角则是四个动物:鼹鼠、河鼠、老獾、蟾蜍。这四个动物形象虽然一般,但这四个动物朋友在一起玩耍嬉戏、一起冒险旅行、一起保卫家园的情节最终让人欲罢不能、爱不释手。除了情节上跌宕起伏、引人入胜外,作者以细腻的笔触把人间的美传递给读者――友谊、成长、家园。“在格雷厄姆看来,自然是生命的必然场所和条件,他把各种动物安置在特定的自然环境之中,如河鼠、水獭、蟾蜍生活在河边,黄鼬、老獾、灰兔生活在大森林里,各自享受着大自然馈赠给生命的养分和乐趣。”(罗良功,2006)理所当然,作品中少不了对大自然景色的描写,四季更替、斗转星移、河流岸边、花草树木等,景美如画。《杨柳风》虽属童话类别,但公认为艺术造诣很高的散文精品。作者对文字十分讲究(杨静远,1997 :v-vi)。(转引自谭芳,张从益 2011)


在古今的文谈诗论中,“比”、“喻”、“拟”,还有“譬”、“况”等,是作为同义词,可以互换的(郑远汉1982:43)。(转引自吕煦 2004:155)现代修辞学中,“喻”和“拟”,有其相似的地方,也有不同。“喻”,即比喻,包括明喻和隐喻。“拟”主要指拟人。明喻在英语中名为Simile,通常借助like、as、as if 等喻词来对两个或两个以上的事物作比较。明喻中除了喻词外,还有两个必须出现的元素――本体和喻体。隐喻(Metaphor)的表现形式较明喻而言有要复杂很多,既没有喻词,又不一定本体喻体同时现身。从句法结构看,它可以是句子的主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语或同位语,其语言单位可以是单词、词组,也可以是主谓结构、平行结构或从属句等(黎昌抱,2001:115)。拟人,Personification,顾名思义,就是把事物比做人,把无生命的东西赋予生命,是从无生命到有生命的“隐喻性转移(Metaphorical transfer)”(Ricoeur 1986:59)。(转引自吕煦 2004:155)拟人的实现方式跟隐喻十分相近,可以通过使用合适的动词、名词、形容词、副词、代词等来完成,不同就在于,这些词必须与人有关。通过拟人法,无生命物体、非人类生物或抽象概念被赋予人类的属性(胡壮麟,刘世生,2004:242)。换言之,花鸟虫鱼、飞禽走兽、风雨雷电、山川河流、抑或是抽象事物都可以被描述成像人一样,都与人一样具有生命,与人一样有思想、有情感、有语言,抒情写景生动无比。拟人化能够使读者产生一种亲切感。拟人化手法极其自然地把作品的形象与小读者之间的距离拉近了,从而使儿童移情于故事之中(曾日红,1984)。儿童看待客观世界时有很强的主观想象和别具一格的拟人化特征(张颖,王莹,2009)。儿童文学是写给春天的文学,它应该像春天一样,绚丽多姿,以最美的形式反映生活(吴其南,1983)。拟人、比喻在儿童文学作品中十分常见。《柳林风声》更是把拟人和比喻用到极致,让人把大自然的美尽收眼底。

2.1 拟人的运用

例(1)...out of thick orchards on either side the road, birds called and whistled to them cheerily;...(Grahame 1993: 31; 下文对本书的引用只标注页码。)

例(2)The sun was fully up by now, and hot on them, birds sang lustily and without restraint, and flowers smiled and nodded from either bank,...(106)


例(3)while stars grew fuller and larger all around them,and a yellow moon, appearing suddenly and silently from nowhere in particular, came to keep them company and listen to their talk. (32)

例(4)Embarking again and crossing over, they worked their way up the stream in this manner, while the moon, serene and detached in a cloudless sky, did what she could, though so far off, to help them in their quest; till her hour came and she sank earthwards reluctantly, and left them, and mystery once more held field and river. (101)


例(5)The country lay bare and entirely leafless around him, and he thought that he had never seen so far and so intimately into the insides of things as on that winter day when Nature was deep in her annual slumber and seemed to have kicked the clothes off. Copses, dells, quarries and all hidden places, which had been mysterious mines for exploration in leafy summer, now exposed themselves and their secrets pathetically, and seemed to ask him to overlook their shabby poverty for a while, till they could riot in rich masquerade as before, and trick and entice him with the old deceptions.It was pitiful in a way, and yet cheering― even exhilarating. (42)

例(5)比较复杂,比拟的对象先是大自然(Nature),用了指代人的代词her,名词slumber,短语kicked the clothes off。大自然进入一年一度的酣睡状态,睡梦中衣服给踢掉了。读者可以想象树叶凋零,草儿枯萎的冬季景色。枝繁叶茂的草木覆盖着的山谷、石坑现在都显现出来了,“似乎在乞求他暂时忽视它们的破败贫瘠,直到来年再一次戴上它们花里胡哨的假面具,狂歌乱舞,用老一套的手法作弄他,瞒哄他。(杨静远译)”偏巧鼹鼠喜欢这样不加任何修饰的旷野。



例(6)It was a bright morning in the early part of summer; the river had resumed its wonted banks and its accustomed pace, and a hot sun seemed to be pulling everything green and bushy and spiky up out of the earth towards him, as if by strings.

初夏的一个阳光明媚的早晨。天气回暖,大河两岸已经恢复惯常的样子,流水恢复了惯常的速度,用了wonted和accustomed这两个意思接近、描述人习惯于什么的词汇来描述河流。接着暖烘烘的太阳急着要催生万物,作者用了比喻,as if by strings,仿佛用无数根细绳,把万物从地下拔起,把它们变得“绿油油、郁葱葱、高耸耸(杨静远译)”。夏天主人公生长的河流两岸绿草如茵、枝繁叶茂景色让人如临其境。

例(7)It was difficult to settle down to anything seriously, with all this flitting going on. Leaving the water-side, where rushes stood thick and tall in a stream that was becoming sluggish and low, he wandered country-wards, crossed a field or two of pasturage already looking dusty and parched, and thrust into the great realm of wheat, yellow, wavy, and murmurous, full of quiet motion and small whisperings. Here he often loved to wander, through the forest of stiff strong stalks that carried their own golden sky away over his head―a sky that was always dancing, shimmering, softly talking; or swaying strongly to the passing wind and recovering itself with a toss and a merry laugh.(125)

溪流缓慢,水位变低。运用sluggish,这个词指人动作迟缓,现在形容小溪流速变慢。河鼠离开河岸,朝田野走去。钻进一大片麦田,用了比喻the great realm of wheat,可以设想麦田有多大,望不到边。金黄色的麦浪翻滚,还发出好听的声音,呢喃(murmurous)和细语(whisperings)。河鼠常喜欢穿行在其中,又用了比喻,the forest of stiff strong stalks,穿行在森林般成片的麦田中。金黄的麦浪支起一片金色的天空――那天空像人一样总在翩翩起舞,细语绵绵,过路的风把它刮得东倒西歪,风吹过后,它又把头一甩,开怀大笑,恢复它本来面貌。多么和谐优美的画面。



例(8)Never in his life had he seen a river before―this sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal, chasing and chuckling, gripping things with a gurgle and leaving them with a laugh, to fling itself on fresh playmates that shook themselves free, and were caught and held again. All was a-shake and a-shiver―glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble. The Mole was bewitched, entranced, fascinated. By the side of the river he trotted as one trots, when very small, by the side of a man who holds one spell-bound by exciting stories; and when tired at last, he sat on the bank, while the river still chattered on to him, a babbling procession of the best stories in the world, sent from the heart of the earth to be told at last to the insatiable sea. (13)

在春天气息的强烈召唤下,鼹鼠从地下冲到了地上。地上一切都很新鲜,穿过草坪,走过树林,看到草儿青青、花儿待放;听到树叶婆娑、鸟儿歌唱。一路闲逛着,来到了一条河旁。久居地下的鼹鼠一生第一次见到河流,而且会动,他兴奋不已。这段描写从隐喻开始,一个同位结构,a river――his sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal, 这河是身体光光滑滑、蜿蜿蜒蜒、圆圆滚滚的动物。接着用拟人的手法,这动物一路轻轻笑着追着什么,又咯咯笑着抓到了,再哈哈大笑着放下,扑向新的小伙伴,抓住了,放开再抓住。这河流又被比作会讲精彩故事的人。然后用拟人喋喋不休、滔滔不绝地讲着故事、直到永远听不烦的大海。一物多喻,本体是河流,喻体有两个:动物和会讲故事的人。加上拟人的运用,把河流时而平缓、时而湍急、时而卷起漩涡、时而波光粼粼,一路诉说、奔流到海的过程,描绘得栩栩如生。

例(9)Such a rich chapter it had been, when one came to look back on it all! With illustrations so numerous and so very highly coloured! The pageant of the river bank had marched steadily along, unfolding itself in scene-pictures that succeeded each other in stately procession. Purple loosestrife arrived early, shaking luxuriant tangled locks along the edge of the mirror whence its own face laughed back at it. Willow-herb, tender and wistful, like a pink sunset cloud, was not slow to frey, the purple hand-in-hand with the white, crept forth to take its place in the line; and at last one morning the diffident and delaying dog-rose stepped delicately on the stage, and one knew, as if string-music had announced it in stately chords that strayed into a gavotte, that June at last was here. One member of the company was still awaited; the shepherd-boy for the nymphs to woo, the knight for whom the ladies waited at the window, the prince that was to kiss the sleeping summer back to life and love. But when meadowsweet, debonair and odorous in amber jerkin, moved graciously to his place in the group, then the play was ready to begin. (40-41)

段落一开头Such a rich chapter it had been.那是多么绚丽多彩的一章啊(杨静远译)!“那”指的是上段提到的刚刚过去的夏天。夏天被比作书中的一章。这一章中有so numerous and highly coloured illustrations,如此之多而且色彩斑斓的插图,插图是各种各样的风景画。画上有Purple loosestrife,Willow-herb,Comfrey,Dog-rose,Meadowsweet。

等各种各样花卉植物,等待着一场盛装演出。这是一个链条式的隐喻结构。在这隐喻框架下,每种花的出场都以拟人的方式描写。Purple loosestrife 抖落自己的秀发、Willow-herb 温柔惆怅、Comfrey 手牵手、Dog-rose信心不足且姗姗来迟、Meadowsweet穿着琥珀色坎肩来了。动物们的家园――河流的两岸美不胜收。




[1]Grahame,K.The Wind in the Willows[M].Ware: Wordsworth Editions Limited,1993.










[11]曾日红.谈儿童文学中的拟人化[J].内蒙古民族师院学报(社会科学汉文版),1984(1): 68-73.