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thousands of, hopeless, turning off, so, what

A:Hey! I met a student from a green school in Dalian.

B: A green school? 57 is it?

A:It is a school which supports the protection of the environment. In fact, there are 58green schools in China. Its wasteful to throw away glass, paper and metal, 59 every class in such schools collects waste that can be used again and then sells it for recycling(再利用).

B:Great! What else do they do?

A:They also save energy and tricycle things at home, such as 60 lights and saving water.

B:If everyone tries to protect the environment, we will make the world much better.

A:I agree. If we dont, the future is 61.

B:Anyway, public concern over the environment has greatly increased. There is hope for the future.

本题要求选择所给单词或短语填空,而且是等额选择,不要求做任何变化,属于最简单的要求。答案是:57. What58. thousands of59. so60. turning off61. hopeless



A.I often go to Shanghai on business.

B.Would you mind telling me what you come here for?

C.May I ask you some questions?

D.Have a great time.

E.How will you do that?

F.When did you arrive in Lanzhou?

G.Where do you come from?

A:Excuse me, I am a reporter from a student magazine. 81

B:Sure, please.


B:I am from Germany.


B:I got here the day before yesterday.

A:How do you like Lanzhou?

B:I like your city very much. The people here are very friendly. But Im still not used to the weather here. I have a sore throat today.

A:The weather in Lanzhou is kind of dry. Drinking more water can make you feel better.

B: Thanks for your suggestion.

A: 84

B:Of course not. I come here for watching Lanzhou International Marathon. And then Im planning to go to Dunhuang for a tour.

A:Great. Thank you for answering my questions. 85

B:Thank you.

这是一个差额选择题,也是目前采用比较多的一种形式。比“示例一”的难度和灵活度都要大一些。答案是:81. C82. G83. F84. B85. D



81. What time is it now?

Itsoclock in the .

82. Hows the weather?


83. Where are these people?

They are at a.

84. Is the place in the picture a busy and crowded one?

No, it , because onlypersons are there.

85. What do you think they are doing?

I think they are a bus.

看图补全对话具有形象、直观等特点,融语言能力和观察力考查为一体。答案是:81. ten; morning82. Its; sunny/ fine83. bus; stop84. isnt; three85. waiting; for



A: Hello, Betty. What did you do last summer vacation?

B: I visited my uncle.


B: He lives in Dalian, a beautiful city.


B: I stayed there for a week. 68?

A: No, I havent. But Im going to spend a holiday there.

B: Youd better go to Dalian in summer. So you can enjoy swimming in the sea.

A:69. I will go there this summer vacation.


A: By plane.

这是个放在写作技能中的补全对话题,要求根据上下文填写句子,很显然对于语言能力要求较高。答案是:66. Where does he live67. How long did you stay there68. Have you been to Dalian69. Thats a good idea / I think so / That sounds great / I agree with you70. How will you get/ go there



1. 理顺关系。快速熟悉对话内容,根据对话所给的信息迅速揣测和判断对话情境、双方身份、谈话内容及双方关系,理解通篇大意。

2. 初定答案。了解对话发生的情景后,要在头脑中迅速回忆起相关的习惯表达,这时可开始答题。答题时应注意理顺上下文的关系,利用已知信息推断出正确答案。从有把握的答案开始,没把握的暂时放下。尤其要注意上下文所提供的有效信息,根据标点符号,如问号、句号、感叹号、省略号等所给的启示初定答案。

3. 正确书写。写出答案不难,但要写出准确的答案却比较难。答题时应注意单词的正确拼写、时态的正确运用以及句子的习惯表达等。书写应工整规范。如果是选择题就方便多了,从有把握的开始选,剩下的答案越选越清楚,水落石出,难题也就成简单题了。由于越来越多省市的中考补全对话题采用“非选择式”题型。这就要求平时养成动手书写的习惯。多练习,多书写才能写出合乎英美表达习惯的短语和句子。

4. 大胆尝试。

5. 仔细检查。



A. Why dont you ask some companies to support

the zoo?

B. The government needs tourists support.

C. I understand that but we need to find a different solution.

D. Its also an important place for animal protection.

E. We will put more advertisements on TV.

F. There simply arent enough tourists going to it.

G. And the zoo is part of the city.

Z=Zoo manager, C=City government

Z: What about giving us more money?

C: Im sorry, but the government doesnt have any more money for the zoo.

Z: But if we dont find a solution soon, then well have to close it. 51.Its a tourist attraction.

C: Yes, but thats the point. 52. Youre going to have to find the money from somewhere else.

Z: 53. Some of these animals are endangered. If we didnt have zoos, they would


C: 54. What if you advertised(做广告)the zoo more? In the newspaper or on the radio, for example.

Z: But if we dont have any money, we cant advertise.

C: 55.

Z: Actually, that isnt a bad idea. You might be right!

C: I have the names of some company managers you could meet…

这是一个差额选择题。答案是:51~55 GFDCA



W: Excuse me, is there a bookstore around here?

M: Yes. There is 101. on Zhongshan Road. Its between the parking lot and the supermarket.

W: How 102. is it from here?

M: About thirty minutes walk. You can 103. the No. 14 bus there.

W: Thank you. By the way, 104. the bus stop?

M: Its at the end of this street. You cant 105. it.

W: Thanks for your help.

M: Youre welcome.

答案:101. one102. far103. take104. wheres105. miss



A: Hi, Tony! What are you doing here?

B: Hi, Judy! Im reading about travelling.

A: About travelling? 76. ?

B: Yes, Im planning to travel during my summer vacation. Summer is the perfect time for fun and Id like to stay cool in the hot weather.

A: Thatll be fun! 77. ?

B: Not yet. Im looking for a place Ive never been to. Any suggestions?

A: 78. . Its quite cool there in summer. Im sure you will like that place because there are many fun activities. And the food there is also special.

B: 79. . Thanks for your suggestion. Whats your plan for the summer vacation?

A: I will stay at home. 80. .

But please tell me about your vacation after you come back.

B: No problem.

答案:76. Are you planning (for) your/ the summer vacation

Are you planning/ Do you plan to travel/ go travel(l)ing

Do you have any plans for the summer vacation

77. Have you decided/ made up your mind/ found out where to go/ visit

Have you decided on the place

78. I think you can go to…

I suggest (that) you go to/ I suggest your going to…

My suggestion is that you go to…

You may/ can go to…

79. Thats a good/ great idea/ Thats great/ good

It sounds/ Sounds good/ great

(Then) I will go to…

Ill think about it

80. Ill help my father with his business/ …

Ill help my mother with the housework/ …

Ill do my homework/ …



(Ted and Bob are having breakfast.)

Ted: Hi, Bob! Eating fried chicken?


Bob: Eggs and milk? I dont want to have them every day. 77.

Ted: But dont have too much unhealthy food. 78.

Bob: OK, I wont. By the way, I find some students throw away eggs and milk.

Ted: Thats too bad. 79.

Bob: Yes. But what do you think we can


Ted: 80.

Bob: Lets have a try, then we may have different kinds of food every day.

Its bad for your health.

Its delicious.

How about asking our teacher to stop it?

Can we do something to stop it?

I want something delicious.

Arent the eggs and the milk enough?

Why not advise our school to prepare different kinds of food?

答案:76.Arent the eggs and milk enough?

77.I want something delicious.

78.Its bad for your health.

79.Can we do something to stop it?

80.Why not advise our school to prepare different kinds of food?



A: Nick, are you busy now?

B: No. 81.

A: I need your help. Im planning for tomorrows Chinese class. Can we talk about it?

B: You mean the activity of “Spring in my eyes”?

A: Yes. What are you going to do?

B: Er… 82.

A: Sing a song? Whats the name of the song?

B: In Spring. 83.

A: I dont know. 84.

B: Let me see. You like drawing. I think you

can draw a picture about spring.

A: 85. Ill do that tomorrow.

答案:81. Whats the matter?/ Whats up?/ Why?/ Why are you asking?

82. Ill sing a song/ Im going to sing a song/ I can sing a song/ Id like to sing a song/ I want to sing a song.

83. What/ How about you/ What are you going to do/ What will you do?

84. Can/ Could/ Would you give me some advice?/ Can/ Could/ Would you give some advice to me/ Do you have any advice/ suggestions/ good ideas/ Any advice/ suggestions/ good ideas?

85. That sounds great/ good/ That sounds like a good idea/ Thats a good idea/ Sounds great/ good/ like a good idea/ Good idea.