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摘 要:以熟制鸭胸脯肉为研究对象,研究超高压压强、保压时间以及介质水温度对熟制鸭肉色泽、质构、硫代巴比妥酸(thiobarbituric acid,TBA)值的影响,探讨不同超高压工艺条件下熟制鸭肉品质的变化规律。结果表明:随着压强、保压时间增加,L*升高,a*降低,b*变化不明显,另外L*、a*、b*与介质水温无显著相关性;压强、保压时间、介质水温升高有利于提高鸭肉硬度、黏性与咀嚼性,对鸭肉弹性影响不显著;超高压压强400 MPa、水温40 ℃以上会加速鸭肉脂肪氧化,使TBA值显著增加。


Influence of Ultra-High Pressure Processing on Physicochemical Properties of Cooked Duck Meat

LI Xin, WANG Lan, WU Wenjin, ZU Xiaoyan, GENG Shengrong, LIAO Tao, XIONG Guangquan*

(Hubei Innovation Center of Agricultural Science and Technology, Institute of Agro-Products Processing and Nuclear-Agricultural Technology, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430064, China)

Abstract: The influence of ultra-high pressure (UHP) processing on physicochemical properties (color, texture and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value) of cooked duck meat was studied under varying conditions of pressure level, holding time, and water temperature. Results showed that L* value increased, while a* value decreased with increasing either pressure and holding time; however, b* value had no obvious change. In addition, it was observed that the color did not change with water temperature. Increasing pressure, holding time and water temperature resulted in increased hardness, viscosity and chewiness of cooked duck meat, but did not significantly affect elasticity. Higher pressure (> 400 MPa) and water temperature (> 40 ℃) accelerated lipid oxidation, resulting in significantly increased TBA value.

Key words: cooked duck meat; ultra-high pressure (UHP); physicochemical properties


中图分类号:TS251.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8123(2016)09-0013-04


李新, 汪兰, 吴文锦, 等. 超高压对熟制鸭肉理化性质的影响[J]. 肉类研究, 2016, 30(9): 13-16. DOI:10.15922/ki.rlyj.2016.09.003. http://

LI Xin, WANG Lan, WU Wenjin, et al. Influence of ultra-high pressure processing on physicochemical properties of cooked duck meat[J]. Meat Research, 2016, 30(9): 13-16. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.15922/ki.rlyj.2016.09.003. http://

食品超高压技术(ultra-high pressure processing,UHP)也称高静压处理,又称超高压杀菌技术。超高压灭菌的基本原理是压力对各种微生物的致死作用,主要是通过破坏微生物细胞膜、抑制酶的活性和影响DNA等遗传物质的复制来实现的。影响超高压灭菌效果的因素主要有:压力、加压时间、施压方式、加压温度、水分活度、pH值等[1-2]。超高压杀菌实现了食品在常温或较低温度杀菌,可以延长食品的货架期及确保食品的原有风味、色泽和营养价值[3-4]。


2.3 超高压处理压强、时间与水温对熟制鸭肉TBA值的影响

由图1~2可知,鸭肉TBA值随压力上升而缓慢增加,超高压保压时间对鸭肉TBA值影响不显著。由图3可知,水温4~40 ℃时,鸭肉TBA值变化不明显,而水温40~60 ℃时,鸭肉TBA值显著增加。由此可以看出超高压压强、高介质水温会加速鸭肉脂肪氧化。这是由于高压处理使肌红蛋白和氧合肌红蛋白变性,释放出金属离子,能够促进脂肪氧化[24-26]。另外高压处理会破坏细胞,也会引起自由基反应,加速脂肪氧化[27-29]。脂肪氧化会破坏肉品风味和营养,对鸭肉商品价值产生不利影响。

3 结 论

熟制鸭肉经超高压杀菌处理后,随着压强、保压时间增加,L*升高,a*降低,b*变化不明显,另外L*、a*、b*值与介质水温没有显著的相关性。鸭肉硬度、黏性与咀嚼性随压强(100~500 MPa)、保压时间(10~50 min)、介质水温(4~40 ℃)的升高而增加,而在压强600 MPa、保压时间60 min和介质水温60 ℃时有所降低,超高压处理条件对鸭肉弹性无显著影响;压力(100~600 MPa)以及介质水温的上升(40~60 ℃)会加速鸭肉脂肪氧化,表现为TBA值增加,而保压时间对TBA值没有显著影响。


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