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[摘要] 目的 探讨急性细胞白血病(AML)患者的基因表达特点及临床意义。 方法 选取2014年3月~2015年1月山西医科大学第二医院收治的94例初发AML患者,采用逆转录-多聚酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法检测WT1、P53、DNMT3A、NPM1、PML/RARa、FLT3-ITD、C-KIT、AML1/ETO、TET2、ASXL1基因的表达情况。 结果 AML患者(急性早幼粒细胞白血病除外)中WT1阳性最常见(69.1%),其次为AML1/ETO阳性(24.5%)、NPM1阳性(14.9%)、FLT3-ITD突变阳性(14.9%);其中,1个基因阳性者最常见,占46.8%,2个基因阳性者占28.7%,3个及以上基因阳性者占20.2%;DNMT3A、NPM1多表达于AML-M4,C-KIT、AML1/ETO阳性多见于AML-M2;APL患者PML/RARa融合基因占100%,其中同时FLT3-ITD突变者3例,占27.27%;94例AML患者中,65例WT1表达阳性,其中19例初诊阴性的患者在随访过程中随着WT1增高而呈复发或复发倾向;另外46例初发时WT1升高患者经诱导治疗后34例获得第1次完全缓解或者部分缓解,并且WT1降低。 结论 基因表达在AML的诊断和疗效评估中起重要作用。

[关键词] 急性髓细胞性白血病;基因表达;诊断;预后

[中图分类号] R733.71 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)01(a)-0013-04

Analysis of gene expression characteristics in acute myeloid leukemia

WANG Jie1 YE Fang2 LI Guoxia1 QIAO Zhenhua1 MA Dongsheng1

1.Department of Hematology, the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030001, China; 2.Department of Hematology, Beijing Chuiyangliu Hospital Affiliated to Tsinghua University, Beijing 100022, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the gene expression characteristics of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and their clinical significance. Methods Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect WT1, P53, DNMT3A, NPM1, PML/RARa, FLT3-ITD, C-KIT, AML1/ETO, TET2, ASXL1 gene expressions in 94 new diagnosed AML patients in the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University from March 2014 to January 2015. Results AML patients (except for acute promyelocytic leukemia) with WT1 positivewere the most common (69.1%), followed by AML1/ETO positive (24.5%), NPM1 positive (14.9%), FLT3-ITD positive (14.9%). Moreover, one gene positive patients were the most common (46.8%), 2 gene positive patients accounted for 28.7%, 3 or more gene positive patients accounted for 20.9%. Furthermore, DNMT3A, NPM1 expressed more in AML-M4. C-KIT, AML1/ETO expressed more in AML-M2. PML/RARa fusion gene was 100% in APL patients, and 3 patients with FLT3-ITD mutation, accounted for 27.27%. Among all 94 AML patients, WT1 gene expression was positive in 65 patients. 19 new diagnosed AML patients whose WT1 were negative showed recurrence or tendency of recurrence with the increase of WT1 in the follow-up process. In 46 new diagnosed AML patients whose WT1 gene expressions were positive transfered to negative when 34 cases among these patients got complete remission or partial remission after inductive chemotherapy, and WT1 was decreased. Conclusion Gene expression plays an important role in the diagnosis and effect evaluation of acute myeloid leukemia.



1973年Rowley等[11]第1次提出t(8;21)(q22;q22)染色体易位,产生特异性的AML1/ETO融合基因,AML-M2中其发生率可高达40%~80%[12]。2001年世界卫生组织(WHO)将伴有t(8;21)(q22;q22)AML1/ETO的AML定义为独立亚型,可诊断为t(8;21)AML[13]。其定量检测是监测微小残留病的一个敏感指标[14],拷贝数的高低与治疗、缓解率及复发相关[15]。在危险分层中AML1/ETO阳性往往被认为是预后较好的类型;但同时有高白细胞、髓外浸润、附加染色体异常等[16]高危因素的患者,虽然化疗可取得一定的疗效[17],但是异基因造血干细胞移植比单纯化疗有较好的长期生存率。AML1/ETO阳性的患者C-KIT D816V和N822K突变常见,预后差,骨髓原始细胞比例较高,C-KIT基因突变检测对治疗和预后有重要意义[18]。

TET2在白血病发生中主要表现为抑癌基因功能,可抑制造血干细胞/祖细胞(hematopoietic stem cell/progenitor cell,HSPC)异常自我更新,其功能丢失时可能参与疾病发生。TET2突变的患者预后不良,与无事件生存率、缓解率呈负相关[19],并常合并DNMT3A和JAK2等基因的突变,提示白血病形成的不同阶段[20]。


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(收稿日期:2015-08-20 本文编辑:张瑜杰)