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Music, Our Lifelong Companion

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It is definitely easy to count the benefits of listening to music, and here I would like to cite my own experience as an example. It is about physical exercise in the evening. Within the community park near my apartment building, around seven o’clock each evening, three teams of fast walkers would start out along the avenue to the sound of the song “On the Range”. Nearly an hour later, the teams would end the walking activity to the ending lines of the same song:“the sun set and the clouds in the sky turn red, and the soldiers are coming back from the range.” I found it a very good physical exercise and immediately joined one of the teams and, sure enough, I soon got addicted to it. To my surprise, the small community park is put into maximum use; each evening there are several hundred people doing various forms of physical exercise here, including aged people, middleaged people, young adults, teenagers and small children. And one thing is obvious: almost all activities are done to the tunes of music.

Now let’s see what role music plays here in the small community park. During the one hour of our walking, there are a number of songs played in the sound box, including “On the Range”, “I Am a Soldier” and “Strolling around the New Town” that people of my generation had been familiar with since our childhood, as well as wellknown popular songs, such as “Most Unusual National Wind”, “We the Northeast People Are All Living Lei Feng”, and others that I often hear but cannot recall their titles. All people in our teams, aged or young, are full of spirit and enthusiasm, and all walking in the same pace. Personally, sometimes when I am tired and feel like stopping, I would gain more momentum hearing the melodies and seeing my energetic companions around me. It seems that this group activity may promote a circulation of positive energy and each individual becomes stronger under its influence.

Most of these activities are autonomous, so that one can see few organizers present, but how come so many people could achieve such great unity of pace? The answer, I guess, is the guiding function of music, or melodies, which is surely one of the important functions of music.

People disagree on the origin of music. In the western world, it is a consensus that music comes from religion, while Darwin held a more interesting opinion on this issue. For Darwin, the origin of music was accounted for by his principle of “sexual selection”. According to this principle, the strongest, most active, or most attractive male or female will be the one most likely to gain a mate and, therefore, to reproduce. With respect to birds, the production of pleasing sounds, i.e.“singing”, is a primary means of attraction. In The Descent of Man, Darwin took pains to point out that in addition to birds, animals much closer to man on the evolutionary scale demonstrate similar patterns of behavior. The ultimate conclusion is, of course, that primitive man himself depended partly upon the beauty of his voice to attract a mate. Through the process of sexual selection, such characteristics of voice as were attractive to the opposite sex would have been passed on to succeeding generations, resulting ultimately in vocal music.

The Chinese music originated in the Neolithic Age around 7,000 years ago. According to historical records, music of the primitive age featured integration of singing, dancing and melodies, and music played an important role in religious or spiritual activities, such as prayer, sacrifice and other rituals. According to Marxist theories which we communists believe, labor is the major source of music. Primitive people created music in the process of material production, while music, in turn, helped people gain more strength and alleviate weariness. I think this is easy to understand, for no matter what kind of work you are doing, physical or mental, reading at your desk or plowing in the field, listening to music will always bring you strength, inspirations and happiness.

Music is something beyond the barrier of language, so that it is sometimes superior to language in promoting mutual understanding and communications between people speaking different languages. It is for this reason that nowadays there are so many international music festivals all over the world, and it is these music festivals that lend wings to music of all continents and bring it deep into people’s heart.

One can virtually do everything while listening to music, but on the other hand, music may bring us peace of mind. For some, going to sleep in the sound of music is their everyday routine.

One cannot overemphasize the benefit music, so much so that some people say if someone loves music, he is definitely not an evil person. I always avoid this kind of arbitrariness, but I do wonder how one could do evil in the sound of such beautiful and intoxicating tunes.

Music develops with the progress of human beings and human society. In today’s world, when classical music is still very much alive and resounding, modern and pop music has become part of the mainstream musical culture. We can never exhaust the benefits of music; really, we cannot but enjoy and follow the sound of music and welcome a more beautiful future of human beings.