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>> 吉林省基本实现农业现代化阶段农民职业素质研究 吉林省分区农业现代化水平的比较研究 吉林省地方院校文化创意人才培养问题研究 国家治理体系与治理能力现代化研究 提高国家治理能力的现代化研究 加快推进教育治理能力现代化研究 吉林省地域文化翻译现状及研究 吉林省地区收入分配差距研究 地方高校转型视域下解析教师教育治理现代化 政策工具视角下地方政府治理能力现代化探究 治理能力现代化之途 论社会治理能力现代化 吉林省加快实现农业现代化总体规划编制进展顺利 吉林省率先推进农业现代化建设 吉林省农业现代化进程中农村金融需求分析 吉林省三大体系助推农业现代化 论农业人口转移背景下吉林省农业现代化问题 治理现代化视阈下高校班级治理结构研究 国家治理现代化的地方性视角 吉林省地方人大工作三十年实践的几点启示 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.


Abstract: under the background of comprehensively deep reform in our country, as the talent cultivation and main land of scientific and technological innovation and social service, modern management system and management ability in colleges and universities has become an important part of comprehensive reform deepening education field. Under the strong province strategy of higher education in Jilin province, it is better to adjust the relationship between the local government, local colleges,society and the function, to overcome the internal and external pressure, to advance the management system of local colleges, to improve the management ability. Finally, we can accelerate the process of modernization in local colleges reform.

Key words: local university, management ability,modernization