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You may recognize it in pictures, or know that it is in Paris, but how much do you really know about the Eiffel Tower? See how many of these facts you already knew.


1The Eiffel Tower was built as the entrance arch[拱门] to the 1889 World’s Fair. It was originally intended to stand for 20 years and then be taken down.


2In 1889, Le Figaro注 set up a printing press[印刷机] on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower. A visitor could purchase[购买] his daily newspaper and, for an additional fee[费用], have the paper certified[证明] that he had climbed the Eiffel Tower.


3The Count of Lambert successfully flew around the Eiffel Tower in 1909. While the feat[壮举] marked a milestone in aviation[航空] history, the true benefit was that the aerodynamics[空气动力学] lab on the first floor was able to test and observe how the wings functioned[运行] during flight.


4 A man named Forestier was the first to set the record for running up the tower the fastest. He did it in a mere three minutes and twelve seconds.


5 Father Theodor Wulf observed radiant energy[辐射能] from the top of the Tower. As a result of his experiments, he discovered cosmic rays[宇宙射线]. Since Wulf, the Eiffel Tower has played host to many scientific inquiries[(知识等的)探究].


6 In 2009, the Eiffel Tower was named the third most popular place to commit suicide[自杀] in Europe. In a 2012 newspaper article following a suicide, Tower officials declined[拒绝] to comment[评论] on the number of suicides that have taken place, stating instead, “it is always too many.”


7 When the Germans entered Paris during World War II, the cables for the lift were cut, thus forcing Hitler to climb the Tower if he wanted to go to the top.





