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1.A Tongue-images Segmentation Method Based on Local Restoration and Watershed AlgorithmZHANG Ling,QIN Jian

2.The Experimental Study on Constructing the Tissue Engineered Myocardium-like Tissue in vitro with Bone Mesenchymal Stem CellsXING Wan-hong,MA Jie,GUO Guang-wei,LI Xin-hua,XI Hu-yu

3.Functional Connectivity Difference Detected in Bilateral Occipital Lobes Between the Abacus Experts and Control Groups:Using Nonlinear Processing MethodWANG Zhi-kang,DING Wen-hong,SUN Jian-zhong

4.Automatic Red Tide Algae RecognitionJIANG Tao,WANG Cheng,WANG Bo-liang,XIE Jie-zhen,JIAO Nian-zhi,LUO Ting-wei

5.Digital Filter for Electrocardiogram Preprocessing Based on MicroprocessorWU Xian-wen,WANG Feng

6.Preparation and Targeting Evaluation of Recombined Intrakine Plasmid pEGFP/SDF-1/KDE/Folate-Liposome ComplexesCHEN Hong-yuan,RUI Wen,XU Jun,CAI Shao-hui

7.Observations on Cardiac Output in Animal Experiments and Clinical Application of Jiuling Bileaflet Mechanical Valve ProsthesisLOU Hai-fang,DONG Ai-qiang


1.Characterization of Side Cell Populations Obtained from Human Amnion Mesenchymal CellsLI Ning,PIAO Zhengfu,Mamoru Kobayashi,Koji Sasaki,DING Shu-qin,Aiko Kikuchi,Isao Kamo,Norio Sakuragawa

2.2009 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting

3.A Mathematical Model of Renal Blood Distribution Coupling TGF, MR and Tubular SystemGAO Ci-xiu,YANG Lin,WANG Ke-qiang,XU Shi-xiong,DAI Pei-dong

4.According to Researchers in the United States Using A Computer Can Have An Impact on Those Suffering from Arthritis

5.Construction and Verification of LuxS-negative Mutants of Streptococcus Mutans and the Effect of the Absence of LuxS Gene on the Acid ToleranceYU Dan-ni,CHEN Jie,ZHANG Yao-chao,HAN Yu-zhi

6.Finding Will Improve Accuracy of Cancer Diagnosis

7.P300 EEG Recognition Based on SVM ApproachLIU Hui,ZHOU Wei-dong,HUANG An-hu

8.Cell Area and Strut Distribution Changes of Bent Coronary Stents: A Finite Element AnalysisZHAO Yang,WU Wei,YANG Da-zhi,QI Min

1.Establishing an Initial Electron Beam Model with Monte Carlo Simulation for a Single 6 MV X-ray Medical Linac Based on Particle Dynamics CharacteristicsZHAO Hong-bin,KONG Xiao-xiao,LI Quan-feng,LIN Xiao-qi,BAO Shang-lian

2.Retinal Prosthesis: A Potential Benefit for the BlindYANG Xiao-jie

3.Metabolic Induction of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Urea RemovalZHANG Su-ai,BAI Yu,LI Dong-xia,CHEN Bo-li,SONG Cun-jiang,QIAO Ming-qiang,KONG De-ling,YU Yao-ting

4.An Improved Fixed-point Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis of Functional MRI DataWENG Xiao-guang,WANG Hui-nan,QIAN Zhi-yu

5.An Improved Medical Image Fusion Algorithm for Anatomical and Functional Medical ImagesCHEN Mei-ling,TAO Ling,QIAN Zhi-yu

6.notice to contributors

1.Study on Biocompatibility of Cross-linked Hyaluronic Acid DerivativesLIU Xin,HU Guo-ying,GU Han-qing


3.Independent Source Separation of Multichannel Electroencephalogram Based on Neural NetworkYOU Rong-yi,HE Hong-sheng

4.Investigation of NAD(P)H Fluorescence Decay in Living Cardiomyocytes with Spectrally-resolved Fluorescence Lifetime SpectroscopyCHENG Ying,ANEBA Swida,CHORVAT Jr.Dusan,BASSIEN-Capsa Valerie,ZANG Wei-jin,CHORVATOVA Alzbeta

5.Preparation and Improvation of Nanophase Artificial Bone Composite Scaffold and Relevant Study on PropertiesDENG Yun,GU Han-qing

1.Effects of Long-term Right Ventricular Apical Pacing on Left Ventricular Remodeling and Cardiac FunctionREN Xiao-qing,ZHANG Shu,PU Jie-lin,WANG Fang-zheng

parative Analysis of EEG Signals Based on Complexity MeasureZHU Jia-fu,HE Wei

3.Study on the Interaction Between Tangerine Peel and Beer by Absorption SpectrumWANG Tian-hu,ZHAO Zhi-min,WEI Ben-zheng,JI Lei

4.Experimental Study on Stress Relaxation and Creep Properties of Human Thoracolumbar Vertebral Bodies and Intervertebral DiscsHUANG Jian-song,HUA Hong-xing,WANG Yi-jin,CHEN Yong

5.Study on Modification of Octyl-α-Cyanoacrylate Medical AdhesiveWANG Yan-hong,GU Han-qing

6.Study on Titanium Nitride Film Modified for Intraocular LensZHANG Bai-ming,GU Han-qing

7.Requirements for Evaluation on Drug-medical DeviceDENG Jie,TIAN Jia-xin,GU Han-qing

1.Study on Different Modification Methods of Collagen for Tissue EngineeringXU Xin-yu

2.Segmentation of Bacteria Image Based on Level Set MethodWANG Hua,CHEN Chun-xiao,HU Yong-hong,YANG Wen-ge

3.A New Method for Human Microcirculation Image EnhancementCHEN Yuan,ZHAO Zhi-min,LIU Lei,LI Peng

4.Experimental Observation on Antithrombotic Property of A New Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve in SheepLOU Hai-fang,XU Si-wei

5.Engineers Create Bone that Blends into Tendons

6.Polyvinyl Alcohol-Collagen Composite with Glycosaminoglycan as Scaffolds for Tissue EngineeringLI Qin-hua,MO Xiao-hui,CHEN Jian-su

7.Treatment Registration and Nuclide Decay Calculation SystemWU Jian-guo,CHEN Zhi-jun,ZHOU Ai-qing,WANG Xue-qin,ZHANG Bin,MA Tao,SHEN Jun-jin,LIU Jie,JIN Hai-xia,XU Bo


1.Preparation of Aminated Macroporous Polyvinyl Alcohol Resins and Evaluation for Bilirubin AdsorptionWANG Wei-chao,ZHANG Sheng-nan,HU Yue-han,XIE Hui,OU Lai-liang,YU Yao-ting,KONG De-ling,GU Han-qing

2.The Spatial Equivalence Between Wavelet Decomposition and Phase Space Embedding of EEGYOU Rong-yi,HUANG Xiao-jing

3.Four-Dimensional Computerized Tomography (4D-CT) Reconstruction Based on the Similarity Measure of Spatial Adjacent ImagesZHANG Shu-xu,ZHOU Ling-hong,CHEN Guang-jie,LIN Sheng-qu,YE Yu-sheng,ZHANG Hai-nan

4.A Miniaturized System for Neural Signal Acquiring and ProcessingWANG Min,GAO Guang-hong,XIANG Dong-sheng,CAO Mao-yong,JIA Ai-bin,DING Lei,KONG Hui-min

5.Intravenously Injected Mesenchymal Stem Cells Home to Infarcted Myocardium Without Altering Cardiac FunctionLI Fei,CHENG Zhao-kang,JIA Xiao-hua,LIU Xiao-lei,LIU Yi,OU Lai-liang,KONG De-ling

6.Analysis and Management System of Digital Ultrasonic ImageTAO Qiang,ZHANG Hai-yan,LI Xia,WANG Ke 7.Measurement of Tip Trajectories in the Cardiac ReentryMING Le-qun,ZHANG Hong,PENG Nian-cai,LI Ming-jun

1.Analysis of Electromagnetic Exposure in Wireless Power Transfer System for Endoscopic Micro-robotYE Dong-dong,YAN Guo-zheng,LI Jia-jun,WANG Kun-dong,MA Guan-ying

2.The Anatomic Pathology Evaluation of Liver with Diethylinitrosamine Treated via Intraperitoneal Injection Singly and Peros for 90 Days Carcinogenicity Study in F344 RatsLI Shan-shan,ZHANG Lin,LI Bao-wen,LANG Shu-hui,YANG Yan-wei,ZHANG Di,ZHANG Yang,NARAMA Isao,KAWAYI Zeshow,KANEKO Toyozo,XING Rui-chang,WANG Xiu-wen,LI Bo

3.Stress Transfer Modeling at the Interface of Cemented Prosthesis and FemurYU Xue-zhong,GUO Yi-mu,ZHANG Yun-qiu,LI Jun,HE Rong-xing

4.Mosaic of the Curved Human Retinal Images Based on the Scale-Invariant Feature TransformLI Ju-peng,CHEN Hou-jin,ZHANG Xin-yuan,YAO Chang

5.Examination of the Diagnostic Value and Estimation of the Chaos Phenomenon in Temporomandibular Joint Sounds Using Fractal DimensionZHANG Yu-wei,LIU Zhen-zhai,WANG Yu-sheng,LU Jian-hui

6.The Establishment and Development of Finite Element Model of Human Cervical Vertebra and Its Application ExampleSHEN Xiao-wen,YU Hang-ping,ZOU Wei

1.A Biological Pacemaker Restored by Autologous Transplantation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem CellsREN Xiao-qing,PU Jie-lin,ZHANG Shu,MENG Liang,WANG Fang-zheng

2.Improved Strategies for Parallel Medical Image Processing ApplicationsWANG Kun,WANG Xiao-ying,LI San-li,CHEN Ying

3.Image Registration Based on Improved Mutual Information with Hybrid OptimizerTANG Min

4.Wavelet-Based Diffusion Approach for DTI Image RestorationZHANG Xiang-fen,CHEN Wu-fan,TIAN Wei-feng,YE Hong

5.Softening of the skull bones in normal-looking babies might reflect vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, according to a new study accepted for publication in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM)

6.Review:Optical Methods for Tumors DiagnosingYU Hao

1.3D Finite Element Analysis of a Man Hip Joint Femur under Impact LoadsYU Xue-zhong,GUO Yi-mu,LI Jun,ZHANG Yun-qiu,HE Rong-xin

2.Controlled Release of the Indomethacin Microencapsulation Based on Layer-by-layer Assembly by Polyelectrolyte MultilayersCHEN You-fang,LIN Xian-fu

3.A Novel Cross-section Interpolation Method for Medical ImagesTIAN Yun,WEI Xue-feng,HAO Chong-yang,WANG Yi

4.Study of a Novel Small Caliber Vascular Graft in a Canine Model with Optical and Scanning Electron MicroscopyXU Yi-min,QI Song-tao,SHI Xiao-feng,ZENG Shao-wen,LI Wei-qiu,HUANG Guang-long,ZHUANG Bing-rong 5.Erythrocyte Fragment Count Predicts Hemolysis in Roller PumpsFAN Jun-qiang,XU Shi-wei,CHEN Fang,DING Min-jun

6.3D Medical Image Segmentation Based on Rough Set TheoryCHEN Shi-hao,TIAN Yun,WANG Yi,HAO Chong-yang

1.The Effect of Bioceramic Composite Extracellular Matrixes Used to Repair Bone Deficiency on Relevant Blood Biochemical Indices

2.The Change of Spectral Energy Distribution of Surface EMG Signal During Forearm Action Process

3.Study of 99m Tc-TRODAT-1 Imaging on Human Brain with Children Autism by Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography

4.Study on Wireless Power Transmission for Gastrointestinal Microsystems Based on Inductive Coupling

5.3-D Magnetic Sensor Module for Locating and Tracking MEMS Swallowable Capsule Based on Scalar Form of Magnetic Dipole ModelHttP://

6.Enhancement of Transdermal Drug Delivery by ns Q-swithed Nd:YAG Laser-induced Pressure Wave

1.Study on Preparation and Release of Dexamethasone Hyaluronan Microspheres

2.The Preparation and Biocompatibility Study on Fe2O3 Magnetic Nanoparticles Used in Tumor Hyperthermia

3.Phenotypic Knockout of CXCR4 on Molt-4 with SDF-1α/54 Attached with KDEL

4.Research and Realization of Medical Image Fusion Based on Three-Dimensional Reconstruction

5.Influences of Motion Artifacts on Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Volume and Conformal Radiotherapy Planning

6.3D Medical Image Interpolation Based on Parametric Cubic Convolution

1.The Synergistic Effect of HT and Complement Regulatory Proteins in Resisting the Immunological Rejection of Heterogenic TransplantationLI Sheng-zhi,LIU Bing-qian,WANG Guang-you,ZHANG Yue,MA Zhi-fang,MA Teng-xiang

2.An Analytic Model of Subminiature Auditory Sensation System for Sound Source LocalizationWANG Qing-sheng,TA Na,RAO Zhu-shi

3.An Analog Front End for Recording Neuronal Activity in Freely Behaving Small AnimalsWANG Min,ZHANG Xiao,ZHANG Chun-feng,CAO Mao-yong,LI Cai-fang,KONG Hui-min,QIN Feng-ju,YAN Yu-qin

4.Nonlinear Analysis of Physiological Time SeriesMENG Qing-fang,PENG Yu-hua,XUE Yu-li,HAN Min

5.The Single Training Sample Extraction of Visual Evoked Potentials Based on Wavelet TransformLIU Fang,ZHANG Zhen,CHEN Wen-chao,QIN Bing

6.The Detection of Hidden Periodicities in EEGYOU Rong-yi

1.Correlation Analysis between TCM Syndromes and Physicochemical ParametersSUN Zhan-quan,XI Guang-cheng,Li Hai-xia,YI Jian-qiang,WANG jie

2.Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Bovine Hoof Horn Using Digital Image CorrelationZHANG Dong-sheng,AROLA Dwayne,LUO miao

3.Study on Preparation of the Low-Molecular-Weight Chitosan Using CellulaseLI He-sheng,SUN Yu-xi,HUANG Xiao-chun,WANG Hong-fei,QIU Di-hong

4.An Experimental Investigation on Rheological Properties of Aqueous Xanthan Gum as a Blood Analog FluidZHANG Gen-guang,ZHANG Ming-yuan,YANG Wan-ying,ZHU Xian-ran

5.Analysis of Direct Volume Rendering in VTKWEI jun,ZHAO Hai-tao,TIAN yun,PAN wei,HE Gui-qing,HAO Chong-yang

6.Using PEG as Progen to Preparate Chitosan Scaffold for Tissue EngineeringLi Qin-hua,Chen Jian-su

1.A CT Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Level Set MethodQU Jing-yi,SHI Hao-shan

2.New Virtual Cutting Algorithms for 3D Surface Model Reconstructed from Medical ImagesWANG Wei-hong,QIN Xu-Jia

3.Effect of Surface Modification on Corrosion Resistance of Pure Titanium. An in Vivo ObservationLI Xiao-mei,GUO Tian-wen,WANG Da-lin

4.Expression and Subcellular Localization of Recombinant SDF-1 and Its Mutant Intrakine in Transfected COS-7 CellsCHEN Hong-yuan,GUO Zhi-gang,TAN-yi,MA Wei-feng,CAI Shao-xi,DU-jun,CAI Shao-hui

5.The Effect of Bone Loss Pattern on the Structural Capacity of the Proximal FemurFAN Li-xia,Eric Wang

6.The Effects of Extracellular Matrix on Tissue Engineering Construction of Cartilage in VitroYU Li,LI Fa-tao,TANG Ming-qiao,YAN Wei-qun

1.Investigation the Porous Collagen-Chitosan /Glycosaminoglycans for Corneal Cell Culture as Tissue Engineering ScaffoldLI Qin-hua,CHEN Jian-su

2.Hemodynamics Simulation of Stenosed Coronary Bypass GraftLIU You-jun,QIAO Aike,DU Jian-jun

3.In Vitro Study of Influence of Mimic Cardiac Rate on Hydrodynamics of the Different Mechanical Cardiac Valve ProsthesesCHU Yin-ping,CHENG Jin-lian,CHEN Ru-kun,FAN Yu-bo,Pu Fang

4.The Signal Extraction of Fetal Heart Rate Based on Wavelet Transform and BP Neural NetworkYANG Xiao-hong,ZHANG Bang-cheng,FU Hu-dai

5.The Application of Levenberg-Marquartb Algorithm in EEG Inverse ProblemZOU LIng,MA Zheng-hua

6.Thermographic Diagnosis for Curative Effect of Acupuncture and Qi-gongJI Hong-wei,LI Ying,CHEN Jin-long,QIN Yu-wen

1.Signals Analysis and Clinical Validation of Blood and Oxygen Data in Human BrainLI Kai-yang,LIU Li-jun,WANG Xiang,QIN Zhao,XIE Ze-ping

2.Study on Tat Mediated Magnetic Nanoparticles Having Composite Targeting FunctionYAO Peng,HUANG Jie,ZHAO Ai-jie,KANG Chun-sheng,CHANG Jin,PU Pei-yu

3.Experimental Study and Design of Balloon expandable Endovascular Stent ExpansionWANG Yue-xuan,YI Hong,NI Zhong-hua

4.Construction of Recombinant Plasmid Containing S. Mutans F-ATPase β Subunit GeneYU Dan-ni,JIANG Li

5.The Research on Absorption of Pressure-induced Near-infrared though Tissue in VivoWANG Ling-bo,ZHOU Li,LU Yu,LI Kai-yang