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摘要: 一、引言

2016 中国融资租赁行业年会指出,近年来我国融资租赁业发展迅速,截至2015年底,全国

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[2]国务院办公厅. 关于促进金融租赁行业健康发展的指导意见: 〔2015〕 69号[A/OL]. (2015-9-8)[2016-9-22]. http:///zhengce/content/2015-09/08/content_10147.htm.

[3]BORODIN A, EL-YANIV R. Online Computation and Competitive Analysis [M]. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

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[5]EL-YANIV R, KNAIEL R, LINIAL N. Competitive Optimal On-line Leasing [J]. Algorithmica, 1999, 25(1): 116-140.

[6]YANG X Y, ZHANG W G, ZHANG Y, et al. Optimal Randomized Algorithm for a Generalized Ski-rental with Interest Rate [J]. Information Processing Letters, 2012, 112(13): 548-551.

[7]YANG X Y, ZHANG W G, XU W J, et al. Competitive Analysis for Online Leasing Problem with Compound Interest Rate [J]. Abstract & Applied Analysis, 2011, 26(1): 243C252.

[8]徐维军, 胡茂林. 基于物价指数上涨的最优在线租赁决策模型[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(3): 695-704.

[9]徐维军, 刘幼珠, 陈晓丽, 等. 通胀市场下多设备租赁的在线策略分析[J]. 中国管理科学, 2016, 24(2): 69-75.

[10]徐维军, 张永. 两阶段在线租赁的竞争策略[J]. 系统工程, 2010, 28(1): 118-122.

[11]张永, 张卫国, 徐维军. 可折旧设备在线租赁的随机性竞争策略[J]. 管理科学学报, 2011, 14(1): 69-77.

[12]CHANG W L, LO H C. Joint Determination of Lease Period and Preventive Maintenance Policy for Leased Equipment with residual value [J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2011, 61(3): 489-496.

[13]王扬, 董玉成, 徐寅峰, 等. 多阶段占线赁购问题与竞争分析[J]. 中国管理科学, 2009, 17(3): 101-106.

[14]张卫国, 张永, 徐维军, 等. 随机选择设备获得方式的可折旧设备在线租赁[J]. 管理科学学报, 2013, 16(4): 1-7.

[15]ZHANG Y, ZHANG W G, XU W J, et al. Competitive Strategy for On-line Leasing of Depreciable Equipment [J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2011, 54(1-2): 466-476.

[16]MOHAJAN H. Relation Between Lease Finance and Purchase [J]. International Journal of Economics and Research, 2012, 3(3): 146-158.

[17]DUAN L J, HUANG J W, SHOU B Y. Duopoly Competition in Dynamic Spectrum Leasing and pricing [J]. IEEE Transactions in Mobile Computing, 2012, 11(11): 1706-1719.

[18]AURORA C, BONTAS B. Lease Financing: A New Dual Approach [J]. Management Strategies Journal, 2013, 22(Special): 87-96.

[19]董玉成, 徐寅峰, 徐维军. 可退货在线租赁竞争分析及其风险回报模型[J]. 中国管理科学, 2007, 15(4): 28-33.

[20]王扬, 徐维军, 徐寅峰. 非线性指数回购合同约束的占线租赁问题[J]. 系统工程, 2012, 30(5): 45-50.

[21]杨兴雨, 张卫国, 徐维军, 等. 基于绩效比和合同约束的多阶段在线租赁[J]. 中国管理科学, 2014, 22(2): 94-100.

[22]AZAR Y, BARTAL Y, FEUERSTEIN E, et al. On Capital Investment [J]. Algorithmica, 1999, 25(1): 22-36.

[23]DAMASCHKE P. Nearly Optimal Strategies for Special Cases of On-line Capital Investment [J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 2003, 302(1-3): 35-44.

[24]马卫民, 陈国青. 价格连续型局内设备赁购问题的竞争分析[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2006, 26(4): 90-96.

[25]XIN C L, MA W M, YANG L. Competitive Analysis of Two Special Online Device Replacement Problem [J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2008, 23(2): 203-213.

[26]辛春林, 陈剑, 刘天亮. 基于凸情形下在线设备更新问题的竞争分析[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2009, 29(11): 145-151.

[27]EPSTEIN L, ZEBEDAT-HAIDER H. Rent or Buy Problems with A Fixed Time Horizon [J]. Theory of Computing Systems, 2015, 56(2): 309-329.

[28]ALBERS S, CHARIKAR M, MITZENMACHER M. Delayed Information and Action in Online Algorithms [J]. Information and Computation, 2001, 170(2): 135-152.

[29]FUJIWARA H, IWAMA K. Average-case Competitive Analysis for Ski-rental Problems [J]. Algorithmica, 2005, 42(1): 95-107.

[30]XU Y F, XU W J, LI H Y. On the On-line Rent-or-buy Problem in Probabilistic Environments [J]. Journal of Global Optimization, 2007, 38(1): 1-20.

[31]BIENKOWSKI M. Price fluctuations: To Buy or to Rent [C]//BAMPIS E, JANSEN K. Approximation and Online Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2010, 5893: 25-36.

[32]徐维军, 胡茂林, 张卫国. 基于任务跟踪的在线租赁问题与竞争策略研究[J]. 管理学报, 2009, 6(8): 1035-1040.

[33]AL-BINALI S. A risk-reward framework for the competitive analysis of financial games [J]. Algorithmica, 1999, 25(1): 99-115.

[34]徐维军, 董玉成, 徐寅峰. 收益约束下在线租赁最小风险策略竞争分析[J]. \筹与管理, 2007, 16(2): 88-93.

[35]ZHANG W G, ZHANG Y, XU W J, et al. A risk-reward model for the on-line leasing of depreciable equipment [J]. Information Processing Letters, 2011, 111(6): 256-261.

[36]朱志军, 徐寅峰, 徐维军. 局内租赁问题的风险补偿模型及其竞争分析[J]. 管理科学学报, 2004, 7(3): 64-68.

[37]王扬, 徐维军, 徐寅峰. 一类占线融资租赁问题的最优竞争策略与风险补偿模型[J]. 管理学报, 2011, 8(12): 1866-1871.

[38]丁黎黎, 徐寅峰, 王婷娜. 基于有限预知的折扣商品购买策略研究[J]. 预测, 2006, 25(6): 59-63.

[39]董玉成, 徐寅峰, 徐维军. 可退货在线租赁竞争分析及其风险回报模型[J]. 中国管理科学, 2007, 15(4): 28-33.

[40]DONG Y C, XU Y F, XU W J. The on-line rental problem with risk and probabilistic forecast [C]// PREPARATA F P, FANG Q. Frontiers in Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007, 4613: 117-123.

[41]ZHANG Y, ZHANG W G, XU W J, et al. RiskCreward models for on-line leasing of depreciable equipment [J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2012, 63(1): 167-174.

[42]徐寅峰, 张兴国, 董玉成, 等. 带预期的占线周期性折扣租赁策略[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2008, 28(11): 69-73.

[43]张桂清, 徐寅峰, 王扬. 在线多租赁选择问题的最优竞争策略[J]. 运筹与管理, 2012, 21(1): 11-18.

[44]ZHANG G Q, POON C K, XU Y F. The ski-rental problem with multiple discount options [J]. Information Processing Letters, 2011, 111(18): 903-906.

[45]LOTKER Z, PATT-SHAMIR B, RAWITZ D. Ski rental with two general options [J]. Information Processing Letters, 2008, 108(6): 365-368.

[46]LOTKER Z, PATT-SHAMIR B, RAWITZ D.. Rent, lease or buy: randomized algorithms for multislope ski rental [J]. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2012, 26(2): 718-736.

[47]FUJIWARA H, KITANO T, FUJITO T. On the best possible competitive ratio for multislope ski rental problem [J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2016, 31(2): 463-490.

[48]徐维军, 刘幼珠. 多策略选择的在线租赁模型及其竞争分析[J]. 系统工程, 2013, 31(6): 43-48.

[49]LEVI A, PATT-SHAMIR B. Non-additive two-option ski rental [J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 2015, 584: 42-52.

[50]胡茂林. 可分资产的在线租赁策略及其竞争分析[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2011, 31(01): 144-150.

[51]田传浩, 方. 土地调整与农地租赁市场:基于数量和质量的双重视角[J]. 经济研究, 2013, 48(2): 110-121.