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【摘 要】这是一篇美国明尼苏达大学“Topics In American Culture”的课堂观察记录与评论。在以学

>> 美国明尼苏达大学本科教学管理浅析 明尼苏达大学筹款机制和校友基金会的管理运作探究 明尼苏达大学图书馆发展概况及我们的反思 课堂观察报告 明尼苏达政府的“倒掉” 明尼苏达的囚徒等 明尼苏达森林狼 西北狼 新“狼王”明尼苏达[埃尔・杰弗森] 《妈妈的账单》课堂观察报告 A大学40位青年教师课堂教学大赛的观察报告 个案观察报告 明尼苏达多相人格测验在招聘工作中的应用 发现明尼苏达,另一个旅游天堂 北明尼苏达冰面上的“迪迪”和“戈戈” 化学课堂学生活动行为观察报告 “幼儿课堂行为表现”观察报告 临床用药观察报告 更年妻观察报告 银杏达莫注射液治疗脑梗死的临床观察报告 明尼苏达多项人格问卷(MMPI)效度指标对军事飞行员心理评估的临床价值 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l

3 /the-importance-of-cooperative-


4 /wiki/Incentive_theory

5 /wiki/Action_learning

6 Conti Assessing teaching style ineducation: How and why [J]. Lifelong Learning, 1985 Vol8 No.8: 7~11、28

7 McCombs, B.L. and J. S. Whisler. The learner-centered classroom and school: Strategies for increasing student motivation and achievement[M]. San. Francisco Jossey-Bass, 1997

8 Constance K. Knop, Increasing Use of Target Language in Classroom Interactions[Z], www.oomroom. ca/resources/knop_


9 Gary Althen, American Ways[M]. Yarmouth, Maine, Intercultural Press, Inc, 1988: 10~11

10 Joyce Hurt. The advantages and disadvantages of teaching and learning on-line[J]. the Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, Summer 2008

〖附 件〗

Customs Presentation: Peer Feedback

Speaker’s name: _________________

Reviewer’s name: ________________

Time: _____________

Please indicate whether your classmate’s speech include the following elements:

1.Attention getter_____ yes ______ no

2.Preview(road map)_____ yes ______ no

3.Transitions _____yes ______no

4.Review(summary)_____ yes ______ no

5.Memorable statement_____ yes ______ no

What method did the speaker use to get your attention?____

On a scale of 1~10, rate how well the preview statement previewed the speech? _____

Please rate the following elements of delivery:


Volume poorokaygoodexcellent

Speed poorokaygoodexcellent


Intonation poorokaygoodexcellent


Eyecontact poorokaygoodexcellent

Hand gesturespoorokaygoodexcellent

Posture poorokaygoodexcellent

Avoided distracting poorokaygoodexcellent


Discussion: Talk about these questions after the speaker finishes.

1.What was the best part of the speech? Why?

2.What parts of the speech were confusing? How can these parts be made clear?

3.Do any parts of the speech require explanation? How can the speaker add more details?

4.What should the speaker work on improving before Tuesday?