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[摘要] 目的 评价应用半导体激光辅助治疗牙周牙髓联合变的临床效果。方法 选择牙周牙髓联合病变患者30例为研究对象,随机分为试验组和对照组,每组15例。对照组患牙进行根管治疗和牙周系统治疗,试验组患牙在进行根管治疗和牙周系统治疗基础上辅助半导体激光治疗。观测治疗前、治疗3个月后和治疗6个月后牙周探诊深度(PPD)、临床附着水平(CAL)、改良出血指数(mBI)、根尖周指数(PAI)等牙周牙髓临床指标的变化,评价半导体激光在辅助治疗牙周牙髓联合病变中的作用。结果 治疗3个月后,试验组和对照组的PPD、CAL和mBI较治疗前均显著下降;试验组PPD下降值与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),试验组CAL和mBI的下降值与对照


异无统计学意义。结论 半导体激光辅助治疗牙周牙髓联合病变对于取得长期和稳定的疗效有一定作用,对病变


[关键词] 牙周牙髓联合病变; 半导体激光; 辅助治疗

[中图分类号] R 781.05 [文献标志码] A [doi] 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1182.2012.02.012

The clinical study on the use of diode laser irradiation in the treatment of periodontal-endodontic combined lesions Li Yuangao, Wang Xiao, Xu Jingling, Zhou Xin, Xie Kexian. (Dept. of Stomatology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China)

[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the adjunctive effect of diode laser irradiation for the treatment of periodontal- endodontic combined lesions. Methods 30 cases with periodontal-endodontic combined lesions were selected. All cases were randomly divided into experimental group and control group(n=15). In the control group, patients were

treated with root canal therapy and conservative periodontal treatment(scaling and root planning), and patients in the experimental group were treated with root canal therapy and conservative periodontal treatment followed by diode laser irradiation. Clinical measurements including pocket probing depth(PPD), clinical attachment level(CAL), modified

bleeding index(mBI), periapical index(PAI) were taken before treatment(baseline). Three and six months after the treatment, the adjunctive effects of diode laser in the treatment of periodontal-endodontic combined lesions were evaluated. Results Three months after the treatment, the average PPD, CAL and mBI levels were reduced signifi-cantly in both groups. But the average PPD reduction in the experimental group was significantly greater(P

in control group. However the average CAL and mBI reduction were not significantly different between two groups. Six months after the treatment, the average PPD, CAL and mBI levels were further reduced in the experiment group, but not in the control group. The average PAI levels were reduced significantly in both groups, but the PAI reduction was not significantly different between two groups. Conclusion The use of diode laser as an adjunct procedure in the treatment of periodontal-endodontic combined lesions can aid in achieving success.