[摘要] 目的 研究脑出血患者在急诊内科的急救措施的临床价值。方法 方便选取试验对象:该院2014年4月―2015年7月收治的83例脑出血患者。患者分组方法:掷硬币法。83例患者分为传统急救组和微创急救组两个组别。传统急救组给予急诊内科开颅急救措施;微创急救组给予急诊内科微创急救措施。观察指标:①抢救成功率;②急救并发症发生率。 结果 微创急救组相比于传统急救组抢救成功率95.24%更高,传统急救组仅为75.61%,差异有统计学意义,P
[关键词] 脑出血患者;急诊内科;急救措施;临床价值
[中图分类号] R446 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)07(a)-0000-02
[Abstract] Objective To study the clinical value of emergency measures in emergency internal medicine in patients with cerebral hemorrhage. Methods Convenient selection 83 cases of cerebral hemorrhage from April 2014 to July 2015 were treated in our hospital from 2014 to. Patient grouping: coin toss. 83 patients were divided into two groups: the traditional first aid group and the minimally invasive first aid group. The traditional emergency treatment group was given emergency emergency internal medicine emergency measures; minimally invasive emergency treatment group was given minimally invasive emergency internal medicine. Results Compared to the traditional first aid group, the success rate of the minimally invasive treatment group was 95.24% higher than that of the traditional first aid group, the traditional first aid group was only 75.61%, among which, significant P < 0.05. Minimally invasive treatment group than in the traditional emergency group emergency lower incidence of complications. Among them, in the control group, 4 cases of pulmonary infection, 2 cases of cerebral edema, 3 cases of hemorrhage of digestive tract, the incidence of 21.95%; observation group 1 cases of pulmonary infection, 1 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, incidence rate of 4.76%, significant difference, P < 0.05. Conclusion The clinical value of minimally invasive treatment of cerebral hemorrhage patients with minimally invasive surgery is high, can effectively improve the prognosis of patients, reduce the incidence of complications, reduce the mortality rate, it is worth promoting.
[Key words] In patients with cerebral hemorrhage; Emergency internal medicine; First aid; Clinical value
脑出血为常见临床急症,于中老年人中发病率高,属于脑部严重并发症,发病快,致残率和致死率均比较高,患者可出现肢体偏瘫、意识障碍和失语,等症状[1-2],为了改善患者预后,需及时采取有效的急救措施。该研究方便选取该院2014年4月―2015年 7月收治的83例脑出血患者进行分组研究,对脑出血患者在急诊内科的急救措施的临床价值进行分析,现报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
试验对象:方便选取该院2014年4月―2015年 7月收治的83例脑出血患者。患者分组方法:掷硬币法。83例患者分为传统急救组和微创急救组两个组别。该研究通过伦理委员会的批准。所有患者知情同意。42例微创急救组患者中:患者中男性28例,女性14例;年龄低至54岁,高至80岁,年龄平均值(65.34±10.29)岁。出血量25~55 mL,平均值(36.67±4.32)mL;其中,意识模糊有12例、轻度、中度和重度昏迷分别有20例、6例和4例。41例传统急救组患者中:年龄低至53岁,高至80岁,年龄平均值(65.18±10.02)岁。出血量25~56 mL,平均值(36.18±4.47)mL;其中,意识模糊有11例、轻度、中度和重度昏迷分别有19例、7例和4例。两组患者基线资料包括年龄、性别、出血量和意识状态,等P>0.05,研究有较强的可行性。