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I guess if you asked a Chinese student what he thinks about German high schools, then he’d say no homework at all, fun and without doing anything getting excellent marks. If you asked a German student in comparison, he’d say marching the whole day and studying the whole night through.

You see, I as a German student, wouldn’t agree to these prejudices and I’m sure a Chinese student wouldn’t either.


And to put an end on these prejudices, I decided to give you a small overview about the differences at school in these two countries:

Chinese students spend most of their time at school. They’re living, eating, sleeping and of course learning at school. For a German student that would be revolutionary. He or she lives, mostly eats and sleeps at home. There exist some rare students who attend boarding schools but the majority attend public schools.


The schools in Germany expects their students to wear suitable clothes, which means no mini-skirts or belly-free tops. Except of those a student can wear whatever he or she wants to. The German government sometimes thinks about making the students wear uniforms in an attempt to unique them, but until now we as the students could always prevent that (e.g. by demonstrations). We are also allowed to wear jewelry or make-up and don’t need to cut our hair. The teacher aren’t always happy about these circumstances because female students wearing skirts or tight tops disturb the attention of male students during classes.


The equipment of German schools is in comparison to Chinese schools old. Here in China every classroom has its own TV and overhead projector.In Germany many classes share one, which is quite exhausting because you need to rent it and sometimes there aren’t any available.


A common school in Germany consists of classrooms (each class max. 33 students), a sports hall and a sport field, some have a canteen, a computer room which everyone can use whenever and as often as he or she wants to.


In comparison to the Chinese high schools, we don’t have an amount of required classes per day. The government orders for instance that 11th grade needs to attend 36 classes (each class 45min.) per week (in China 40 classes). It’s true that we often don’t need to attend classes in the afternoon but it’s just because in the morning we have 6 instead of 4 classes. In the weekends we never have lessons and in Germany we also don’t have monthly exams as it is custom in China. The government orders how many exams we need to writeduring the year and the teacher decides when it is written. Of course we also need to write tests before the regular lesson begins but not as often as my Chinese classmates need to.


I got really surprised when my classmates led me to the sports field for the first time to watch the Chinese national flag rise and to sing the national hymn. It also astonished me to do exercises every morning because in Germany we have none of it.

I don’t know if it exists here to go on a study trip with your class because I haven’t heard of it yet. In Germany every class goes on such a trip once during middle school and once during high school. At the end of middle school and/or high school the class also goes on a trip where they celebrate their exams. If a student cannot afford it the school will support him or her.



We also organize special days such as Valentines Day (roses and envelopes for love-letters can be bought and are delivered by girls costumed as angels) or the Rio Day, where we are selling food and other self-made things in an attempt to collect money for the street kids in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

It’s also common that you can attend so called “AG”s. It’s a kind of club at school where you meet with other students who share the same hobbies or preferences. For example I attended the Red Cross Club. You don’t need to go there but I loved to go because it’s a lot of fun and you also learn quite a lot.


Now I have told you many things about the life around school but isn’t learning the meaning of going to school?!

Well, the lessons in Germany are also very different to the Chinese ones. Chinese teachers prepare themselves properly and mostly use PowerPoint. German teachers are often, well how to describe them correctly, maybe a little old-fashioned and sometimes even lazy which means some of them don’t prepare their lessons and mostly don’t use PowerPoint. They think it is us who should speak, think and prepare. They often tell us a new topic and then let us discuss the pro and contras or telling what we think about it. We also need to prepare presentations, which means the teacher divides us into small groups who need to present a topic to their classmates.


In my opinion German lessons are mostly about presentations and discussions whereas Chinese lessons mostly consist of listening to the teacher and learning as fast as possible. They never question what they are taught or arguing with the teacher about some skeptical topics as we do.

It was also new for me that students don’t get any oral marks. In Germany every student gets an oral mark which influences the final mark in a subject.


As I have said before you cannot compare Chinese and German high schools with each other. They are completely different, both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Nevertheless I feel here in China very comfortable and although some of the school rituals are strange to me, I got used to it and now everything seems almost natural to me.

I am sure if my class had not acted and behaved the way they did, I wouldn’t feel so secure and welcome here. That’s why I want to thank you for making me a part of your class and for helping me finding my way through.

