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欧盟海关现代化法案实施细则草案在230-02条中指出: 货物出口销售到欧盟关境内在报关进口以自由流通时,海关价格应采用成交价格法确定(一般是指进入关境之前商业链上最后一次销售); 对于货物进入关境后、自由流通前的再售,可以是符合第一款的销售也可以是被放行进入流通前的最后一次销售。



Thoughts on the ‘first sale’ rule

The ‘first sale’ rule is a method used to arrive at the transaction value of merchandise which is the subject of multi-tiered sales. European Union (EU), United States (US) and Japan accept the first sale appraisement. Using the rule,the importer can reduce by as much as 50 per cent the amount of ad valorem customs duties paid.

In the US, CBP generally accepts this methodology provided: the transaction between the vendor and the middleman represents a bona fide sale of merchandise,the sale is an arm’s length transaction,the goods are clearly destined for export to the US without any contingency of diversion to other markets.

In the EU, the first sale rule is enshrined in Article 147, par. 1, of the Commission Regulation. According to this provision, if goods are introduced into the EU through a ‘chain of sales’, operators can report as the customs value the selling price in an earlier transaction. Only if they can demonstrate, that a bona fide ‘sale for export’ to the EU has taken place.

In January 2008, the CBP proposed the elimination of first sale and proposed that the transaction value should be based on the ‘last sale’. Many substantial importers, trade groups and industry organizations filed comments and legal briefs in strong opposition to the proposal. CBP formally withdrew its revocation proposal finally.

In April 2007, the WCO Technical Committee on Customs Valuation adopted Commentary 22.1, stated that where multi-tiered sales transactions exist, customs administrators face considerable problems in verifying information (including accounting records), then suggested that the price actually paid or payable for the imported goods when sold for export to the country of importation should correspond to the price paid in the last sale occurring prior to the introduction of the goods into the country of importation. While the WCO Committee has merely an advisory function and its Commentaries have no binding effect, Commentary 22.1 has been largely influential on both sides of the Atlantic.

Article 230-02 of the Draft Implementing Provisions of the EU MCCC states that:1. The customs value is determined under the transaction value method if the goods have been the subject of a sale for export to the customs territory of the Union at the time of acceptance of the declaration for free circulation. [As a general rule the last sale in the commercial chain, before introduction of the goods into the customs territory, meets this requirement: …to be completed].2. In the case of resale in the customs territory before release for free circulation, either the sale applicable under paragraph 1, or the last sale before the release of the goods for free circulation shall apply.

Obviously, the EU Commission is intentioned to replace the‘first sale’ rule with a ‘last sale’ rule. Such a change would certainly raise import duties and negatively affect a large number of European companies enjoying the first sale benefit. Additionally, it could encourage the CBP to renew its effort to revoke first sale in the US, and may even result in a change in the WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation or the interpretation.

来源:World Customs Journal Volume 4, Number 1 P39-44

作者 : Danilo Desiderio 意大利律师,意大利报关行研究和服务中心以及泛欧报关行协会顾问。

Frank J Desiderio美国海关和国际贸易事务专职律师,美国商务部意大利商会的关税和贸易顾问。